11 08 1994 History Agenda TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE HISTORY COMMITTEE AGENDA November 8, 1994 1. 2. Opening: By Chairman at 7:30 p.m. Adoption of Minutes; Minutes of meeting held October ll, 1994 . Business arising from the Minutes "(a) (b) 4. Correspondence. Communications (a) Secretary's letter (copy) forwarded to Paul Miller, Pres. Oro Agricultural Society, 8S directed, expressing the Committee's appreciation and congratulations re: improvements to Oro Fairgrounds. (b) Order Form from printed Passage Books Ltd., Kingston, Onto - order for "Story of Oro" (proposed cost quoted 111) (c) Letter from Mrs. D. Woods - in response to information forwarded as reply to her en~uiry during the summer months as reported to September meeting. Letter is an expression of appreciation for material and information received, and enclosing a cheque in the amountór $10. a,s a token of appreciation. (d) Second letter from Who's Who - BiogJ:&piëal Research Office further to earlier letter requesting the completion of a Biographical Questionaire in order to have the Nominee of this 60mmittee included in the Who's Who in Dntario, which is sponsored by the Ontario Geneo1ogical Society. (e) Other c:: .I. Old and unfinished Busines~ (a) Further discussion regarding the Book proposal as put forward by the Chairman at the last meeting and left for members to think about. Other (b) 6. New Business (a) (b) (c) &. Adjounnment Note: Secretary advised that he had received telephone calls regarding designating Historical Sites. ite. - Log house Moon's Beach and Coulson United Church, Con. 7, on the Horseshoe Valley Road (County Road 22. At present the Townshi~ of Oro-Medonte has no LACAC Committee, which must be-appointed to review such proposals.