04 09 1984 Airport Minutes . . . BOARD ROOM - MINISTER TRANSPORTATION & COMMUNICATIONS r~ONDAY, APRIL 9, 1984 In response to telephone call from the Secretary of the Hon. James Snow, Minister, M.T.C., received on March 30, 1984 inviting the Reeve from the Township of Oro and Mayors of the City of Barrie and Orillia to attend a meeting in the Minister's Board Room at 10:00 a.m. on April 9, 1984, the following attended the meetin9: City of Barrie Alderman R. Warman and City Administrator Ben Straughan (Mayor R. Archer unable to attend due to Police Com. Meeting). City of Orillia Mayor Pat McIsaac, Clerk-Administrator Bruce Bayne Township of Oro (Reeve S. Davie unable to attend Deputy Reeve Joanna McEwen Councillor Thelma Halfacre Councillor Robert Drury Clerk-Treas/Admin. Henry Neufeld due to holidays) Hon. George Taylor - Solicitor General Allan Mclean M.P.P., Simcoe East H. Gilbert Deputy Minister Also, one assistant of the Minister's staff, and Rep. from Airport Services. 10: 10 a.m. The Hon. James Snow welcomed those in attendance and expressed his appreciation to the represen- tatives from Barrie, Orillia & Oro for attending this morning. He advised that over the period of years there had been numerous proposals, discussions, studies and plans for a Joint Municipal Airport in the southern part of Simcoe County to serve both Barrie and Orillia, and adjoining Municipalities, it appeared logical that such an Airport would have to be located in the Township of Oro. However, to date there had never been a meeting with the three Municipalities together in his office and in his opinion, before a final decision was made it seemed appropriate to have one joint meeting - that was the purpose of inviting representatives of the three Municipalities today. He then noted the following points: -Over many years, studies have taken place for a number of sites. -Never presented jointly. -At this time, the Barrie/Innisfil proposal seems to -My position is the same - one Municipal Airport for to be logical to be situated in Oro. --Obvious that one site could be selected. -Have no criticism of Barrie for proceeding as -My colleagues may not agree but my position major portion of Central South Simcoe. -Not too late to submit proposal for an Airport in Oro. be falling into place. that area of Simcoe County and it appears they are. is still one Municipal Airport in Oro to serve Minister - Oro and Orillia should get together and come to some agreeable arrangement. Councillor Halfacre - It is not up to Oro to get together with Orillia. It would appear appropriate for Orillia & Barrie to get together before making a presentation to Oro. . . . - 2 AIRPORT MEETING - 1984 Alderman Warman - Barrie -appears useless to change at this time, Barrie's position to go as scheduled. -Time was spent with Municipalities to the North first not interested in joint venture. -Have negotiated with Innisfil Township and have agreed to call it Barrie/Innisfil Municipal Airport. -Items still needed - zoning change, which will likely go to O.M.B., objections apparent. -Major industry is being oriented to south of Barrie due to Airport location. -Have held privilege of Ministry assistance. -Have submitted plans for Barrie/Innisfil Airport. -Have you any questions Mr. Minister? Minister - No particular questions. McIsaac - Orillia -Related -Must be -City of -Orillia position over 12 year period and study undertaken in 1983 for presentation considered as a Municipal decision. Orillia have done everything to make possible a presentation to Oro. Council have pursued various proposals. to Oro. ion to the Minister McIsaac -If in fact an Oro site is first choice why has the Minister not made the decision for Oro? Minister - I do not intend to and I will not make that decision, it is a Municipal Airport, not a Provincial. The Minister also added that whenever a Municipal Airport is mentioned, people form a concensus of over 5,000 foot runways cross run ways possible 8,000 foot runways - traffic and parking problems, Municipal Airport concept is for 3,500 foot runway. Minister - Orillia apparently has not done very much to encourage a joint Municipal Airport. Mayor McIsaac -Orillia did become involved with Barrie, 12 years ago. -Did not conceive as a major priority based on priority post ions of Orillia. McLean, M.P.P., Simcoe East -Have endeavoured to work through Ad Hoc Committee. -Ad Hoc Committee supported Airport in Oro. -Other items were related in respect to activities. -Orillia did endeavour to negotiate with Barrie. Reeve McEwen Oro -The Township of Oro have never been approached with a bonifide position of a joint proposal from both Barrie and Orillia. -Did not get opinion from Orillia -1980 Orillia backed off on basis 1983, very little information of proposal that it was