10 19 1992 Oro Committee on Religion in the Schools - MinutesMINUTES ORO COMMITTEE ON RELIGION IN THE SCHOOLS Monday October 19, 1992 at CENTRAL ORO PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The concerned citizens of Oro and the Oro Committee on Religion in the Schools met at the Central Oro Presbyterian Church on Monday, Oct ober 19, 1992 with 12 persons present. Churches represented - Central Oro Presbyterian Esson " Oro Station Guthrie Hawkestone United The meeting was opened at 7:35 by Hugh Douglas who acted as Chairman in the absence of Rev. W. Heath who is recovering from a heart condition, after a prayer by Rev. C.E. Buridge. Hugh Douglas advised that in speaking with Lois LeBarr of the Simcoe County Board of Education she had indicated that the Bo,rd had taken a vote and was in favour of retaining the principles of Judeo Christian faith in its origianal context in Clause 235 (1)(c) of the Christian Education Act. And also read an article from the Orillia Packet and Times stating that the Board was opposed to the Amendment proposed by the Govern- ment of Ontario to remove that clause, and further that the Board was to forward„a letter to the Premier of Ontario and to the Minister of Education advising of the Boards opposition to the proposed Amendment. He also advised thtt the Citizen's Committee for T adional Values had been unable to make a presentation the The Simcoe County Board of Education as had been scheduled. He then introduced the speaker for the meeting, Mrs. Joy Turner. from Elmvale, who had consented to come to the meeting when he had approached her by telephone. Mrs. Turner advised that she had been appointed to the Advisory Committee to the Simcoe County School Board and that She and her husband operated the ToJo Christian Camp Ground. She mentioned that the Committee had first approached the Board to meet in April, which had been postponed to June,,then to September. She next mentioned the meeting at which Carole Ann Stephens had been the speaker at a meeting held at the Barrie Central Collegiate on October 6, 1992. She then mentioned the "New Age Movement" - which teaches that you are reliable only to yourself - meditate - empty your mind to allow spiritual focus - God like acult - people are used as the channel. Holistic - taking everything into one, the person being the centre, not Christ. Teaching New Age - Humanism and taking away God from their caching. It is most imparative now that parents as Chrittians must: - learn how to deal with teachers and principals and what is taught in the schools - must get involved - Comments on T.V. - newspapers, Editor of the Toronto Sun has been supportive of the Christian standpoint - the Tomtit() Star appears the apposite - less supportive. She next mentioned the handing out or making available comdoms and literature on safe sex acid read a pamphlet that had been printed and distributed - some kids would be amused and others would indicp.te that this is not what Is wanted. Board of Health promotions and literature needs to be looked into and letters forwarded to the Minister of Health. As well as telephone calls to the Boards of Health. Christian voices are on the outside - today Christians must take an active stand. School Ciriculums now that they are put to- gether by Professors who appear to lean towards non Christian support and/or inclusion, rather towards atheism. The floor was opened to any questions following the talk. A number of questions were asked and responded to by Mrs. Turner. It was suggested by persons present and Mrs. Turner that it would seem appropriate that letters be forwarded to The Simcoe County Board of Education expressing appreciation,yof the Boardts vote to oppose the Amendment by the Province of Ontario to -remove Clause 235 (1) (c) and that this clause remain the same to uphold the teaching of Judeo Christian Faith and principles. Mrs. Turner advised that the Committee on Religion is meeting with the Simcoe County Board of Education next week with respect to Festive Times in the Schools. Mrs. Turner concluded by advising that we need to get more involved in the Community - organize groups to teach children and related activities of some of the Groups in the Elmvale Community, by getting time at Community Centres with fun and games for 1 hours and -- hour of religious teaching. Noting that a large number of the children attending were ones not attending any church. -she advised that she would be forwarding some material for information. Various topics wete brought forward and discussed. The Chairman, Hugh Douglas thanked the speaker for her very inform- ative talk and advised that the meeting had received a lot of information that this group had never received. The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 p.m. and it was left the appointed Committee of this group would meet on Monday, November 2, 1992, after which notice of the next general meeting would be announced at the various churches. Henry Neufeld Secretary. Hugh Douglas Chairman of the Meeting