11 10 2004 COW Minutes TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE REGULAR COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, November 10, 2004 @ 9:05 a.m. Council Chambers Present: Mayor J. Neil Craig Deputy Mayor Harry Hughes Councillor Dan Buttineau Councillor Ralph Hough Councillor Paul Marshall Councillor John Crawford Councillor Ruth Fountain Staff Present: Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAG; Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk; Paul Gravelle, Treasurer; Andria Leigh, Senior Planner; Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering/Environmental Services; Joe Casey, Director of Fire and Emergency Services; Chris Carter, Recreation Co-ordinator; Doug Irwin, Records Management Co- ordinator Also Present: Allan Baker, Joe Charles, John Waugh, Mel Coutanche, John Hare Mayor J. Neil Craig assumed the chair and called the meeting to order. 1. NOTICE OF ADDITIONS TO AGENDA Motion No. CW-1 Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that the following items be added to the agenda for consideration: 6. FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION AND FIRE: c) Deputy Mayor Hughes, re: Tracking Council/Committee Direction, received November 3, 2004. Carried. 2. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Motion No. CW-2 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Crawford It is recommended that the agenda for the Committee of the Whole meeting of Wednesday, November 10, 2004 be received and adopted. Carried. 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: - "IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" None declared. 4. DEPUTATIONS: None. 5. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Ontario Good Roads Association / Rural Ontario Municipal Association, correspondence dated October 27, 2004 re: Preliminary Program for 2005 ROMA/OGRA Combined Conference, February 20-23, 2005. Motion No. CW-3 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that the correspondence dated October 27, 2004 from Ontario Good Roads Association / Rural Ontario Municipal Association, re: Preliminary Program for 2005 ROMA/OGRA Combined Conference, February 20-23, 2005 be received; and further that Councillor Fountain and Councillor Marshall be authorized to attend. Carried. Page 2 Committee of the Whole Meeting - November 10, 2004 b) Brent Clarkson, MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson Planning Limited, correspondence dated October 18, 2004 re: Former Buffalo Springs Subdivision and Georgian North Land - Potential Alternative [Refer to Item 9a)]. Motion No. CW-4 Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that the correspondence dated October 18, 2004 from Brent Clarkson, MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson Planning Limited, re: Former Buffalo Springs Subdivision and Georgian North Land - Potential Alternative be received. Carried. c) Josephine Martensson-Hemsted, correspondence dated September 24,2004 re: Noise By-Law. Motion No. CW-5 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Crawford It is recommended that the correspondence dated September 24, 2004 from Josephine Martensson-Hemsted, re: Noise By-Law be received and referred to staff for a response. Carried. d) Brent King, Program Manager, Pitch-In Ontario, correspondence dated October 18, 2004 re: Pitch-In Canada Campaign. Motion No. CW-6 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that the correspondence dated October 18, 2004 from Brent King, Program Manager, Pitch-In Ontario, re: Pitch-In Canada Campaign be received; and further that the Township continue to support Pitch-In Canada through the provision of materials and the arrangement of garbage pick-up. Carried. Page 3 Committee of the Whole Meeting - November 10, 2004 6. FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION AND FIRE: a) Report No. TR 2004-28, Bonnie McPhee, Accounting Clerk, re: Statement of Accounts, October, 2004. Motion No. CW-7 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Buttineau It is recommended that Report No. TR 2004-28, Bonnie McPhee, Accounting Clerk, re: Statement of Accounts, October, 2004 be received; and further that the accounts for the month of October, 2004 totalling $1,764,454.49 be received. Carried. b) Report No. ADM 2004-54, Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk, re: Council Appointments to Committees/BoardslTechnical Support Groups. Motion No. CW-8 Moved by Buttineau, Seconded by Hough 1. It is recommended that Report No. ADM 2004-54, Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk, re: Council Appointments to Committees/Boards/Technical Support Groups be received and adopted; 2. That the following Council representatives be appointed for the 2005 term: (1) Deputy Mayor Hughes and (2) Councillor Hough to the Site Plan Control Technical Support Group, (1) Councillor Marshall and (2) Councillor Buttineau to the Recreation Technical Support Group, (1) Councillor Crawford to the Orillia Library Board, (1) Councillor Fountain to the Orillia Chamber of Commerce, (1) Councillor Crawford to the Oro-Medonte Chamber of Commerce, and (1) Councillor Buttineau to the Oro-Medonte Community Policing Committee. 3. And further that, subsequent to the enactment of an appointment by-law, the appropriate committees/boards/technical support groups be advised of Council's decision. Carried. Page 4 Committee of the Whole Meeting - November 10, 2004 c) Deputy Mayor Hughes, re: Tracking Council/Committee Direction, received November 3, 2004. Discussion. 7. PUBLIC WORKS: None. 8. ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES: None. 9. BUilDING, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: a) Report No. PO 2004-61, Nick McDonald, Meridian Planning Consultants Inc., re: Potential Alternative to Layout of Buffalo Springs Subdivision. Motion No. CW-9 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that Report No. PO 2004-61, Nick McDonald, Meridian Planning Consultants Inc., re: Potential Alternative to Layout of Buffalo Springs Subdivision be received and adopted; and further that the applicant be advised of Council's willingness to consider an application to develop additional lots on the Johnston property in accordance with correspondence from MHBC Planning dated October 18, 2004. Carried. b) Report No. PO 2004-58, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner re: Zoning By-Law Amendment for Selri Investments, Concession 3, Part of Lot 27, RP 51 R-29332, Part 1 (Ora), Township of Ora-Medonte. Motion No. CW-10 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Buttineau It is recommended that Report No. PO 2004-58, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner re: Zoning By-Law Amendment for Selri Investments, Concession 3, Part of Lot 27, RP 51 R-29332, Part 1 (Ora), Township of Ora-Medonte be deferred pending Council's consideration of the deferral of Confidential Report ADM 2004-012 on February 18, 2004. Carried. Page 5 Committee of the Whole Meeting - November 10, 2004 c) Report No. PO 2004-62, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner I Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, re: Road Access from Proposed Plan of Subdivision Application - Stone Ridge Estates 43T003602 (City of Orillia). Motion No. CW-11 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the recommendation with respect to Report No. PO 2004-62, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner I Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, re: Road Access from Proposed Plan of Subdivision Application - Stone Ridge Estates 43T- 03602 (City of Orillia) be deferred. Carried. Motion No. CW-12 Moved by Buttineau, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that Report No. PO 2004-62, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner I Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, re: Road Access from Proposed Plan of Subdivision Application - Stone Ridge Estates 43T-03602 (City of Orillia) be received and adopted; and further that Hepinstall Place at Bass Lake Side Road East and Sunset Crescent at Highway 12 remain open to through traffic. Deferred. Motion No. CW-13 Moved by Buttineau, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the motion to defer Report No. PO 2004-62, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner I Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, re: Road Access from Proposed Plan of Subdivision Application - Stone Ridge Estates 43T-03602 (City of Orillia) be rescinded. Carried. Page 6 Committee of the Whole Meeting - November 10, 2004 Motion No. CW-14 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the recommendation with respect to Report No. PO 2004-62, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner / Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, re: Road Access from Proposed Plan of Subdivision Application - Stone Ridge Estates 43T- 03602 (City of Orillia) be deferred. Rescinded. Motion No. CW-15 Moved by Buttineau, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that Report No. PO 2004-62, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner / Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, re: Road Access from Proposed Plan of Subdivision Application - Stone Ridge Estates 43T-03602 (City of Orillia) be received and adopted; and further that Hepinstall Place at Bass Lake Side Road East and Sunset Crescent at Highway 12 remain open to through traffic. Defeated. Recorded Vote Requested by Deputy Mayor Hughes Deputy Mayor Hughes Nay Councillor Marshall Nay Councillor Buttineau Yea Councillor Crawford Nay Councillor Fountain Nay Councillor Hough Yea Mayor Craig Nay Motion No. CW-16 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Buttineau It is recommended that staff petition, through a letter under the Mayor's signature, The City of Orillia with respect to the location of Road "0" of the proposed subdivision to investigate possible alternatives. Carried. Page 7 Committee of the Whole Meeting - November 10, 2004 10. IN-CAMERA: Motion No. CW-17 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Buttineau It is recommended that we do now go In-Camera at 11 :00 a.m. to discuss Legal and Personnel Matters. Carried. Motion No. CW-18 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that we do now Rise and Report from In-Camera at 1 :25 p.m. Carried. a) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO re: Legal Matter. Motion No. CW-19 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that the Legal Matter with respect to Confidential Report No. PO 2004-60 be deferred. Carried. b) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO re: Personnel Matter. Motion No. CW-20 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Buttineau It is recommended that the Confidential Report No. ADM 2004-55, Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Personnel Matter (salaries) be received and adopted; that Schedule "A" be adopted by Council; and further that Council authorize the salary increases for Management employees to be retroactive to January 1, 2004. Carried. Page 8 Committee of the Whole Meeting - November 10, 2004 11. ADJOURNMENT: 9 Motion No. CW-21 Moved by Buttineau, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 1 :30 p.m. Carried. Clerk,.~rilyn Pe(t}nycook Page 9 Committee of the Whole Meeti ng - November 10, 2004 "