09 22 2004 COW Minutes
Wednesday, September 22,2004 @ 9:05 a.m.
Council Chambers
Mayor J. Neil Craig
Deputy Mayor Harry Hughes
Councillor Ralph Hough
Councillor John Crawford
Councillor Ruth Fountain
Councillor Dan Buttineau
Councillor Paul Marshall
Staff Present:
Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO; Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk; Paul
Gravelle, Treasurer; Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning
Development; Andria Leigh, Senior Planner; Keith Mathieson,
Director of Engineering/Environmental Services; Chris Carter,
Recreation Co-ordinator; Nick McDonald, Meridian Planning
Consultants Inc.; Doug Irwin, Records Management Co-
Also Present:
J. Waugh, J. Purnell, A. Baker, J. Woodford
Mayor J. Neil Craig assumed the chair and called the meeting to order.
Motion No. CW-1
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that the following items be added to the agenda for
b) Councillor Hough, Update re: Subdivision in Orillia (Stone Ridge Estates).
c) Mayor J. Neil Craig, re: Legal Matter.
Motion No. CW-2
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that the agenda for the Committee of the Whole meeting of
Wednesday, September 22,2004 be received and adopted.
None declared.
a) Oro-Medonte History Association, minutes of August 19, 2004 meeting.
Motion No. CW-3
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that the minutes for The Oro-Medonte History Association
meeting of August 19, 2004 be received.
b) Oro-Medonte History Association, minutes of September 14, 2004 meeting.
Motion No. CW-4
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that the minutes for The Oro-Medonte History Association
meeting of September 14, 2004 be received.
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Motion No. CW-5
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that Council recognize the generous donation by:
(1) Mr. J. Holden for the original Childs painting of the Oro African Church done in
(2) Rev. Nina Fulford and the Waverley United Church congregation for the early
1900's church pew,
(3) Loreen Rice-Lucas for her prints of Oro Township sites,
(4) Rita Whiston for her prints of Medonte Township,
(5) Walter Shelswell for an Indian stone skinning knife and a corn cutter.
c) Bonnie MacDougall, correspondence dated September 3,2004 re: Carcasses on
Township Roads.
Motion No. CW-6
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that the correspondence dated September 3, 2004 from Bonnie
MacDougall, re: Carcasses on Township Roads be received and referred to staff for
a response under the Mayor's signature.
d) Tom Chillman, correspondence dated September 8,2004 re: 971 Line 7 South,
Oro Station, Part Lot 26, Concession 8, Request for Reimbursement of Fees.
Motion No. CW-7
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that the correspondence dated September 8,2004 from Tom
Chillman, re: 971 Line 7 South, Oro Station, Part Lot 26, Concession 8, Request for
Reimbursement of Fees be received and referred to staff for a report.
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Committee of the Whole Meeting - September 22, 2004
e) Ernie Dryden, correspondence dated August 26, 2004 to Ministry of Municipal Affairs
and Housing re: Provincial Policy Statement, June 2004.
Motion No. CW-8
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that the correspondence dated August 26, 2004 from Ernie Dryden to
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Provincial Policy Statement, June 2004 be
f) Frederick Frank, correspondence dated September 8, 2004 re: Letter of Appreciation re:
Four Way Stop, Oro Station Intersection.
Motion No. CW-9
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that the correspondence dated September 8, 2004 from Frederick Frank,
re: Letter of Appreciation re: Four Way Stop, Oro Station Intersection be received.
g) Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority correspondence dated July 28, 2004 and
Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority correspondence dated August 20, 2004 re:
Re-Investment in Ontario's Conservation Authorities.
Motion No. CW-10
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that the correspondence dated July 28,2004 from Lake Simcoe Region
Conservation Authority and the correspondence dated August 20, 2004 from The
Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority re: Re-Investment in Ontario's Conservation
Authorities be received; that the Ministry of Natural Resources be advised of The Township
of Oro-Medonte's support of the report by Conservation Ontario entitled, "Submission to the
Minister of Natural Resources: Re-Investment in Ontario's Conservation Authorities - Now
and in the Future" which requests:
1. Fair, equitable and sustainable funding for basic operational activities defined in the
1997 Policy and Procedures Manual for Conservation Authorities to be eligible for
provincial transfer payment,
2. A re-instatement of funding to some activities that were specifically excluded in 1997
3. An annual Consumer Price Index adjustment to funding;
and further that letters of support be sent to the LSRCA and The Minister of Natural
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Committee of the Whole Meeting - September 22, 2004
h) Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, correspondence dated August 20,
2004 re: Request for Municipal Support re Draft Drinking Water Resource
Protection Act.
