04 11 1990 History Minutes
The Township of Oro Hist ory Committee met this evenin¡ at the
Township Administration Buildin¡, in the Reeve's Office, at the
call of the Chairperson, All members havin¡ been duly notified,
in person or by telephone. The followin¡ members were present:
Loreen;, Lucas
Howard Campbell
Walter Hutchinson
Earl Robertson
Bernice Hicklin¡
Henry Neufeld
Neil McNiven
The Meetin¡ was opened by the Chairperson at 7:45 p.m.
The minutes of the last re¡ular meetin¡ held on
January 18,1990, which had been forwarded to all
Members were on motion of w.lter Hutchinson and
seconded by Earl Robertson adopted as printed and
Business arisin¡: from the Minutes
(b )
Correspondence of the Secretary to Oro Council advisin¡
that the Chairperson had contacted Joanna McEwen and Marlene
Mawdsley and both had indicated interest and willin¡ness to
serve as contact persons and on Committee(s) of the Orillia
Herita¡e Centre Board as representatives of the Township of
Oro and that the History Committee recommend they be appointed
as representative~contact person and alternate contact person.
Also letter from Administrator/Clerk forwardin¡ resolution of
Council appointin¡ Joanna McEwen and Marlene Maw4sley as 4~ntaèt
persons to the Orillia Herita¡e Centre Board representin¡ the
Township of Oro.
On motion of Howard ~pbell and Bernice Hicklin¡ action taken
by Secretary forwardin¡ recommendation of the History Committee
to appoint Joanna McEwen and Marlene Mawdsley after they had
been contacted by the Chairperson and Administrator/Clerk for-
wardin¡ resolution of Council appointin¡ Joanna McEwen and
Marlene Mawdsley be accepted as satisfactory. Carried
Secretary's letter GO Matthews of Canada Ltd. requestin¡
estimate quotation the Plaque and Ihscription, as forwaeded
for the proposed Plaque in Memory of Marian Keith and reply
from Matthews Canada Ltd. forwardin¡ quotation of $381.00
plus Fëderal and Provincial taxes. Quotation advises that
all orders must ¡O throu¡h a dealer and that they would be
¡lad to arrange for one.
After consideration the following action was taken:
It was moved by Walter Hutchinson and seconded by Bernice
Hicklin¡ that the quotation as presented in the amount of
$381.00, plus Federal and Provincial taxes be acceüed and
Oro Council be advised of same, and Secretary to request that
a letter be forwarded to Matthews Canada Ltd. requestin¡
they arran¡e for a dealer in this area throu¡h which the
order may be placed. Carried.
- 2 -
It was moved by Earl Robertson and seconded by Howard
Campbell that the verba~ reports be accepted as satisfactory
and further action of dame be dea¡t with under unfinished
Correspondence and Communi~ations
Presented letter forwarded to the Administrator/Clerk by the
Secretary advisin¡ that the Chairperson had contacted Joann.,
McEwen and Marlene Mawdsley and they had indicated that they
would be interested and willin¡ to serve as contact persons
and act on Committeet,-~~f the Orillia Heritage Centre Board.
Also copy of letter from Administrator/Clerk to the Board.
advising of the ~ two appointed and letter to the History
Committee forwardin¡ resolution of Council appointin¡ Joanna
McEwen and Marlene Mawdsley to the said Board.
Letter from Administrator/Clerk forwarding Council's resolution
requestin¡ that the History Committee obtain t.o quotations
for mounting of the guns referred to in a letter to Council
and advise where they are to be mounted. (matter to be con-
sidered further under old and unfinished business)
Presented copy of letter to Matthews CAnada Ltd. requestin¡
Plaque and inscription quotation on the proposed Plaque in
Memory of Marian Keith, Author and reply forwardin¡ quotation
to an amount of $381.00 and advisin¡ that the order must be
placed throu¡h a dealer in the area.
