1982-008 Medonte THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE, IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE, AND PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, CANADA BY-LAW # being a by-law to stop-up, close and convey a portion of unopened road al- lowance between and adjoining Lots 4 and 5, Plan 342, on the south and Lot 3, Plan 342, on the north, in the Town- ship of Medonte, in the County of Simcoe and to provide for the transfer of title thereto to the owners and/or occupiers of abutting lands. WHEREAS the portion of the road allowance here after described in this By-Law has never been used and is required and alternative roads have been constructed, and title thereto conveyed to the Corporation of the Township of Medontei NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo tion of the Township of Medonte hereby enacts as follows: 1. That those parts of the road allowance located ween and adjoining Lots 4 and 5, Plan 342, on the south and 3, Plan 342, on the north, more particularly described as 2, 3, 4 and 5 on Plan 51R-9947, be and the same are hereby stopped-up and closed. 2. That the said road allowance described in 1 hereof be conveyed to the person or persons who at the hereof are in possession and/or occupation of the adjoining as they may consent or direct, subject to the payment to the Township, within thirty (30) days hereof, of the price there fixed by resolution of the Council, and for the purpose of s conveyance or conveyances as may be requisite therefor, an propriate conveyance or conveyances of such land be prepared executed on behalf of the Corporation by the Reeve and the thereof and engrossed with the Seal of the Corporation. BY-LAW READ a First and Second time in open Council this day of 1982. . BY-LAW READ a Third time and passed in open Council this day of 1982. THE CORPORATION OF THE Tm~SHIP MEDONTE