1982-032 Medonte THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE BY-LAW NUMBER 82-32 BEING A By-Law praviding for the erectian af stap signs at intersectians WHEREAS sectian 117 ~f the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 198) pravides that the Cauncil af a Municipality and the Trustees af a Palice Village may by bylaw pravide far the erectian af stap signs at intersectians an highways under its jurisdictian and every sign sa erected shall camply with the regulatians af the Ministry NOW there fare the Cauncil af the Carparatian af the Tawnship af Medante enacts as fallaws: 1) the interesectians an highways set aut in Calumn 1 are designated as intersectians where stap signs shall be erected at lacatians shawn in calumn 2 COLUMN 1 COLlMN 2 Intersectian FaCing Traffic Sideraad between lats 8 and 9 and 8th cancessian Eastbaund an Sidearad Cancessian 7 and Sideraad between lats 8 and 9 Narthbound an 7th Cancessian Sideraad between lots 8 and 9 and 6th Cancessian Westbaund an Sideraad Ingram Raad and 6th Cancessian Eastbound an Ingram Raad Ingram Raad and 5th Cancessian Narthbaund and Sauthbound an 5th Cancessian Ingram Raad and 4th Cancessian Sauthbound an 4th Cancessian Ingram Raad and 3rd Cancessian Narthbound an 3rd Cancessian Ingram Raad and Highway 93 Westbound an Ingram Raad Old Caunty Rd. 19 and Cancessian 1 Westbaund an Old Caunty Raad 19 Cancessian and Mt. St. Louis Raad Sauthbound an 1st Cancessian . 2) The penalties pravided in Sectian 188 af the Highway Traffic Act shall apply to. affences against this By-I~w. 3) Each designatian made by Sectian 1 shall nat become effective until stap signs have been erected in accardance with the regulatians af the Highway Traffic 4) That By-Laws 82-26 and 82-15 are hereby repealed. 5) That By-Law 1193, Being a By-Law to. designate thraugh raads within the Tawnship is hereby amended. READ a first, secand and third time and passed this 13th day af December, 1982