1982-005 Medonte
BY- LAW 82- 5
BEING A BY~LAW to assume certain roads within the Township of Medonte
WHEREAS certain roads have been constructed in Horseshoe Valley, Being
parts of Lot 1, Concession 4 and Lot 1, Con cession 5, Township of Medonte
as shown on registered plans M-I0, M-11 and M-23.
AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Medonte has agreed with the
subdivider to take over the roads within these plans when they were brought
to satisfactory standards.
AND WHEREAS such roads are now available for subsidy with respect to future
maintenance expenditures on their being taken into the Township Road System.
NOW THEREFORE Council of the Corporation of the Township enacts as follows:
1) That the roads within Registered Plan M-10, known as
1) Pine Ridge Trail
2) Pine Hill
3) Pine Springs
That the roads within Register@d Plan M~11 know~ as
1) The Cathedral Pines
2) Pine Point
That the roads within Registered Plan M-23 known as
1) Pine Lane
are hereby, incorporated into the road system of the Township of Medonte
That a map showing the roads shall form Appendix "A" of this By-Law.
That this By~Law shall come into force and effect upon final passing
a first and second time this 10th day of February, 1982.
READ a third time and passed this
day of