10 27 2004 COW Minutes
Wednesday, October 27,2004 @ 9:05 a.m.
Council Chambers
Mayor J. Neil Craig
Deputy Mayor Harry Hughes
Councillor Dan Buttineau
Councillor Ralph Hough
Councillor Paul Marshall
Councillor John Crawford
Councillor Ruth Fountain
Staff Present:
Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO; Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk; Paul Gravelle,
Treasurer; Andria Leigh, Senior Planner; Keith Mathieson, Director of
Engineering/Environmental Services; Joe Casey, Director of Fire and
Emergency Services; Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent; Chris
Carter, Recreation Co-ordinator; Nick McDonald, Meridian Planning
Consultants Inc.; Doug Irwin, Records Management Co-ordinator
Also Present:
Howard Leake, Jim Woodford, Allan Baker, Joe Charles, Corinne
Bremner, Nancy Crisp, John Ayerst, Anna Girling, Brenda Goodchild,
Larry Goodchild, Jim Purnell, Ed Makarow, Wilf McMechan, Janis
Maciver, Sharon Cook, Ed Boeyenga, Bob Fournier, Jack Haggerty,
Pat Hastings, Michael Hamilton
Mayor J. Neil Craig assumed the chair and called the meeting to order.
Council unanimously agreed that Jim Woodford be listed as a deputation re: Environment
First. Council unanimously agreed that Tom Chillman be listed as a deputation re: PO
2004-53, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner re: Refund of Application Fee on Zoning By-law
Amendment, Concession 8, West Part of Lot 26 (Oro), Township of Oro-Medonte.
Motion No. CW-1
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hughes
It is recommended that the following items be added to the agenda for consideration:
b) Jim Woodford, re Environment First.
c) Tom Chill man, re: PO 2004-53, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner re: Refund of Application
Fee on Zoning By-law Amendment, Concession 8, West Part of Lot 26 (Oro), Township
of Oro-Medonte.
Motion No. CW-2
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Marshall
It is recommended that the agenda for the Committee of the Whole meeting of
Wednesday, October 27,2004 be received and adopted.
None declared.
a) Doug Lewis, Lewis Downey Tornosky & Lassaline, re: Proposed Development of
Subdivision (South of the Bass Lake Side Road, West of the Harvie Settlement
Road), Orillia.
Doug Lewis also distributed a plan of Bass Lake Heights, Huronia Homes to the
Committee. Anna Girling gave verbal comments to the Committee.
Motion No. CW-3
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Buttineau
It is recommended that the correspondence dated October 19, 2004 from Doug
Lewis, Lewis Downey Tornosky & Lassaline, re: Proposed Development of
Subdivision (South of the Bass Lake Side Road, West of the Harvie Settlement
Road), Orillia be received and referred to staff for inclusion in the report to be
presented to Council on this matter.
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Committee of the Whole Meeting October 27,2004
b) Jim Woodford, re Environment First.
Jim Woodford distributed a written submission to the Committee.
Motion No. CW-4
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that the information from Jim Woodford re: Baywinds / UCCI be
c) Tom Chillman, re: PO 2004-53, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner re: Refund of
Application Fee on Zoning By-law Amendment, Concession 8, West Part of Lot
26 (Oro), Township of Oro-Medonte.
Motion No. CW-5
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that the information presented by Mr. Tom Chillman re: refund of
Application Fee for 2004-ZBA-15 be received.
a) Gayle Wood, CAO/Secretary-Treasurer, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation
Authority, correspondence dated October 5, 2004 re: LSRCA's 2004
Conservation Award Gala, November 25, 2004, Ballantrae Golf & Country Club.
Motion No. CW-6
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hughes
It is recommended that the correspondence dated October 5, 2004 from Gayle
Wood, CAO/Secretary-Treasurer, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, re:
LSRCA's 2004 Conservation Award Gala, November 25, 2004, Ballantrae Golf &
Country Club be received; and further that Councillor Marshall and Deputy Mayor
Hughes be authorized to attend.
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Committee of the Whole Meeting - October 27,2004
b) John and Melissa Richardson, correspondence dated October 12, 2004 re:
Request for Easement, Lots 26 and 27, Concession 8, Lots 280 to 289 and 310
to 319, Plan 606.
Motion No. CW-7
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Marshall
It is recommended that the correspondence dated October 12, 2004 from John and
Melissa Richardson, re: Request for Easement, Lots 26 and 27, Concession 8, Lots
280 to 289 and 310 to 319, Plan 606 be received and referred to stafffor a report.
c) \^Ja!!y and Corinne Bremner, correspondence dated October 13, 2004 re:
Development of West Ridge Subdivision, Orillia.
Motion No. CW-8
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes
It is recommended that the correspondence dated October 13, 2004 from Wally and
Corinne Bremner, re: Development of West Ridge Subdivision, Orillia be received
and referred to staff for inclusion in the report to be presented to Council on this
d) Sylvia Stateski, Thomas Stateski, William Carruthers, correspondence received
October 15, 2004 re: Development of the West Ridge Subdivision, Orillia.
