03 11 1993 History Minutes
March 11,1993
The Township of Oro History Committee met this afternoon at the
Township of Oro Administration Building in the Committee Room.
All members of the Committee had been notified by te¡ephone.
The following members were present:
Loreen (Rice) Lucas
Henry Neufeld
Walter Hutchinson
Earl Robertson
Tim Crawrórd
Jadeen Hendersbn
Bernice Hickling
Sandra Shelswell
By the Chairperson at 2:45p.m.
The minutes of the last rég111ar meeting held,on January 14,
1993., which had been forwarded to all members, were on
motion of Earl Robertson and Jadeen Henderson adopted as
printed andrecaived. carried
Correspondence and Communications:'
Presented copy of letter forwarded to Rob. Hughes, asdirect~dat the
last regular meeting in, response to his enquiry with ,respect to existing
Railway Stations and,fòrwarding,a copy of "Story of Oro",(second edition)
and list of pages that refer to Railway Stations, ,etc. (also rewquesting
payment for same shòlild the publication be of assistance for his research.)
'.\' ' , "
Presented letter:f'rOm.JaheRos,s, Historian,. RemingtQn,-dllberta Carriage
Centre - Alberta Cultl.11'eând Multiculturism, requesting permission to
publish the following ima,ge -Aléxander1'udhopetransporting bùggiès
frcmOrillia. (Note: such permission had been forwarded by the History
Committee in Julyl992 aI'terbe!i:ngnotified that the photograph had
been received in June 1992.) AlsO' presented copy of letter forwarded
by the Township Clerk.ì!lr'eSponseto the sa.idlettef thât had been
forwarded to Joanna )lcE'wen.
Presehteâ amemofrolfl Joanna McEwen / first advising of the aforementioned
letter and another lettèr'from'Dianna Childs; Alliston"Ont. an enquiry
regarding IIJohnstonè Ðiary" which had been mentioned in "¡(ith'n Kin"
Of particular interest in entries in the DitTY 1861-1862, with respect
to her, Great GrandfàtherLauclanGalbraithand h;isson Donald, who had
dfied July 21, 1862. (or interest... the property referred to in' the
Historical Atlas dà ted1881-', does indd:catetha,t Lauclan Galbraith
Qw.p.ed :¡:.roperty - lot 8, ConCession 10) , It was left that Jadeen Henderson
would contact å.:¡:.ersonthat'\ has a tlJohnstone Dairy". (answered)
Seco,ndly - Jeanna suggest-ed that the second,edt tien of the Story of Oro
should be forwárdedtb York University' LibrarYaãvsing that only the
originaL,Story of Oro was in the Library at present.
Presented a copy oflettèrferwarding copies of the Story of Oro,
KnOx' Church PJlblicatiÒh and copy or Kith' n Kin to York Uni ver si ty
Library by the Deputy C1ér" Lynda Aiken.
Thirdly - suggesting the sleeves for the- s
numbered, a 'J: marker.
Presented thank card from
appreciation for
received ~rom
es may need to be
r Hutchinson essing his
c 15 cards t baske
Commtttee members his illness and surgery.
- 2 -
It was moved by Walter Huchinson and seconded by Tim Crawford that
the,correspondence as presented and considered, be accepted as
satlsfactoryand filed for reference. .
Old and Unfinished Business
(a) ~ufurther review and con~ideration of the proposed booklet on the
Hills of Oro and other Landmarks" - Tart of Oro's History, was again
brought forward - the illustrations or drawings arè being completed
by Loreen Lucas and Joanna McEwen. The àrawings by Loreen Lucas
were p~esenteà and some changes were suggested. The original preparation
for thlS booklet was done by the Ad Hoc Committee Howard Campbell
Walter Hutchinson and Earl Robertson. Tim crawfo;d, who is ed .ting
the booklet aàviseà that he had made the additions and/or corrections
as suggested at the last meeting.
(b) The 1992-93 Project
- Slides and Pictures to be completed fo~ Video
This project is to be further dealt with after the completioD
of the Booklet has been accomplished.
It was suggested that another day should be set aside to again
sort out documents and papers in the old Vault at the Township Hall.
Some of the papers th&t had been sorted and referred for disposal
were reviewed first, such as records of Red Cross (the Oro Branch).
Some of the documents in this regard were kept for further consideration.
New Business
Presented letter from the Clerk, Township of Oro forwarding a
resolution of the joint Councils of Oro and Medonte at a meeting
held on February 24,1993, following a àiscuss~on regarding the
naming of the new Municipality, which resulted in the following
Moved by Martin and seconded by Mortson
Be it resolved that the Clerks be directed to reconfirm with the
loaal Public Schools for submission of a name for the new Municipality
with a May 1st deadline, as well as corresponding with the Oro and
Medonte History Committees requesting same, and further that these
submissions be advertised in a joint Oro-Medonte Newsletter asking
for comments and/or further suggestions. carried
Accordingly the Oro Township History Committee is being asked to
participate in this process and submitting suggestions for a new
name-Dr names, by May 1,1993. The Clerk of Medonte will be communi-
aating with the newly formed Medonte History Committee, requesting
their participation as well. Letter also advises that it is the
intention of Councils to advertise wll submissions received to date
and asking for any comments or further suggestions from residents.
The Clerk also advises that the preliminary 1993 Budget negotiations
has provided for a $2000 expenditure on behalf of the History Committee.
Final approval will be at the later part of this month.
Moved by Tim Crawford and seconded by 1 Robertson that the request
the Joint Counei to tiei'Oate w~th a name the Amalgamated
Township be ac ged by this Committee and that a s.uggested
name or names be submitted. Each member make suggestlons for same.
- ; -
Also presented a letter from the Clerk's Office forwarding a copy
of By-Law No. 93-13, being a by-law to Appoint members to the
Oro History Committee and passed by Council on February 3,1993.
The matter of Oro History Committee becoming a member of the
Rimcoe County Historical Society was brought forward, since the
membership fees had not been forwarded in 1992 according to a
resolution of the Committee at its November meeting. This was
checked into and the Treasurer advised that this would be br~&~t
to Council for approval and payment.
Se~eral other matteps were brought forward and considered, which
were either resolved or referred to the next meeting.
It was moved by Earl Robertson that the meeting adjourn at 4:15 p.m.
The next meeting to be at the call of the Chairperson.
Henry Neufeld
Loreen (Rice) Lucas
" t,
, ' "