1982-006 Medonte (2) To authorize the assumption of certain watermains valuves hydrants and services, pump house and pumping equipment BY~ LAW 82- 6 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Being a By-Law to authorize the assumption of certain watermains, valves, hydrants and services; pump house and pumping equipment presently serving the lots of RP 1531, M-I0, M-ll and M-23 in the Township of Medonte WHEREAS certain watermains, water services, pumphouse and pumping equipment has been installed by Salvi I investments Limited, hereinafter referred to as the "Developer", the Developer of RP No. 1531, M~10, M-ll, and M-23, herein- after referred to as the "Subdivisions"; . AND WHEREAS the Developer is prepared to dedicate the said mains, services, building and equipment to the Corporation at no cost to the Corporation; AND WHEREAS by agreement made between the Corporation, the Developer and Horeseshoe Valley Resorts Limited dated the 23rd day of May, 1980 (Water Rights Guarantee Agreement) as amended by the amending Agreement approved by this by-law, the Corporation has ensured that the system defined in paragraph 1 hereof has an adequate supply of water to supply the domestic water users residing in the Subdivisions; AND WHEREAS by By-Law 1392 duly enacted pursuant to Petition of the owners and certified, the Corporation authorized the construction of certain water~ mains, hydrants and pumping equipment as a Local Improvement. AND WHEREAS by the Water Rights Guarantee Agreement the Subdivider agreed to dedicate and the Corporation unqertook to accept and assume the system subject to completion of the local imptbVcement works and subject to the certification of completion by the Corporation's engineers. AND WHEREAS such completion certificate has been received. AND WHEREAS it is desirable and expedient to amend the Water Rights Guarantee Agreement and to assume the expanded system. AND WWEREAS the title to the lands in which the pipes have been installed has been transferred to the Corporation. NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: . 1. That the Council hereby assumes the ownership of all the water mains, hydrants and services including the booster pumping station and all the related mechancial and electrical equipment serving residential lots in the subdivisions, being the existing watermains shown outlined in red on Plan of Ainley and Associates, No 78386~0 dated April 10, 1980 and entitled Horseshoe Valley Water Supply System appended to this by~law. 2. That the tW~~JiDC,b::'pipe:aB:d instaJ:l!!edhy:drant in Pamts .1i,/ 2harId/or 8, Plan 51R-2909 being the lands registered the 3rd of March, 1974 as instrument 472627 are specifically excluded from this enactment until the same shall be brought up to approved specifications and so certified by the Township Engineer. P age two ..... BY~ LAW 82~ 6 3. That the Corporation enter into the amending agreement with Horseshoe Val Resorts Limited and Salvi I Investments Limited amending the Water Rights Guarantee Agremeent for the supply of water to the subdivisions and the maintenance of the pumping equipment and watermains assumed, pursuant to this agreement. READ A FIRST, AND SECOND TIME THIS 10th DAY of FEBRUARY, 1982. Reeve day of 1982. READ A THIRD TIME AND finally passed this Reeve , 143FERNDALE DRIVE R.R. No.2 BARRIl;, ONTARIO L4M 484 REID AND ASSOCIATES. LIMITED CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE AREA CODE (705) 72&<>141 April 1, 1982. Re: Township of Medonte, Pine Ridge Subdivision, Project No. 757. On Wednesday, March 31, 1982, we again looked at the pump- . Township of Medonte, Municipal Offices, Moonstone, Ontario. LOK 1NO Attention: Mr. G. Cunnington, Clerk-Treasurer. Dear Sir: house. We would report that the facilities have been upgraded to substantially what was agreed upon at our January 18, 1982 meeting. We would recommend that the roads and waterworks be assumed. Yours very truly, REID AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED PGS:avd ll~ (j Jhtd Peter G. Smith, P. Eng. ,