Motion No. CW-9
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hughes
It is recommended that the correspondence received October 15, 2004 from Sylvia
Stateski, Thomas Stateski, William Carruthers, re: Development of the West Ridge
Subdivision, Orillia be received and referred to staff for inclusion in the report to be
presented to Council on this matter.
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Committee of the Whole Meeting - October 27,2004
e) Ted & Dianne LaPalm, correspondence dated October 15, 2004 to John
Gerretsen, Minister, Municipal Affairs and Housing re: UCCI.
Motion No. CW-10
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Marshall
It is recommended that the correspondence dated October 15, 2004 from Ted &
Dianne LaPalm, to John Gerretsen, Minister, Municipal Affairs and Housing re:
UCCI be received.
a) Report No. TR 2004-25, Paul Gravelle, Treasurer, re: Purchasing and Tendering
Policies and Procedures.
Motion No. CW-11
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Marshall
It is recommended that Report No. TR 2004-25, Paul Gravelle, Treasurer, re:
Purchasing and Tendering Policies and Procedures be received and adopted; and
further that the Clerk bring forward the appropriate by-law for Council's
b) Report No. PR 2004-10, Chris Carter, Recreation Co-ordinator, re: Request for
Exemption - Warminster Annual Santa Claus Parade.
Motion No. CW-12
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that Report No. PR 2004-10, Chris Carter, Recreation Co-
ordinator, re: Request for Exemption - Warminster Annual Santa Claus Parade be
received and adopted; that an exemption to By-law No. 99-41 be granted for the
Warminster Santa Claus Parade to be held on Sunday, December 19, 2004 at 2:00
pm; and further that the applicant be notified of Council's decision.
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Committee of the Whole Meeting October 27,2004
c) Report No. PR 2004-11, Chris Carter, Recreation Co-ordinator, re: Needs Analysis
for the Development of Parkland (Sugarbush/Horseshoe).
Jack Haggerty gave verbal comments to the Committee.
Motion No. CW-13
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that:
1. Report No. PR 2004-11, Chris Carter, Recreation Co-ordinator, re: Needs Analysis
for the Development of Parkland (Sugarbush/Horseshoe) be received and adopted.
2. That staff be authorized to commission a telephone survey for the purpose of
determining the design and development of existing undeveloped park properties in
Sugarbush and Horseshoe Valley.
3. That Simcoe Message Centre be authorized to conduct a telephone survey in the
amount of $2,730.00, and be notified accordingly.
4. And Further That the results emanating from the survey be presented to Council by
staff prior to public meeting forum.
d) Report No. FD 2004-9, Joe Casey, Director of Fire and Emergency Services, re:
Monthly Fire Report, May, 2004.
Motion No. CW-14
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that Report No. FD 2004-9, Joe Casey, Director of Fire and
Emergency Services, re: Monthly Fire Report, May, 2004 be received.
e) Report No. FD 2004-10, Joe Casey, Director of Fire and Emergency Services, re:
Monthly Fire Report, June, 2004.
Motion No. CW-15
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that Report No. FD 2004-10, Joe Casey, Director of Fire and
Emergency Services, re: Monthly Fire Report, June, 2004 be received.
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Committee of the Whole Meeting October 27, 2004
f) Report No. ADM 2004-44, Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAD, re: Council and
Committee Meeting Cancellations and Christmas Shutdown.
Motion No. CW-16
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Marshall
It is recommended that:
1. Report No. ADM 2004-44, Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAD, re: Council and
Committee Meeting Cancellations and Christmas Shutdown be received and
2. That the holiday shutdown commence at 4:30pm on Thursday, December 23rd,
2004 to 8:30am Monday, January 3rd, 2005 inclusive;
3. That the Administration Centre, Roads Yards and the Oro-Medonte Community
Arena be posted accordingly;
4. That the December 22,2004 Committee of the Whole be held with a Special
Council immediately following to ratify recommendations and the January 5,
2005 Council meeting be cancelled;
5. And Further That staff and the public be notified accordingly.
g) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, Report on Legal Fees [deferred from Council
meeting of October 20,2004].
Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO distributed packages of information to the public and
confidential packages of information to the Committee.
Motion No. CW-17
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that the information from Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAD, re: Report
on Legal Fees be received.
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Committee of the Whole Meeting October 27,2004
a) Report No. PW 2004-07, Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, re: Speed
Reduction - Line 7, South of Hwy. #11 [deferred from Council meeting of October
20, 2004].
Motion No. CW-18 (Amendment)
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that the recommendation with respect to Report No. PW 2004-07,
Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, re: Speed Reduction - Line 7, South of Hwy.
#11 be amended to read" ... from the Hwy #11 exit ramp for approximately 800m be
reduced to 50 km/h".