Motion No. CW-11
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that the correspondence dated August 20,2004 from The
Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, re: Request for Municipal Support re
Draft Drinking Water Resource Protection Act be received; and
That the Township of Oro-Medonte support the protection of our drinking water
resources; and
That the Township of Oro-Medonte support the coordinating role in drinking water
source protection planning proposed for conservation authorities; and
whereas there must be substantial and sustained provincial funding for drinking
water source protection; therefore the Township of Oro-Medonte generally supports
the draft Drinking Water Resource Protection Act and recommends that the
Province proceed with the approval of the legislation and the commitment of
provincial funding for implementation of source protection.
i) Ann Jorgensen, correspondence dated August 26, 2004 re: Hawkestone Hall
Motion No. CW-12
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that the correspondence dated August 26, 2004 from Ann
Jorgensen, re: Hawkestone Hall Rentals be received and referred to staff for a
response under the Mayor's signature.
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a) Mayor Neil Craig, re: County Wide Growth Management Study.
Motion No. CW-13
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that the information from Mayor Neil Craig, re: County Wide
Growth Management Study and the correspondence dated September 24, 2004
from Ian Bender, Director of Planning, The Corporation of the County of Simcoe re:
Places to Grow Discussion Paper be received.
b) Councillor Hough, Update re: Subdivision in Orillia (Stone Ridge Estates).
Motion No. CW-14
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that the verbal information presented by Councillor Hough re:
public meeting by City of Orillia on September 20, 2004 with respect to a subdivision
abutting Oro-Medonte be received.
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a) Planning Advisory Committee, minutes of September 13, 2004 meeting.
Motion No. CW-15
Moved by Hough, Seconded by Hughes
It is recommended that the minutes for the Planning Advisory Committee meeting of
September 13, 2004 be received.
Motion No. CW-16
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that Zoning By-law Amendment Application P-129/01 for John
Strimas and Jane Burgess, Concession 8, East Part of Lots 12 and 13, RP 51 R-
14221, Parts 1 and 2, RP 51 R-31772, Part 2 (Medonte), Township of Oro-Medonte
proceed to a Public Meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Planning
Motion No. CW-17
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that Applications 2004-0PA-03 and 2004-ZBA-04, submitted by
CRA Developments, Concession 9, Part of Lot 26 (Oro), Township of Oro-Medonte,
proceed to a public meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Planning
Motion No. CW-18
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that Zoning By-law Amendment Application 2004-ZBA-17 for
Laurel View Homes Inc. and Horseshoe Valley Lands Ltd., Concession 4, Part of
Lots 3 and 4, and Plan M-741 , Lots 1-66 (Oro) Township of Oro-Medonte, proceed
to a Public Meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act.
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Motion No. CW-19
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that Application P-159/03, a proposed Official Plan and Zoning
By-law Amendment submitted by Lester and Cristina Cooke, Concession 3, South
Part of Lot 17 (Orillia), Township of Oro-Medonte proceed to a public meeting in
accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act.
b) Committee of Adjustment, minutes of September 16, 2004 meeting.
Motion No. CW-20
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that the minutes for the Committee of Adjustment meeting of
September 16, 2004 be received.
c) Report No. PD 2004-43, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner, re: Removal of Holding
Provision - Heights of Horseshoe Townhomes/ New Millennium Homes Limited,
Concessions 3 & 4, Part of Lots 1 (Medonte), Township of Oro-Medonte.
Motion No. CW-21
Moved by Hough, Seconded by Hughes
It is recommended that Report No. PD 2004-43, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner, re:
Removal of Holding Provision - Heights of Horseshoe Townhomes/ New Millennium
Homes Limited, Concessions 3 & 4, Part of Lots 1 (Medonte), Township of Oro-
Medonte be received and adopted; and further that a by-law to remove the Holding
provision from lands located at Concessions 3 and 4, Part of Lot 1 (Medonte),
Township of Oro-Medonte (Heights of Horseshoe Townhomes/New Millennium
Homes Limited) be brought forward for favorable consideration.
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d) Report No. PO 2004-45, Nick McDonald, re: Modifications to OPA #17.
