04 25 1983 COW Minutes . . . COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MEETING L CHAMBERS - APRIL 25 1983 Committee of Council met this evening with the following members present: Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor S. Davie J. McEwen R. Drury 1. Halfacre A. Johnson Reeve Davie opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. The first item of business was a meeting with Lloyd Fletcher, Representative Trustee, Simcoe County Board of Education for the Township of Oro. Mr. Fletcher was present at request of Council, also present was Mr. Ivan Ainsley, to review and clarify the 1983 Simcoe County Board of Education Budget for which Township of Oro apportioned levy is in the amount of $1,188,973.00 for Elementary and $986,500.00 for Secondary to a total of $2,175,473.00. Reeve Davie welcomed Mr. Lloyd Fletcher and Mr. Ivan Ainsley and mentioned that the purpose for request to attend the meeting was to continue a closer relationship. He then asked members of Council to field any questions they wish to ask of Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Ainsley. Deputy Reeve McEwen had several questions which were replied to by both Mr. Fletcher and Mr Ainsley. Also questions by Reeve Davie. Line of questions - Busing of pupils, Bill 82-Grants, Le Caron School funding status (difference between Provincial, Auditors) Costs of Le Caron assumed by Province and cost assumed by Simcoe County Board of Education, hense the local tax payers in Simcoe County. Questions of cost of operation of Le Caron Budget Costs not broken down by schools. Many other questions were asked by members of Council on this item which led to discussions. Question: why did the School Budget go up by over 10%? One reason being the Teacher negotiation locked into two year period. 75 - 80% of Budget is salaries. Reeve Davie expressed Council's appreciation to the representatives for their time and clari- fication. Clerk advised that the Chief Building Official had received an application from A. Merdijanian, of Lot 29, Plan 626, requesting a permit of a cottage on piers. Committee of Council recommend that the Chief Building Official not Issue a permit for a summer cottage. The Chairman of Parks and Recreation Committee, Deputy Reeve Joanna McEwen presented a Draft By-Law to establish a Parks & Recreation Committee for the Township of Oro. During the presen- tation, supportive material was included and expanded upon. In conclusion, the following recommendations were made: a) Deputy Reeve McEwen and Councillor Johnson, proceed as suggested with information meetings Hall Boards, Arena Board and Park Report Committee - Arena Manager, Cecil Phillips. . . . 2 COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 25, 1983 b) Members of Council submit any names of ratepayers who may become members of the Parks and Recreation and Community Centres Committee. c) Council pass the necessary implementary by-laws as altered - updated and agreed upon. d) Cecil Phillips become a Township employee upon passage of By-Law. e) George Roberts be appointed by Council as the Committee's Secretary-Treasurer be responsible for making monthly reports to Council. he would Re-presented copy of letter to Kenneth Carson with respect to application for conversion - Pt. Lot 22, Cone. 14 - rezoning from Shoreline Residential to General Residential, regarding Mr. Carson's objection to the application of John Vokes which Oro Council, according to reso- lution of Council on April 5, 1983, are prepared to endorse. After further consideration, Committee of Council recommend that Mr. K. Carson be advised that unless comments or a withdrawal of the objection are received within 14 days, the appli- cation will be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board with a request that costs be awarded to the person objecting, Mr. K.H. Carson. Services The matter of retaining a firm of Engineers was again presented for discussion by Committee of Council. Recommendation that the retaining of firm of Engineers, be considered at the first meeting of May. ton Truck The matter of accepting quotations for the Chev ~ ton Truck, taken out of service by Road Department, was presented for consideration by Committee of Council. Recommendations that a notice be placed in the Orillia Packet and Barrie Examiner inviting quotation for the Chev ~ ton truck. Townshi Mottos Recommendation that the time for receiving further submission of mottos be extended to May 6, 1983. Deputy Reeve McEwen, presented a written report of the History Committee activities so far in 1983, and projects proposed. Councillor Halfacre reported on further meetings of the Fire Committee will respect Monitor System. Also status on the Canada Day Committee. The matter of signing at intersection of County Road No. 20 and No. 27 at Oro Station was further discussed by Council.