Recorded Vote Requested by Deputy Mayor Hughes
Deputy Mayor Hughes Yea
Councillor Marshall Nay
Councillor Buttineau Nay
Councillor Crawford Yea
Councillor Fountain Nay
Councillor Hough Nay
Mayor Craig Nay
Motion No. CW-19
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that Report No. PW 2004-07, Jerry Ball, Public Works
Superintendent, re: Speed Reduction - Line 7, South of Hwy. #11 be received and
adopted; that the speed limit on Line 7 South from the Hwy. #11 exit ramp, to roughly
250 metres north of the Ridge Road intersection, be reduced to 60 km/h; that the Clerk
be authorized to prepare the necessary by-law; that the Public Works Superintendent
advise Ms. Kathy Hurst of Trinity Community Presbyterian Church accordingly; and
further that the Public Works Department erect the necessary signage on Line 7 South.
Recorded Vote Requested by Councillor Hough
Councillor Hough Nay
Deputy Mayor Hughes Nay
Councillor Marshall Yea
Councillor Buttineau Yea
Councillor Crawford Nay
Councillor Fountain Yea
Mayor Craig Yea
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Committee of the Whole Meeting - October 27, 2004
a) Report No. PO 2004-53, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner re: Refund of Application
Fee on Zoning By-law Amendment for Tom Chillman Concession 8, West Part of
Lot 26 (Ora), Township of Ora-Medonte.
Motion No. CW-20
Moved by Hough, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that the recommendation regarding Report No. PO 2004-53,
Andria Leigh, Senior Planner re: Refund of Application Fee on Zoning By-law
Amendment for Tom Chillman Concession 8, West Part of Lot 26 (Ora), Township of
Ora-Medonte be deferred until applicant has met with the Planning staff for more
clarification of issues.
Motion No. CW-21
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that:
1. Report No. PO 2004-53, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner re: Refund of Application
Fee on Zoning By-law Amendment for Tom Chillman Concession 8, West Part of
Lot 26 (Ora), Township of Ora-Medonte be received and adopted;
2. That a refund of the Application Fee for 2004-ZBA-15 in the amount of $ 625.00
be paid to Mr. Tom Chillman;
3. That the Treasury Department be so advised;
4. And Further That Mr. Chillman be advised to either praceed with the deferral of
his Minor Variance application or formally withdraw this application.
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Committee of the Whole Meeting - October 27,2004
b) Report No. PO 2004-54, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner re: Exemption to Sign By-
law 99-2 for Concession 2, East Part of Block A, 51 R-27093, pt 3 & Part of RP
51 R-27093, Parts 1 & 2 (Oro), Township of Oro-Medonte, Roll Number 43-46-
010-007 -02200-0000.
Motion No. CW-22
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Marshall
It is recommended that:
1. Report No. PO 2004-54, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner re: Exemption to Sign By-
law 99-2 for Concession 2, East Part of Block A, 51 R-27093, pt 3 & Part of RP
51 R-27093, Parts 1 & 2 (Oro), Township of Oro-Medonte, Roll Number 43-46-
010-007 -02200-0000 be received and adopted;
2. That the lands legally described as Concession 2, East Part of Block A, 51 R-
27093, pt 3 & Part of RP 51 R-27093, Parts 1 & 2 (Oro), Roll Number 43-46-010-
007 -02200-0000 be granted an exemption from Sign By-law 99-2 to permit the
installation of a 47" by 64" outdoor poster scroller sign;
3. And Further That the applicant obtain the necessary approvals from the Ministry
of Transportation and the Township Building Department.
c) Report No. PO 2004-55, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner re: Proposed Amendment
to By-law 98-97 (By-law that designates parts of the Township as Site Plan
Control Areas).
Motion No. CW-23
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that Report No. PO 2004-55, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner re:
Proposed Amendment to By-law 98-97 (By-law that designates parts of the
Township as Site Plan Control Areas) be received and adopted; and further that the
Clerk bring forward the appropriate by-law for Council's consideration.
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Committee of the Whole Meeting - October 27,2004
d) Report No. PO 2004-56, Nick McDonald, Meridian Planning Consultants Inc., re:
Further Modifications to OPA #16.
Motion No. CW-24
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Marshall
It is recommended that:
1. Report No. PO 2004-56, Nick McDonald, Meridian Planning Consultants Inc., re:
Further Modifications to OPA #16 be received and adopted;
2. That Council authorize staff to request that the County of Simcoe not make a
decision with respect to Section C12.4.6 as set out in Item #39 of Appendix A
attached to report PO 2004-46;
3. And Further That The County of Simcoe be advised of Council's decision.
Motion No. CW-25
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Marshall
It is recommended that we do now go In-Camera at 2:45 p.m. to discuss Legal
Motion No. CW-26
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that we do now Rise and Report from In-Camera at 3:10 p.m.
a) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO re: Legal Matter (UCCI).
Motion No. CW-27
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Marshall
It is recommended that the confidential information from Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO
re: Legal Matter (UCCI) be received.
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Committee of the Whole Meeting - October 27, 2004
b) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO re: Legal Matter.
Motion No. CW-28
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that the confidential correspondence dated October 22, 2004
from Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO re: Legal Matter (Francis) be received.
Motion No. CW-29
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 3:15 p.m.
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Committee of the Whole Meeting - October 27, 2004