1982-010 Medonte
BY-LAW NO. 82-10
BEING A BY-LAW to regulate the erection, alteration and conE'truction of
within the Township of Medonte
WHEREAS it is necessary to regulate the erection, alteration, construction and
moving of buildings within the Township
1) Any erection, alteration, construction or moving of buildings within the
Township of Medonte must be done incompliance with the Ontario Building
Code and with this by law.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Tovffiship of Medonte enacts as
2) This By-Law E'hall apply to all buildings constructed, altered, moved or
added to within the Township but shall no affect any interior alterations
which do not affect the structural soundness of the building .
3) The Township of Medonte or its agents shall not be liable either directly
or indirectly for any loss or injury to life or property due to any failure
of any construction on any building or structure erected under this By-Law.
4) No one shall commence with the erection or alteration of any building or
part of an~ building until a permit for such erection, alteration or moving
has been obtained from the Township Building Inspector by the owner or his
5) A building permit shall be valid for a period of one year from date of
issuance. If construction is not started within a period of one year,
a new building permit must be obtained.
6) If construction or alteration begins within the one year period, and should
the construction or alteration continue for a period of two years, it E'hall
be necessary for the awner or contractor to obtain a new permit.
The fee structure for permits shall be
a) New house, cottages and chalets
b) Commercial and Industrial Buildings
per 1,000 square feet
c) All other buildings or additions
d) Residential garages, n w foundations
or basements under existing buildings
and alterations to existing buildings
and small storage buildings 100 sq. ft.
to 400 sq. ft.
e) Below ground swimming pools and above
ground permanent swimming pools
f) Chimney installations to existing
8) The Council of the Township shall appoint a Building Inspector who shall
hold office from year to year or until a successor is appointed.
9) The duties of the Building Inspector shall be to inspect all buildings and
enforce the requirements of this By-Law; to keep a record of all
for permits, plans, etc., as well as records of all permits issued; and to
act uDder the direction 0 the Council in all matters pertaiDing to the
Building By-Law.
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BY-LAW NO. 82-10
Inspections shall be as follows:
1) First inspection to check all forms and soil for footings and set back.
2) Second inspection to check blocks, plates etc. and tile drainage before
backfill .
3) Third inspection to check frame work.
4) Fourth inpsection to check insulation and plumbing.
5) Fifth and or final inspection to issue occupancy permit.
10) All residential dvvellings and other buildiDgs shall be constructed
in accordaDce with the set back and yard requiremeDts as laid out
iD the Tovmship ZODing By-Law. This informatioD may be obtained from
the TowDship Office.
11 ) 1Nhere there are presently buildirgE closer to the street, road or highway
then allowed in the Township Zoning By-Law, special permission may be
obtaired to erect or alter buildings to confvvrn with the position of
the existing buildiDg.
12) The miDimum lot size shall be 15,000 square feet ,vith a minimum frontage
of eighty (80 f) where there is a public water supply, and 22,000 square
feet wi th a minimum froDtage of one hundIt:'EP'd feet (100 f) where there is a
private well unless special permission is obtaiDed from the Simcoe County
District Health Unit.
13) If a order has been placed or any property.no buildirg permit
shall be issued for that property until the problerh\has been rectified
and the restraining order removed.
14) Each permanent home in a Rural or Residential Zone shall have a mHHmum of
n~ne hundred square feet (900 sq. ft. ) on the first floor of a one storey
horne, and a minimum of seveD hurdred aDd fifty square feet (750 sq. ft.)
OD the first floor of a full two storey home.
15) A storey and a half permaneDt home in a Rural or Residential zone must
have a minimum of six hundred square feet (600 sq. ft. ) on the first
floor and a total mirimum of one thousand square feet (1,000 sq. ft.)
16) The square footage requiremerts for a permaneDt home in an Estate
ZODe are dLfferert and this information may be obtaired from the Township
17) Each cottage or chalet built for part time or summer use must have anminimum
of seven hundred square feet (700 sq. ft.) or the firEt floor ar'd must be
finished OD the exterior and must have a proper foundation.