Motion No. CW-22
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that:
1. Report No. PO 2004-45, Nick McDonald, re: Modifications to OPA #17 be
received and adopted;
2. That Council support the modifications to Sections C1.3.2, C1.3.2.2, C1.3.8,
C2.3.1, C2.3.3, C2.3.5, C3.3.6.5 (g), C11.3 0), C14, C14.3, C14.4, C14.5.4.1,
01.2.2, 01.2.3, 01.3, 02.2.1, 02.2.3, E1.2, E1.9, E1.10, Schedule A, and
Schedule B as identified in Appendix A; to Report No. PO 2004-45;
3. and further that the County of Simcoe be advised of Council's decision.
e) Report No. PO 2004-46, Nick McDonald, re: Modifications to OPA #16.
Motion No. CW-23
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that:
1. Report No. PO 2004-46, Nick McDonald, re: Modifications to OPA #16 be
received and adopted, as amended;
2. That Council authorize staff to request that the County of Simcoe not make a
decision with respect to the designation of the Georgian North Lands Limited
property for residential purposes in Official Plan Amendment 16;
3. That Council authorize staff to request that the County of Simcoe not make a
decision with respect to the policies contained within Sections C14.4.1.4 and
C.12.4.5 of the Official Plan; and
4. That Council support the modifications to Sections A2.1.2, A2.2.1, A2.2.2,
A2.3.2, A.2.3.7, A4.3, A4.2.4, A.5.2, A.5.3, B1.3.2, B1.6, B1.10.1, B1.10.1.4,
B1.10.2, B1.10.2.4, B3.2, B5.1.13, B5.1.1.1, B5.1.1.3, B5.1.1.4, B5.1.6.1,
B5.1.6.2, B5.1.9, C12.1, C12.2, C12.4.2, C12.4.3, C12.4.6, Section F, and
Schedule A-1 as identified in Appendix A, B, and C to Report No. PO 2004-46,
as amended;
5. And further that The County of Simcoe be advised of Council's decision.
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Committee of the Whole Meeting - September 22, 2004
f) Report No. PD 2004-47, Nick McDonald, re: Modifications to OPA #17 - Water
Motion No. CW-24 (Amendment)
Moved by Hough, Seconded by Hughes
It is recommended that the recommendation with respect to PD 2004-47 Nick
McDonald, re: Modifications to OPA #17 - Water Taking be amended to include,
"and that the municipalities be requested to support the Township of Oro-Medonte in
its requests to the Ministry of Environment'.
Motion No. CW-25
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that:
1. That Report PD 2004-47 Nick McDonald, re: Modifications to OPA #17 - Water
Taking be received and adopted;
2. That Council authorize staff to request that the County of Simcoe render a
"Non-Decision" with respect to proposed Section H4 (Water Taking) of the
Official Plan as amended by OPA 17;
3. That Council authorize staff to request the MOE to issue a formal statement
about the Divisional Court decision regarding water taking as a land use; and,
4. That Council request the MOE to give more control over water taking to local
5. That all municipalities in the Province be advised of Council's decision in this
6. And further that the municipalities be requested to support the Township of
Oro-Medonte in its requests to the Ministry of Environment.
Carried As Amended.
Motion No. CW-26
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that we do now go In-Camera at 12:30 p.m. to discuss Legal and
Property Matters.
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Committee of the Whole Meeting - September 22, 2004
Motion No. CW-27
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that we do now Rise and Report from In-Camera at 2:10 p.m.
a) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Legal Matter.
Motion No. CW-28
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes
It is recommended that Confidential Report No. PO 2004-48, Nick McDonald,
Meridian Planning Consultants Inc., re: Legal Matter (Moon Point / OPA 17) be
received; and further that staff be authorized to request that the County not make a
decision on Section 010.3.8 of OPA #17.
b) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Property Matter.
Motion No. CW-29
Moved by Hough, Seconded by Hughes
It is recommended that the confidential correspondence presented by Jennifer
Zieleniewski, CAO dated September 16, 2004 and September 20, 2004 re: Property
Matter (Moonstone Fire Hall) be received; and further that staff be authorized to
proceed with the acquisition of the property.
c) Mayor J. Neil Craig, re: Legal Matter.
Motion No. CW-30
Moved by Hough, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that Confidential Report No. ADM 2004-042, J. Zieleniewski,
CAO, re: Legal Matter (Update) be received.
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Motion No. CW-31
Moved by Hough, Seconded by Hughes
It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 2:15 p.m.
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