12 13 1994 History Minutes 8 I'~:~ TC7:NS:-:I? OF C?,C-2,~r::cm~TE =-:ISTCRY CCt:kITTEE :'-EETD:G Dr:CEKBER 13, 1994 Tte Towns~ip of Cro-h~edontE History ComEittee met this evening ~n the C~mmittee Room at the T~wnship Administration Building, ln accorcance with the Schedule set at a meeting held ~n Arril 2, 1994. The ~cllowing members were present: Tim Crawford Loreen (Rice) Lucas Henry r~eufeld Walter Hutchinson Earl Robertson Jadeen Henderson AbseI'-t Bernice Hickling r.~ary Gar but t Carl Campetelli O-cening: The meeting was opened by the Chairman at 7:35 p.m. The Se~retary advised that Carl Campetelli had telephonèd and advised that he and ~ary Garbutt would be unable to attehd the meeting this evening but would arrange to be present at the January meeting. I...inu t e s : The Iiinutes of the last regular meeting r-_eld on ~~ovember ~, 1994, were on motion of Loreen (Rice) Lucas and Earl Robertson adopted as printed and received. All members having received a copy of same. Carried. Business arising from the ~inutes - none brought forward. 8 Correspondence and Communications (a) Secretary presented copy of letter forw~rded to Printed Passage Books Ltd., advising in response to order copy fer one 'story of Oro' at a price quoted by them, less discount, was not in accordance with Township ~rice list. The niscount is only allowed Ulon the purchase o~ lO books. The quantity ~rice being $8.00 per book, plus GST end F~! and postage. (b) 3ecretary presented cory of letter ~orw~rded to President, Ontario Genealogical Soceity, ~ho's Who in Ontario, Bio- graphical Research Office with respect to cmpleting a Biography Form, advising that the Oro-kedonte History Committee are not prepared to submit the n~me of anyone individual, since all the Publications of the Township have been a result of man)l reo:çle in the Community along with the Committee. Accordingly it is the opinion of the Co~~ittee that the name of the Township History Co~ittee should be recognized for incl~sion in the Who's Who in Ontario. Also further advising that the Township fuf Oro History Committee, since County Restructuring is now known e.s the To":nship of Oro-~edon te His tory Committee. 8 -t '.vas !Loved by ~"Íalter Eutctinson and"'seconded by Jadeen Henderson that the Correspondence as presented be accerted and filed for reference. The Chairman Nished it recorded tr.at the Secretary be cornmended :or the manner e.nd wording, etc. of letters forwar~ed And 'Jell as the recording of tr.e fuinutes. - ¿ - Clè ~~d ~nfinisheò Eusiness ~atter of Book Fro~os~l ~as rut forwarded fer ~iscussion - 8 The Chairman inèicated :~at he is becoŒing more e~thused ~bout the rublication of another book ~nd ~òvisEd that he gained some furth2r material that could be used. ~lso th~t he had srcken to Gary Cunnington ~ith resrect to old records of fcr~er ~edonte and h~d been advised that all old records ~.c~ been ta~en ~o the County Archives. It was suggested that older Assessment Rolls be again reviewed with resrect to earlier settlers ~nd land owners, as to who lived where and when. This could assist in Co~~unity q~otes, etc., that are ~roposed as a part of the rro~osed bock referred to. Accordingly it was suggested that a Nork meeting be schedules between each regular meeting. These may be increased as time [rogresses for the [ubliccticns ;rorosed. The Chairman advised that he would make a list of Video Cli¡:.s on hand¡nd also th~t he would endecvcur to complete the script for the two Blementary School Video Tares. It was suggested that &. Budget i:1 the amount of $l500 be rre¡:.ared for rresentation to Council once this has been a;proved for submission after the next regular meeting. 8 It w~s moved by Earl Robertson and seconded by Jadeen Henderson that ~alter Hutchinson and Loreen (Rice) Lucas prepare their account for the material used on the 'Dis,lay CRse' for the Reeve's Chain of Office (T~wnshi; of Oro) and further that the accounts be ~resented to the Township Treasurer for Council!s arproval and payment. And further that the Committee comæend Walter Hutchinson and Loreen (Rice) L~cas, for a job well èone on tt9 Display Case. E9W Business The matt3r of n~me tags for Committee ~effibers ~as ~is- cussed ~nd it was rlirected that t~is be taken u; ~ith the Tcwn- shir Clerk that ~ossibly the name tags could :e ~ade up by the same:' ir!:l the t tr<e name r: 1a tes and name tags' re IT.c,de for the Tcwnshi~ Council or oth~~ Tcwnshi~ officials. Also that the cost of same be oþtained. Tte~~ being no furthe~ business this ev~ning since the ï~ult had not been left open it nâS llioved by Earl Rober:son th~t the ~eeting adjourn at 3::0 ~.œ. :0 meet again en Tuesday, January l~, 1995 at 7:30 ~.m., unless otherwise notified. Henry Neufeld Secretary Tim Crawford Chairman 8