a joint proposal. of priority needs. correspondence of Barrie & Orillia for a joint approach to Oro. . . . ~ - 3 - AIRPORT MEETING - APRIL 9, 1984 Minister - First meeting with Barrie Barrie had bought land in Oro for such a site discussed at that time only able to fund one Airport - suggested joint facility. Cannot fund an Airport for Orillia alone. McLean, M.P.P. 1980 study for Barrie property 3 miles from Barrie and near built up area and 10 miles or over, from Orillia. Mayor McIsaac Airport - No.7 on list of priorities for Orillia by Industrial and Commercial priority. Minister -Because of establishment of Airport, it is not a definite indication that Industry will move to the area. -Do not suggest 5,000 foot runway for Municipal Airport. -Cabinet put criteria into Provincial funding for a Municipal Airport. -Airport will not necessarily make money - part of Transportation System. -Soon as a Municipal Airport is mentioned - people look at a traffic pattern of thousants of vehicles. -Need good access, but not major highway. Alderman Warman - Barrie -If Barrie were to reverse with stages of present Barrie/Innisfil would look of over $100,000 expenditure so far if Barrie were to change position for a Airport - would ask for funds. -If stopped at this point would be -Innisfil prepared to proceed with -Objective to get zoning change in for reimbursement joint Municipal starting allover again. zoning. 1985 - do not anticipate funding for Airport until 1985. Minister -Barrie in business-like way, -Make it clear that it is not -Regardless of what the Mayor make such a decision. -Funding for Aiport same as for Roads, Municipal Airport usually for a number of Municipalities. -Funding through Municipality to Airport Commission. -No Provincial Airport except for remote areas. -Province has had funding for about 5 years for -Not withdrawing from support for an Airport in -Land selections in Oro only, not impact study. If site is selected, master plan would have to be reviewed to accommodate. has forged ahead. too late to undertake joint Airport venture. of Orillia thinks about the Province making a decision - I will not a Barrie/Orillia Municipal Airport in Simcoe County. this area. Hon. George Taylor - Barrie & Orillia should get together before they cooe to Oro. Councillor Drury -Land owners in Oro - possibly some would sell land to Barrie/Orillia for a joint Airport. -Oro Vote not unanimous. -What impact would Camp Borden have on a Municipal Airport in the Barrie Area. ...... . . . Ii. 4 AIRPORT MEETING - APRIL 9, 1984 Deputy Reeve McEwen -It is not an Airport for Oro, it is an Airport for Barrie & Orillia. -Orillia should talk to Barrie re: Joint Municipal Airport, it is up to Orillia to 90 to Barrie. Alderman Warman To Minister - Will respond to your proposal Barrie have a Council meeting tonight. Minister - Have no objection to Barrie/Innisfil Airport - only reiterate, I would remain of the same position that an Airport in Oro would serve three or more Municipalities. Hon. George Taylor - You have always indicated a Joint Airport situated in Oro, which, as has been mentioned, is logical and feasible. Councillor Halfacre - I don't know whether there has been, or would be, a change of heart in Oro if Barrie/Orillia propose a joint Municipal Airport. Bruce - Orillia Meeting with Barrie - Barrie indicated to Orillia - you find a host and suggested Orillia go to Oro and find out if Oro would be the host Municipality. Minister - No problem understanding Barrie. Reeve McEwen Oro would be reluctant to host - People of Oro mayor may not be receptive to a joint application for Barrie/Orillia to host an Airport. Ben St of Barrie added several comments and information. Minister -Northern Ontario Look forward to Municipal Airport. -Southern Ontario - cautious about Airport. -Funding in some (i.e.) Smith Falls 80%; Rural 20%. Parry Sound 60%,4 Rural Mun. - 10% each. Bruce - City in their study - ratio of 75% City of Orillia; Orillia Township 15%, and Mara 10%. Alderman Warman -Innisfil not invited to share cost of Barrie Airport. -Innisfil still supports Barrie Airport. Minister - At this stage something definite would have tobe forthcominifrom Barrie and Orillia before anything else can happen. . . . .. 5 - AIRPORT MEETING APRIL 9, 1984 Minister Thank all for coming - wanted opportunity of one joint discussion before final decision - it is up to each Municipality. Rapidly approaching point of proceeding with Barrie/Innisfil Airport, feel there is a better solu- tion in first studies to North of Barrie. As previously indicated, never before did all three Municipalities get together. If there is going to be any change, will have to be soon, otherwise once funds are directed to Barrie/Innisfil, no further funding to that area of Simcoe County.