11 08 1994 History Minutes ~f mTT't;' 1T1 ("\1!T',T~ TT ~ ~ .;.;:;."-' .i. ,nL,ùnl. r CRO-~l~DCNTE HISTORY CO~~ITTEE LÅ’ETING NOVEMBER 8, 1994 The Township of Oro-Medonte History CoIT~ittee met this evening ~n the Committee Room at tr.e Township 0 f Oro-Liledon te s tra tinn Building, in accordance with the Schedule set at a meeting held on April 2, 1994. The following members present: Tim Crawford Bernice Hickling Jadeen Henderson Loreen (Rice) Lucas Walter Hutchinson Mary Garbutt Henry Neufeld Earl Robertson Carl Campetelli All members of the Committeetresent for the meeting. Opening: Minutes: The Meeting was opened by the Chairman at 7:40 p.m. The Minutes of the last regular meeting held on October 11,1994 were on motion of Jadeen Henderson and Walter Hutchinson adolted as Drinted and received. All members having receivÊd a COD¥ of same. Carried Business Arising from the ~inutes meeting of October 11,1994. The Chairman reported that qS agreed at the last regular meeting Birthday cards had be~n taken to Mrs. Isabella Woodrow for her lOath Birthàay and to Jenny Fletcher for her 95th Birthday. (a) Corr~spondence and Communications (b) (c) Secretary presented copy of letter forwarded to Paul Millllr, President Oro Agricultural Society as directed at the last regualr meeting. Expressing the Committee's appreciation for the opportunity to be allotted space on the grounds to dis- play Township Publications, Photo Albums and antique artifacts. Also congratulating the Oro Fair Board of the improvement to the Fair Gro~dì - ~rea relocations. Fresented order form from Printed Passage Books Ltd., 50 Princess st., Kingston Ont., for a copy of tr,e "Story of Oro", qulbting cost of book less discount of 40%. Secretary advised that the matter had been discussed with the Clerk's Department. It was moved by Loreen (Rice) Lucas and seconded by Earl Robertson that a letter be forwarded advising of the cost of the publication, single copy or order of ten. Presented a letter from Mrs. D. Woods, Toronto in response to information and material forwarded in reply to her enquiry, during the summer months as reported 9t the September meeting. Letter expresses appreciation for the material and information forwarded and advises of further reseerch as well as for- warding a che~ue in the amount of $10, s a token of her appreciation. d) resent; a see t om ,,0 s ogra;hie Research Office, further to earlier letter requestin~ to t " d) conti d . the completiom of a Biographical Questionnaire in order to have the name of the Fr~sident or ether person from the Ul." ~+"r'7 Corrm-ittee .¡ rCl- "ded -; n tho i c: L-'n""'r; 0 ?,'h~cn' l. ~""l J~"" ~U U. ..Lu .l~" 'll...c;¡, .... , ,..L . is sponsored by the Ontario Genealogic Society. This matter WaS further considered by the members and as result the following cation was taken: HIt was moved by kary Garbutt and s::;conded by Carl Campetelli that the Secretary reply and advise that the Oro-~edonte Eistcry Committee are not prepared to submit the name of anyone individual of the Committee since all of the pub- lications have been the result of research and work of many ¡:eople participating with the Committee. Accordingly it is the opinion of the History CoIT~ittee that the Township History Committee shöuld be recognized for inclusion in the Who's Who in Ontario, rather than one individual. ( " " ; Chairman presented a letter received from Robert Gilchrist, North Battlefcrd, Saskatchewan, regarding enquiry of the family of Calver1eys. Letter lists names and dates that various members and where they had settled in the years from 1833 to 1848, and that three of the 14 brothers had arrived in western Canada in the 190015, or before. Chairman cdvised that he had replied to the letter. A copy of the letter is to be placed ~n the Township History files for any future reference that may arise. Old and Unfinished Business Further consideration regarding the Book proposal put up for disoussion at the last meeting by the Chairman. During the discussion the Chairman advised the two membàrs appointed frem the ~Ædonte area, suggestions of material that could be used. Mar~ Garbutt and Carl Campetelli both suggested material that could be used, such as unpublished dairies that could be made available. It was also suggested that the Committee go through the photographs cn hand. ~ary Garbutt made mention of a lady who has a collection of photographs of early buildings and advised that she had attended with this lady on v~rious picture taking excursions. During the discussimn the Chairman made mention that possibly the Committee should be giving thought to establishing of a small 1.useum wi thin the Tm"lnship to rreserve tLe many artifactes that are availãble. New Rusiness Mary Garbutt brought up the matter of the proposal by the Medonte Historical Society to put together a book on Medonte. Material has been and is still being gathered. At this stage the Society is ready for organization experience, which is needed to :ut tLe &.vailable material together. Suggesting that the former Oro History Committëe members are experienced in this regard. The Chairman suggested that he would be hap1=Y to assist as did other members of the Committee. - , - " y - :evv Business (cont' d ) Loreen (Rice) Lucas suggested th~t the "story of Oro" be placed in all Libraries in the surrounding area. It would appeRr th~t a nu~ber of local Libraries do not have a copy. She further indic&ted that shø would be prepared to undertake to look into the matter. The Chairman qdvised that he would rlace a notice in the next Newsletter of the Simcoe bounty Historical Society. Prior to the meeting and after the conclusion of the business ct hand the members had an opportm'Ü ty to view a video of pictures taken Df areas where farm buildings h~d been and now on;t:y remains I>'crt founds tions exis ted. W~lter Huthinson hAd taken Jadeen Henderson and the Chairman on the tour, since he was familiar with the area and the original Owners of the lamds. Jadeen Henderson after the tour had composed a poem of the event which will be placed in the History files. There being no further business at hafld it w~s moved by Earl Robertson thÐt the meeting adjourn to meet again on Decom'Der'~ ,q9~ ~t ~.~n ~ m ~"". .J...),.../, ", (0.,.."", .1;"""'. Henry Neufeld Secret::ry. Tim Crawford Chairman.