08 12 1993 History Minutes
August 12, 1993
The Township of Ore History Committee met this evening at the
Township of Oro Administration Building in the Committee Room.
All members having been notified by telephone.
members were present:
The following
Loreen (Rice) Lucas
Henry Neufeld
walter Hutchinson
Earl Robertson
Tim Crawford
Jadeen Henderson
Bernice Hickling
Sandra Shelswell
The Chairperson opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
The minutes of the last regular meeting held on June 17,
1993. A copy of which had been forwarded to all members,
were adopted on motion of Walter Hutchinson and Earl
Robertson, as printed and received.
Correspondence and Communications
Presented a copy of letter forwarded to the Township ~lerk
with respect to recommendations of the History Committee that
Oro Council pursue the proposal to have #93 Highway designated
as a Heritage Road, as had been recommended by the Township of
Oro History Committee in 1984, and enclosing copies of letters
from the Township of Oro to the Warden of Simcoe County dated
March 23, 1984 and June 5,1984, enclosing the Ore H~story
Committee, of that year, !Eeritage Road Proposal!. Also a
copy of the County of Simcoe Roads and Transrortation Committee,
of that year, letter supporting the Proposal.
Letter also included a recommendation to Oro Council that
the History Committee recommend that the recent publication
Booklet "The Hills of Oro and Other Pioneer Landmarks" be sold
for $3.00, including all applicable taxes, and requesting that
a copy of this booklet be forwarded to the County of Simcoe
and Barrie and Orillia Public Libraries and other Libraries
that may request a copy. As well as suggesting that the sale
price of other publications of the Township be reviewed at the
next regular meeting of the History Committee.
The Chairperson advised that she had spoken with Mary Garbutt
of the Medonte Township Histrorical Committee who had indicated
an interest to meet with the Township of Oro History Committee.
The Secretary advised that he had received a telerhone call
another member of the that Co~~ittee, Carl Campitelli, suggesting
a joint meeting of the two Committees some time in August.
during discussion nt9tive dates for such a me~ting were
~/ '--/
Clerk advised that had received a memo from the De;uty-Clerk
forwarding a tter om . Doreen Woods, who s seeking infor-
mation of relatives of her great aunt, Flora McLellan, who was
married to George Leitch, who was orn _the Township Oro.
- ¿ -
Also f;urther advised that Cemetery records indicate that Archibald
Leitcrlhad been buried in the Ruby Cemetery, also his wife. And that
anothér record shows that Angus Leitch had owned property in Oro
(period of 1855 - 187l) Fro~rty referred to being SW~ lot 2, Con 8
and NE~ lot 2, Con 8. Her enquiry being as to whether any relatives
of the Leitch family live in Oro or the surrounding area.
Secretary advised~hat after consulting with some of the members of
the Committee, a letter had been forwarded to Ms. Doreen Woods,
confirming the burial of Archibald Leitch and his wife in the Rugby
Cemetery according to the Flot Plan of the Cemetery. As well as
forwarding names of S. Leitch, Moonstone, Ont.; Gordon Leitch of
West street in Orillia; Jay Leitch, R.R. #7, Crillia and R. Leitch,
Ra #1, Wyebridge, Onto All names and addresses had been obtained
from the Area Telephone Directory.
It Was moved by Jadeen Henderson and seconded by Tim Crawford that
the correspondence received and letternforwarded, accepted as
satisfactory and filed for reference.
Old and Unfinished Business
- non brought forward.
New Business:
(a) Presented a letter from the Township Clerk advising that the
new Official name of the restructured Municipality of Oro and 4IÞ
Medonte and parts of Orillia, Vespra and Flos Townships will be the
Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte. The majority of the
responses received were to retain a combination of either Oro-Medonte,
Medonte-Oro or a so called hybrid name melding the letter of Oro
or Medonte. The Medonte Eistorical Committee as well as the Oro
His tory Committee preferred tr.e preservation of the Or i ginal Township
names end Council had taken this into consideration.
The second purp,ose of the letter being that now that we have this
new name, it will require a new Township Logo. The following is
a resolution of Oro Council:
"Be it resolved that the IJedonte and Oro Historical Committees
be asked to consider creating a new Township "Logo" for the
new Municipality for use effective January 1, 1994 and submit
proposals for same to the Joint Council for their approv~l."
As suggested in this letter contact has been made with fuedonte
Township Historical Committee regarding a joint meeting, with a
suggestion for a joint meeting of the two Committees.
It was left that the Chairperson contact Mary Garbutt of the
Medonte Historical Committee to arrange for a date for a joint
meeting, suggesting August 24, 25, 26.
(' \
The Sale price of the Township publication "Story of aro"
"I"" s r'onsidered and dtscussed by U"'_e Committee.
It was moved by Tim Crawford and seconded by Earl Robertson
that the Eistory CoIDffiittee recommend to Oro Council that
Oro Council authorize the placing the Book in Retail
Outlets outsdie of Oro as well as in Retail Outlets in Oro,
at a Wholesale cost of $8.00, provided that at least ten (10)
ies are chased.
- , -
The matter of a display at Oro Fair by the History Committee
was next considered.
"It was moved by Walter Hutchinson and seconded by Jadeen
Henderson that Tim Crawford. Jadeen Henderson and Earl
Robèrtson as well as the Ch~irperson be a Cow~ittee to
prepare material to be used in a display at the Oro Fair."
It was left that the Chairperson contact the Secretary of the
Oro Agricultural Society (Fair Board) with respect to space
in a building. The basement of the Town Hall is not considered
to be a suitable place for apace for the display by the
History Committee.
There being no further business at hand it was moved by
Walter Hutchinson that the meeting adjourn at 8:55 p.m.,
to meet ag&in at the call of the Chairperson.
Henry Neufeld,
Loreen (Rice) Lucas
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