12 02 1999 History Minutes
For Dec 02, 1999
In attendance: Geoffrey Booth, Tim Crawford (chair), Allan Howard, Eunice Johnston (recording
secretary), Bruce Wiggins.
Minutes of last meeting were reviewed and corrected pg 1 - under action items - change Story of Oro
to Hills ofOro price $2.00
Motion by Bruce Wiggins to accept as corrected, seconded by Geoffrey Booth. Carried.
Business arising:
.. Geoffrey and Tim attended the October board meeting of Simcoe County Historical Association to
present proposed Hawkstone\Hodges Landing plaque and request fmancial assistance. No
decision was made by SCRA at that time but response will be made in the new year when their
budget for 2000 is prepared.
further discussion on the Hawkstone\Hodges Landing plaque is tabled until this committee hears
from SCHA.
Oro-Medonte council presented plaques to Earl Robertson, Walter Hutchinson and Loreen Lucas,
during the Nov council meeting, as a thank you for thier many, many years of service to the
township. This committee will miss them.
the OriIlia Packet was in attendance at the council meeting and took photos of the event
the history committee will gather at Tim Crawford's for a lunch sometime soon.
Tim will submit bills to the township bills for items charged on his Visa; about $400.00
.. letter from Dawn Oosterhaken of Saskatchewan asking for information on the Pratt family. Tim
will respond.
thank you from the New T ecumseth Public Library for two copies of the Oro African Church that
were donated when Tim was there making a presentation on one room schools.
a letter of congratulations will be written to Clowes Women's Institute on the occasion of their
75th anniversary, thanking them for their service to the African church over the years and for their
efforts in preserving history.
Tim will write a letter to the Queen Mom asking her for comment on a bonfire held in Carley
when she and King George visited the area in 1939.
a framed photo of School was received for our archives.
New Business:
.. discussion about a dead line for the Medonte book and the millennium book
.. Bruce will approach two individuals how might be willing to do research for the book
.. a subcommittee was formed to brainstorm a suitable site in old Medonte for a plaque. Allan
Howard and Mary Garbout will make up this committee with the possible addition of Mildred
Motion by Bruce Wiggins, seconded by Eunice Johnston that individuals who are not committee
members be recruited to do research or be otherwise involved without sitting on the committee.
~arried. '
request from staff and council that this committee set up a display in township office on F eb 02
and those manning the display wear appropriate costume. It was agreed that we do this.
Motion to adjourn by Geoffrey Booth