18) A storey an,d a half cottage or chalet must have auminimum of six hundred
square feet (600 sq. ft.) on the first floor and a total minimum of one
thousaDd square feet (1,000 sq. ft.).
19) ADY addition to existing mobile homes to increase the living quarters must
iDcrease the size to nire hundred square feet (900 sq. ft.).
20) All buildings erected along County of Simcoe Roads must comply with the
By-Laws of Simcoe County.
21) All entrances for new residential &vellirgs along Townfhip roads must be
approved by the Township Roads SuperiDteDdent.
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BY-LAW 82-10
22) Any construction or alteration on any controlled access Highway must be
approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications before a
Township Building Permit shall be issued.
23) All residentails dwellings constructed must have indoor toilet facili
24) No residential building or alteration shall be constructed without the
exterior being completed within 24 months.
25) In the case of any structural changes in plans or specifications made
during the progress of the construction for which a permit has been
issued the change must be submitted to bhe building inspector for his
26) No person shall pass any stove or furnace pipes or allow any such pipes
to pass or be carried through the roof or sides of an~ building owned
or operated by him, but all stove and furnace pipes must be properly
secured and fitted or carried into brick, stone, fireproof material, or
concrete shimneys.
27) No person shall construct, erect or build any chimney to be used in
connection with or attached to any dwelling, house or any building
appertenant thereto, unless the same shall be constructed, erected or
built of stone, concrete or other fireproof material as approved by the
Building Inspector.
28) The Building Inspector shall refuse to issue a Building Permit if he
considers that this by-law is not being complied with in full, and the
applicant may then appeal to the Courcil of the Township whose decision
shall be final.
29) No person shall begin the erection, al tera tion or movement of any
building appertenant to(anydwelling until he has filed with the
Building Inspector sketches or specifications showing such building
shall be constructed upon a proper foundation of brick, stone, concrete
or concrete blocks of proper width ( minimum 8", all basements minimum
10" cement blocks) to be decided in the discreation of the Inspector
and no permit shall be issued for any building to be used for dwelling
purposes erected upon wooden posts or other wood material. Footings tc
have a minimum of six inches depth on solid ground of cement 3000 PSI.
Cellar floors to have a minimum of three inches depth of concrete 3000
PSI. Insul aLLon minimum in wall six. inches. Insula tion minimum in
ceilings eight'iLchE:.s.Roof trusses must have no more than 16 inches
spacing if 3/8 inch plywood sheeting is used and must have H supports.
Roof trusses may be 24 inches spacing if inch plywood sheeting is
used and must have H supports. All joists must be supported by cross
30) Cottages and chalets wunder 900 square feet are prohibited from
in any hamlet or subdivision within the Township without permission
from Medonte Township Council.
31) It shall be the duty of any applicant who wishes to install a septic
tank or other method for the disposal of waste to ensure that the
requirements of the :Ministry of Health of Ontario and the Simcoe County
Health Unit are complied with and no building permit shall be issued
by the Township until an approval has been issued by the Health Unit.
32) All basements must be backfilled and heated effective December 1 if the
house is not to be completed to the following spring.
33) The Council rray by resolution make further regulations as to method of
construction, required materials and other building factors under this
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BY-I-.eAW NO. 82-10
34) Every person who contravenes any of the provlslons of this By-Law is guilty
of an offence under the Provincial Offences Act and upon conviction
thereof shall be liable to a fine not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars
for a first offence, and not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars (500.00)
second or subsequent offence, exclusive costs.
35) Upon conviction, the presiding Magistrate may also order the Building
or any person, to forthwith enter upon the premises where the said breach
taken place and demolish or remove, at the expense of the offender, the said
structure or part thereof erected contrary to the provisions of this By-Law.
The expense thereof with! costs shall be recoverable by action or distress
and in the case of non payment similarly to municipal taxes.
36) This By-law shall come into force and effect from the date of final passing
and shall remain in force until repealed or amended by the Council of the
Township of Medonte.
37) Any By-Laws inconsistent with this By law are hereby repealed.
READ a first and second time this 13th day of April, 1982.
READ a third time and passed this 13th day of