1982-033 Medonte THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE BY-LAW NlMBER 82-33 BEING A BY-LAW TO SET THE INTEREST RATE ON TAX ARREARS WHEREAS under the pravisians af SEctian 412 af the Municipal Act, being Revised Statutes af Ontario. 1980, Chapter 302 and amendments thereto., caUDcils are empowered to. pass a by-law setting the rate af interest an unpaid taxes to. 1 & 1/4 per cent per manth; AND WHEREAS the CaUDeil af the Corparatian af the Tawnship af Medante deems it expedient to. set the interest rate; NOW THEREFORE the CaUDcil af the Carparatian af the Tawnship af Medante ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the Treasurer be and is hereby autharized and shall add to. the amaUDt af all taxes due and unpaid, as at January 1, 1983 interest at the rate af 1 & 1/4 per cent per month ar fractian thereaf fram the 1st day af January, 1983 UDtil the taxes are paid. THIS By-Law shall come into. farce and take effect an the 1st day af January, 1983. READ a first, secand and third time and finally passed this 13th day af Decmeber, 198t...