06 12 1995 History Minutes
JUNE 12,1995
The Townsti¡; of Oro-Iuedonte History Committee Iet ttis evening
t the Township Administration Building in the Committee Room in
accord~nce with the motion of adjournment at the last meeting.
The following members were present:
Bernice Hickling
E~rl .:=\obprtson
:'.ary Garbutt
Carl Campetelli
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7:45 p.m.
loreen (Rice) Lucas
Tim Crawford
Henry Neufeld
Walter Hutchinson
Jadeen Henderson
lliinutes - The ~inutes of the last regular meeting held on ~ay 15,
1995 were on motion of Walter Hutchinson and loreen (Rice)
Lucas adopted as printed and received.
Business arising from the kinutes - meeting of ~ay 15/95.
The Chairman advised on the attend&nce at a meeting of Council
by the Committee with respect to the African Episcõrall~eth-
odist Church, at which Cuuncil was briefed on the mattera at
hand and letters received by the Committee. As result Oro-
Medonte Council advised that Council would look after any
legal matters pertaining to the Affican Church. Also that
Council had advised that the matter had been referred to
the Township Solicitors.
Chairman advised that a letter had been forwarded to the BME
Church advising that the African Church would be opened for
the representatives to visit the Church. Walter Hutchinson
and Jadeen Henderson opened the Church as requested on June l,
1995 and met with the visitors from BlliE Church in Toronto and
area. The Chairman also commented that tteir appears to be
a difference between origin of the B~ and AME people.
The Chairman also mentioned that possibly kr. Ken Sitter of
HTA shoald be advised not to push matters of the African
Church, being a County e~pl9yee.
Corres-¡::ondence and Communications
(a) Fresneted a letter received from Mr. G.Glenn Parker, Burlington,
Ont., enquiring as to location of E~ Lot 5, Con. 11, which he
had not been able to locate when visiting the area. Advising
that the rroperty had been land granted to John Nash as Crown
land in 1~47, advising that he WaS doing a research of the
origin of his family. Also enquiring as to the location of Knox
Presbyterian Cemetery, where John Naish (Nash) was buried,
according to his research.
It waS le!t that the Secretary reply to the letter and include
a map of the Tçwnship dated 1871 which included the name of
John Nash on E¿ lot 5, Con. 11. This map also indicated the
Knox Presbyterian Cemetery, Fart Lot 10, Con 9.
Presented letter received from two school pupils attending
Waterbury Elementery School in Vermont, USA. Both letters
- 2 -
stateà that they were àoing a S~hodproject on the Under Grounà
Railway and were looking for any information in this regard.
It was left that krs. Loreen (Rice) Lucas was to respond by for-
warding copies of pages 7-10. The story of Black Settlement in
Oro Township, tlStory of Oro"
Old and Unfinisheà Business
The Chairman and Jadeen Henàerson aàviseà that had attenàed a
day with the Oro Agricultural Society~ at which the Society had
a day of education with Grade four students from four rublic
schools. This was the second time for this event held" on June 2,
1995 BS a School Field Trip. Tim and Jaàeen gave a demonstration
of antique tools and householà utensils.
Loreen (Rice) Lucas brought up the matter of a surplus number of
"Story of Oro" still on hand, suggesting that two copies of the
book be placed in each of the ?ublic Schools in the present Town-
ship, and rossibly some Secondary Schools.
It w~s moved by Loreen (Rice) Lucas and seconded by Jadeen ~enderson
that two copies of the 'story of Oro' be presented to each of the
Public Schools in Oro-fuedonte (3 former Oro)(3-4 forcer kedonte.)
and two Eigh Schools - East View in Barrie and Park street in Ori~lia,
as well as Midland and Elmvale High Schools. And that this recommend-
ation be forwarded to Oro-Medonte Council ,for action.
It is the Committee's opinion that this may create extra sales.
New Business
It was brought to the attention of the meeting that Richards
Farm Equipment will hold thè1r second annual Heritage nay on
August 12,1995 from 8:00 a.ill. to 6:co p.m. The Eistory
Committee have been asked to participate eg~in this year.
Approximately using the same antique equipment and articles.
The Chairman ~dvised that Loreen (Rice) Lucas has been writing
a Mnauscript on Midland and Oro (1920 to date) and that she
has been asked to send an outline and sample Chapters to
General Publishing. Suggested name of the book is "Outhouses
and Apple Fie".
The wished it noted that Loreen should be commended on the
Mary Garbutt has invited the Committee to meet at her 'Log
Cabin' on Line 7, north of Coulson on Monday, July lO, 1995
at 2:00 p.m. A eommittee Meeting could take place if needed.
It was moved by Loreen (Rice) Lucas and sconded by Walter
Hutchinson that the Township History Committee recommend to
Oro Medonte Council that furs. B. Hunter from Hillsdale be
added as a member of the Oro-lliedonte History Committee.
It was moved by Walter Hutchinson that the meeting adjourn
~t 9:00 ~.m. to meet again on konday, September 11, 1995
at 7:30 p.m. ar at the call of the Chairman.
Henry Neufeld,
5475 Lakeshore Rd., E., Unit 31
. . ':\~ ' () r¡
BurlIngton. OntarIo, L7L lEI ~~' !
June 4, 1995 ~'A
JiJÎ~ 8 - 1995
I am writing to seek your help on matters relating to research I am doing on the 0 . f my
family. I have established that John Naish (also spelled Nash) was granted crown Ian '() Z
Township in 1847. He was !:,Jfanted Lot El/2 5, Conc. 11. Would you be able to tell me exactly
where that is located? I have traveled through the area and know where Concession or Line 11 is
located but current addresses give no indication of the original Lot Numbers. Can you help me
on this either by providing a map of the Lot Numbers or a precise descrIption of where Lot E 1 /2
5, Conc. 11 is located?
Township ofOro-Medonte
Box 100, Oro, Ontario, LOL 2EO
Dear Sir/Madam:
I have reference to John Naish (Nash) being buried at Knox Presbyterian Cemetery, Simcoe
County. I can tind no record of it in the Oro Township telephone directory. Do you know where
it is located?
Also, I have also visited some local cemeteries including:
The United Church Cemetery, Guthrie, 4th Line and Hwy 11.
St. Thomas (1 believe that is the name) Anglican Cemetery, Shanty Bay, 2nd Line.
The cemetery just east ofOro Station between 6th and 7th Lines.
The Anglican Cemetery in East Oro, 11 th Line and 15 Sideroad,
but have not been able to locate my relatives. Would you be able to tell me where other
cemeteries dating back to the 19th century are located in Oro Township?
1 have enclosed a stamped, self addressed envelope for your convenience. I look forward to
hearing from you.
Yours truly,
G. Glenn Parker
5475 Lakeshore Rd. E., Unit 31
Burlington, Ontario, L 7L 1 E 1
August 27, 1995
Me Henry Neufeld
Secretary, Township ofOro-Medonte History Committee
Box 100, Ow, Ontario, LOL 2EO
Dear Me Neufeld:
This is a much belated thank you for for most infonnative and helpful letter of June 14 which
responded to my questions about a relative, John Nash. The map ofOro Township was
especially helpful in clarifYing the location of their fann and his burial at Knox Presbyterian
Cemetery. I have written to Gordon Woodrow as you suggested. Also, I have wTitten to the
Township Office regarding the three publications you mentioned.
My wife is not well so we travel infrequently. I am therefore most appreciative of the
infonnation you provided by maiL r apologize for being so tardy in acknowledging it. Thank
you agaIn,
cJj &-
, Glenn Parker