1982-021 Medonte THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE ~ BY-lAW 82-21 BEING a by-law to transfer ftmds from the TOwllShip reserves to cover the 1981 General Township Deficit. WHEREAS in 1981 the Township of Medonte experienced a general deficit at year end in the amount of $55,660.00 AND WHEREAS Council is desirous to transfer fUDds from the Township . reserves to cover this deficit. THEREFORE, COUDcil of the Township of Medonte hereby enacts as follows: 1) That a total of $40,660.00 being the total of the deficit less $15,()(X).OO Which was budgeted towards the defiicit in the 1982 budget be transferred from general reserve to cover the deficit. 2) That this By-law shall corne into effect on the date of its passing READ a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 10th day of August, 1982. Reeve .