02 28 1985 COW Minutes
FEBRUARY 28, 1985
Council met this evening as Committee of Council at 7:15 p.m. with the following members present:
Joanna McEwen
Robert E. Drury
Allan Johnson
Reeve, Stephen Davie and Councillor Halfacre
Opening - The Deputy-Reeve McEwen opened the meeting at 7:15 p.m. in the absence of the Reeve.
Declaration of Conflict of Interest - None Declared
Mr. Doug Skelton, of Skelton, Brumwell and Associates and Mr. Harry S. Cooper of Audobon Estates
were present at 7:15 p.m. as scheduled on the agenda.
Deputy-Reeve Joanna McEwen, after introductions, called upon Mr.Skelton to reVIew the proposal.
Mr. Skelton then presented a proposed sketch of the A. Brooks property showing a walkway to
Brock Street and indicating three possible lots which could fit into the proposed plan of
Audobon Estates. This matter was discussed at some length with respect to joint development
of both properties. Mr. Skelton indicated that it may be possible that the municipality may
become involved to assist in putting the project together.
Mr. Skelton in conclusion enquired as to the position that Audobon Estates would be in should
no solution be possible with the Brooks property.
It was left that Mr. Skelton and Mr. Cooper contact Mr. Brooks and appear before a Council
meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, March 4, 1985.
Matters Referred From Meeting of Council
By-law 1456 passed by Council of Simcoe County on December 1, 1922, to establish the
Police Village of Hawkestone Boundries E~ Lot 22, Concession 11 and W~ Lot 22, Concession
12. In the W~, the boundary in the by-law, W~ Lot 22, Concession 12 and description
indicates that from Lake Simcoe H.P.V. boundary runs northerly to Robinson Street, which
then makes it appear that Robinson Street, in the of Lot 12 is entirely in the Township
Concession 12
Robinson Street - portion in H.P.V.
Robinson Street - portion outside of
Ridge Road - portion in H.P.V.
Myrtle Avenue (Plan 626) in H.P.V. -
H. P. V. -
Township maintains (1480 & 650) ; 2130' of H.P.V. Roads
H.P.V. maintains ; 1990' of Township Roads
Quadrant Developments When Road Assumed
61.1% in H.P.V.
38.9% in Twp.
Committee of Council recommend that this matter be referred to Road Committee and that the
Clerk be present at this meeting to present the information as set out in the by-law to
establish H.P.V.
- 2
rred From Meeti
of Council Cont'd
E.R. Alexander Construction Co. ltd. - requesting Council's approval to increase tonnage
from gravel pit, lot 8 Concession 7. Original request June 14, 1984 from 30,000 tons to
250,000 tons.
- Recommendations from Russell, Waite, Christie & Miller
Ainley & Associates ltd. - copy of sample agreement and
in an agreement
- Road Supt. recommendations
Road Committee to submit their recommendations
outline of what may be included
Allan G. Cook ltd. - Gravel Pi t S~ of W~ lot 7, Concession 8
- requesting increase in tonnage from 15,000 to 100,000 tons
Committee recommended that the Township Solicitor be requested to prepare a draft agreement
which should include dust control, hours of operation of pit and roads, and other items that
may be imposed.
Banking proposals as received be reviewed - copy of the proposals from:
- Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
- Bank of Montreal
Continental Bank of Canada & (Barrie)
(Copies of above letters distributed to
members of Council)
Committee recommended that this matter be left for future meeting.
Delegations/Appointments Cont'd
Mr. George R. Richardson, Chairman of South lake Simcoe Conservation Authority along with Mr.
Basil Noels, Manager of S.l.S.C.A. were present at 8:20 p.m.
After introduction, Mr. George R. Richardson explained the purpose of the Steering Committee
of the South lake Simcoe Conservation Authority because of the d~terioration of lake Simcoe,
hence a study of lake Simcoe which is to be completed by the end of February.
The Study indicated a high phosphorus loading.
Mr. Basil Noels elaborated on the Study and the phosphorus loading which creates the algae
and at times appearance of an oil slick. The Authority have made their comments to municipalities
regarding developments with respect to interference with watercourses, creating erosion and
siltation which could effect lake deterioration.
The purpose of going to the various municipalities is to discuss the matter of contribution to
support the implementation program after the study, conditional upon the continuation of
provincial and federal funding.
Mr. G.R. Richardson also mentioned that should the municipality wish to join the authority it
would require a resolution of Council to Queens Park.
Mr. Richardson and Mr. Noels advised that the Authority would be prepared to make a slide
presentation on the Authority and its purpose and activity.
Mr. Richardson also advised that basically the study covered Holland Marsh and surrounding
area resulting in formation of the Steering Committee.
Deputy-Reeve McEwen thanked the representative for coming.
- 3
Delegations/Appointments Cont'd
Mr. Ron Young was present at 9:05 p.m. to discuss some fire matters, firstly proposals for ad-
dition to Shanty Bay Fire Hall, and presented drawings of same.
Next he reviewed costs of the fire phones for the
one fire phone and dispatch system. The dispatch
mencing with Shanty Bay and Edgar. The matter of
were also discussed.
four stations, using 1984 costs as opposed to
system could be implemented in two phases com-
reception on monitors for Hawkestone and Rugby
Hydro account at Shanty Bay appears to be higher than other stations - would appear to be the
three sets of lights left on.
Also discussed numbering of houses in the Subdivisions and eventually all of the Township.
t to Committee of Council
Driftwood Restaurant re: Four Wheelers Meet
- copy of Township letter to Township Solicitors
- response by Township Solicitor
- By-law 992 under which request has been submitted
Committee of Council recommend that the matter be referred to Township Solicitor, Stewart, Esten
to the attention of Mr. D.S. White.
Letter from Mel Jamieson re: quotation for offer to purchase part of Township Road Allowance
- overpass at Line 5
Committee of Council recommend that a letter be forwarded to Mr. Mel Jamieson advising that the
Township would be prepared to consider $250.00 for each of the smaller lots and $500.00
for the Comtrade Petroleum parcel plus all legal, survey and appraisal costs apportioned to
each parcel.
Matter of Accommodations for Park Supt. - rent for same
1984 if for 12 months
1984 if for 8 months
Amounted collected for 1984
(12 x 250)
( 8 x 250)
Clerk advised of interpretation by D. Taylor of payment for rent.
Mr. D. Taylor - quoted how he could pay.
Committee of Council recommend that the Arena Manager and Park Supt. be paid on basis of
salary, and he pay the accommodation rent at $250.00 monthly, retroactive to January 1, 1985.
( d)
Student Council Program
Review & Comments
Copies of programs be forwarded to all School Principals for their information.
- 4 -
FEBRUARY 28, 1985
Councillor Drury reported on Waste Disposal meeting and brought to attention of the Committee
the matter of opening the Waste Disposal site an additional two days.
N.V.C.A. reported on new Chairman for 1985, that Jim Arnold was elected as Chairman and
Gerald Moran as Vice Chairman.
Deputy Reeve reported on Day Camp applications and Parks & Recreation Committee meeting.
Matter of letter to Barrie Suburban Road Commission as per resolution of Council was further
Committee of Council recommend that the draft letter as presented be forwarded to the Barrie
Suburban Roads Commission.
Other Matters to be Brought to the Attention of Committee of Council
1985 Wage Review - should this be completed payroll could be implemented for March
(computer) 2 months retroactive for January and February could be done
This matter was to be dealt with at the meeting of Council on Monday, March 4, 1985.
Meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m.
J. McEwen, Deputy-Reeve
H. Ne