1982-026 Medonte
BEING a By-Law to. pravide far the installation of Stap Signs
an certain raads within the Tawnship af Medante.
WHEREAS under sectian 89) chapter 202 R.S.O. 1970 af the Highway
Traffic Act the Cauncil af a Municipality may by By-Law pravide far the
erectian af stop signs at intersectians an highways under its jurisdictian
NOW TI-IEREFORE, Cauncil of the Tawnship of Medante enacts as follaws:
That Stap Signs shall be lacated at the fallawing intersectians
a) Sideraad between lots 8 and 9 at its intersectian with Cancessian
8, lot 8, Concessian 8
b) Cancessian 7 at its intersectian with the Sideraad between lats
8 and 9, lot 8, Cancessian 7
c) Sideraad between lats 8 and 9 at its intersectian with Concessian
6, lot 9, Concession 7
d) Ingram Raad at itts intersectian with the Cancessian 6, lat 9,
Cancessian 6
e) Cancession 5 at its intersectian with the Ingram Raad, bath sides
the Ingram Raad, lot 7, Cancessian 6 and lot 7, Concessian 5
f) Cancessian 4 at its intersectian with the Ingram Raad) lot 7,
Cancessian 4
g) Cancession 3 at its intersectian with the Ingram Raad, lot 6,
Cancessian 4.
2) That this By-Law shall come into. farce from the date af praper
pasting af the signs.
3) That By-Law 1193, Being a By-Law to. designate through raads within
the Township is hereby amended.
4) That a map showing the lacatians af the above nated stap signs shall
be attached to. this By-Law as Schedule "A".
READ a first and secand time, read a third time and passed
this 9th day aT Navember
, 1982.