05 10 1994 History Minutes 8 8 8 '" ¡;~ " THE TOWNSHIF CRO-h£DONTE HISTORY CO~ÆITTEE 1Ĺ’ETING May 10, 1994 'The To'nshi:ç of Oro-Medonte History Cornmittee met this evening 3t the Townshi~ Administration Building in the Committee Room. The meeting being in accordance with the schedule set out at the meeting held on April 12,1994. The following members were :çresent: Tim Crawford Walter Hutchinson Loreen (Rice) Lucas Rarl Robertson Hemry Neufeld Jadeen Henderson Absent Bernice Hickling Opening: The meeting was opened by the Chairman at 7:35 p.m. Minutes: The Minutes of the last regular meeting held on April 12. 1994, were on motion of Jadeen Henderson and Earl Robertson ado~ted as printed and received. All members having received a copy of Same. Business arising from the Minutes - meeting of April 1, 1994. (a) (b) The meeting scheduled for April 26,1994 had been cancelled. Loreen (Rice) Lucas re~orted that she had com:çleted another draft of the Art Work for the Townshi:ç Logo which she had taken to the Clerk's office for rresent- ation to Council. She had been advised that Council had already adopted a draft of the Art Work. Correspondence and Communications Presented a copy of letter forwarded to the Deputy-Clerk, who is also the Secretary for the Canada Committee, advising that the History Committee are prepared to ~artici~ate in annua¡ festivities at Oro Memorial Fark on Canada Day. Old and Unfinished Business (a) Report on ~rogress re: Memorial Service at the African Episcopel Methodist Church in 1994: (i) The Chairman Tim Crawford reported that arrange- ments are for Sunday, June 12,1994 at 2:30 ~.m. The Speaker is to be Rev. Wilfred Sheffield - The Black History Society had been contacted in Toronto and he had sLoken to a Lerson in the Office and later to Urs. Williams, who'a~parentlY is the contact ~erson. She is still to get back to him. - He had also contacted the B.M.E Son~sters in Collingwood who appear anxious to attend and are to send confirmation. He had forwarded material to all the above contacts. - Matter of Parking: He had considered making enquiries re:arranging for parking in some of the fi Ids the intersection cf County Road #11 end Line 3. This was discussed and it WaS left that parking should be cons ered on one s e of the road along 1 3. c.P.P. to be contacted this regard. - 2 - 8 (sign)-:á frOIL r ge 1 (a) (i) Tim Crawford advised that Council had a~~roved the pro- osed Service at the African Church and that the ~ayor or representative would be present to bring greetings from the Township and that Council h9d authorized an amount of $250 to cover some of the cost. It is antici~ated that general collection will be taken at the Service to assist in cost coverage. LcGill Environment e.:ce to be contacted for a :çortable toilet for the day. The matter of printing the ~rograms for the service be left in the hands of Tim Crawford. (ii) Walter Hutchinson and Earl Robertson reTorted that after ins~ection of the interior of the Church it was decided that the ceiling needed ~aint - this has now been done. Also some pointing up with mortar between the logs on the walls was needed, after this was done the walls were white washed. The Church h d been cleaned ~nd the benches washed as well as some of the original furniture repaired. Volunteers for the work were Walter Hutchinson, Earl and Mary Robertson, Jadeen Henderson and Henry Neufeld, under the supervision of Walter Hutchinson. An invoice for the cost the material - paint, Lime for whitewash brushes, etc. il to be :çresented to the Treasurer f~r payment along with any cost .for the repainting of t~~~~ the Church. Loreen (Rice) Lucas also attended at the job with encouragement and refreshments. The Chairman kept in contact by telephone as to the progress. cont'd 8 (iii) Henry Neufeld reported that arrangements had been made for the Service to be held at the West Oro Baptist Church should the weather not be suitable for an outdoor Service, at the African Church on Sunday, June 12, 1994. Also that Kent Dempsey had been contacted regarding a P.A. System and a Piano Keyboard. Kent Dempsey agreed to bring a P.A. System at an ap~roximate cost of $50.00, depending on equipment required. (iv) Jadeen Henderson advised that she had contacted the Clowse W.I. with respect to cleaning of the Church and possible servidg of lunch after the Service. Since the Church has already been cleaned by volunteers, this will not be required. Jadeen is to contact the Clowse W.I. again with respeàt to serving only cold drinks and cookies. (v) other Matters Chairs and few tables that may be required are to be ricked up by members of the Committee on Saturday, June ll, 1994 in the morning. Also any last minute details needed to be done that morning. Jadeen Henderson to contact Township Recreational Director regarding the chairs and tables. 8 Committee members to meet at the African Church on Saturday, June 4, 94, :00 a.m to complete any arrangements or clean \> " 8 8 8 - ":1 - -' Several other matters with regard to the Service were brought forward and discussed by the members. It was moveà by Loreen (Rice) Lucas and seconded by Tim Crawford that a vote of thanks be extended to Walter Hutchinson, Earl and Mary Robertson, Jadeen Henderson and Henry Neufeld for the volunteer work done at the African Church in preparation for the Service to be held and the general up keer of the Building. Tim Crawford aàvised that another Ne~Letter from the County Historical Association would be forth coming shortly. There being no further business at hand it was moved by Walter Hutchinson that the meeting adjourn, ?t 8:50 p.m. Henry Neufeld, Secretary. Tim Crawford, ChairILan. Omitted under (~) (i) on page 2. Chairman advised that he had contacted the office of Allan K. McLean, M.P.P. Simcoe East and had been advised that Mr. McLean would be attending the Service at the African Church on June 12,1994.