Presented letter from Deputy Clerk regarding books on hand
namely Kith In' Kin and Story of Oro and su¡gest1n¡ History
Commlttee'_consider arrangements to place the books in Book
Stores for sale and recommend a cost of the book to the retail
outlet and or other advertisement for the sale of the books.
"It was moved by Bernice Hickling and seconded by Earl Robertson
that the correspondence as fotworded and received and pre-
sented be received and placed on file for reference and action
required be dealt with under unfinished business or new
business, as necessary.
Unfunished and Old Business
Earl Robertson reported that he had located suitable stones
for mountinethe said Marian Keith Plaque. Norman Langman had
offered to quote a cost of mounting the Plaque on the Stone.
No motion was made as to getting a quote but will wait for
further inform~tion from Earl at the next meet1n¡
Walter HUtchinson reported on the two guns and he advised that
he has taken them home to his shop. Since parts are missing
it is suggested that perhaps one complete one could made from
the two. No motion
Moved by Howard Campbell and seconded by Earl Robertson that
Walter Hutchinson and Henry Neufeld get prices of repairs and
and cost of suitable mountin¡ for the said guns. Carried
- 3 -
Report on map of the Hills of Oro proceedine slowly, walter
and Earl are still workine on this. ~
It was moved by Howard Campbell and seconded by Earl Robertson
that a reply to the Deputy'Clerk's Letter be forwarded
statine that atthe present time it is not recommended that
the Oro Books be placed in the Book Stores, but aeree that
they need to be brou¡ht before the public. The Committee is
at present workine on alternatives. It wovld be helpful if
they could be advertised in the Spring New.letter.
It was moved by Walter Hutohinson and seconded by Earl
Robertson that a recommendation be forwarded to Oro Council
that the ,price of the Story of Oro be reduced to 110.00,
as this would cover cost and more and possibly move them
more qui4*1J. Carried.
New Busines~
Moved by B~rnice Hicklin¡ and seconded by Heward Campbell
that the History Committee request permission to put a
small ¡lass display case in the entry of the Administration
Buildin¡ for the purpose of displayine the Oro books for sale.
It was broueht to the Committee's attention that the African
Church will soon need stainine. Earl and Walter to ihspect
the buildine and report back to the next meetin¡.
AdjouI'nment was moved by Earl Robertson.
Next meetin¡ to be at the call of the Chairperson.
April 12,
Beth A. Oasthuizen,
Deputy Clerk,
Township of Oro
Dear Madam:
Re: Oro History Books - Kith 'n' Kin and Story
of Oro
This will advise that your letter dated February 23, 1990
was presented to a meetin¡ of the History Committee meetin¡
held on April 11, 1990.
As result of consideration and discussion the followin¡ motion
was passed by the Committee:
"It was moved by Howard Campbell and seconded by Earl
Robertson that a reply to the Deputy Clerk's letter be
forwarded statin¡ that at the present ime it is not
recommeded that the Oro Books be placed in the Book stores,
but a¡ree that they need to be brou¡ht before the public.
The Committee is at present time workin¡ on alternatives.
It would be helpful if they could be advertised in the
Sprin¡ Newsletter."
"It was moved by Walter Hutchinson and seconded by Earl
Robertson that a recommendation be forwarded to Oro Council
su¡iestin¡ that the price of the story of Oro be reduced
to $10.00, as this would more than cover the cost and
possibly move them more quickly." Also
"It was moved by Bernice Hicklin¡ and seconded by Howard
Campbell that the History' Committee request permission to
put a small ¡lass display case in the entry of the Adminis-
taation BUilding for the purpose of displayin¡ the Oro
Books for sale."
Should you have any questions on the fore¡oin¡ resolutions
please do not hesitate to contact myself or any member of
the Committee.
Once the Committee arrives at any other su¡¡estions or recommendations
you will be further advised. A copy of the minutes of the Committtee
held on April 11, 1990 is enclosed herewith.
. eufe ,
Secretary, Township of
Oro History Committee