1983-008 Medonte t . . , 1) f , 4) z to cument . o . . , EXPLANATORY NOTE ~ This Zoning By-law for the east half of Lot 10, Concession IX, Township of Medonte regulates the use of all land, buildings, and structures within the lands heavily outlined on Schedule "A" to this By-law. This By-law provides for the use of the subject property as a private glider club. Such a recreational type of use is permitted by the approved Official Plan for the Township of Medonte Planning Area on these lands, which are designated "Rural" in the Official Plan. Other uses normally associated with rural properties are also permitted on the sUbject property by this By-law. This By-law also zones a portion of the subject property lying along a tributary of the Coldwater River as a High Environmental Sensitivity Zone, since~those lands are designated in the Official Plan as being subject to erosion, flooding, or other physical limitations and development constraints. Any person having any questions regarding this By-law may contact: Mr. Gary Cunnington Clerk, Township of Medonte Municipal Offices, Moonstone, Ontario. LOK lNO (705) 835-2003 It It ~ L It . TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1: TITLE, ADMINISTRATION, AND PENALTIES 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.lQ 1.11 1.12 1.13 Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Def ined Area ........................ App 1 i ca ti on ......................... Scope ................................ AdIninis,tra tion ..,.................... Certificates ........................ Application for Building Permit ..... Inspection .......................... Restraint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Violation and Penalty............... Repetition of Offence ............... Validi ty ............................ Existing By-laws .................... SECTION 2: ZONES MAPS 2.1 2.2 Schedule "A" High ~nvironmenta1 Sensitivity (~Sl). Special Rural Zone (RUS) ............ SECTION 3: GENERAL PROVISIONS , Page 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 3.1 Acce~sory Buildings, Uses, and Structures .......................... 8 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Change Causing Contravention of By-law .............................. Established Building Line-Reduced Front Yard Requirements ............. Existing Undersized Lots ............ Fences' ............................ e- . 9 9 9 9 l 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 SECTION 4: t . _. 2 - Frontage on a Publtc Street .......... Greater Restrictions ................. Hazardous and Other Proh.ibited Uses .. Height Exception& .................... Horne Occupations ..................... Ingress-Egres's ........................ Motor Vehicles, Not In Running Order . Multiple Uses on One Lot ............. Non-Conforming Use~ .................. Noxious Uses- ......................... Occupancy of Partially Completed B ui 1 dings ............................ Outside Display of Goods and Materials Outside Storage ...................... Parking Provisions ................... Planting Strips ...................... Public Uses .......................... Setbacks from Provincial Highways and County and Township Roads ............ Sight Triangles ...................... Signs ................................ Swimming Pools Temporary Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Through Lots ......................... Trailers and Campers ................. Truck, Bus, and Coach Bodies ......... Vacant Lots .......................... DEF-.INITIONS ........................ ! Page 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 1 BY-LAW NO. 82-35 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE ~ A By-law of the Corporation of the Township of Medonte, passed under Section 39 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1980, as amended, to regulate the use of land and the erection and use of buildings or structures in the east half of Lot 10, Concession IX, in the Township of Medonte. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Medonte has deemed it expedient to implement the provisions of the Official Plan for the Township of Medonte Planning Area by passing the restricted area (zoning) By-law as set out hereafter: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Medonte enacts as follows: . SECTION 1 : TITLE, ADMINISTRATION, AND PENALTIES 1.1 Title This By-law shall be known as a "Zoning By-law" for part of the Township of Medonte. 1.2 Defined Area This By-law applies to the lands in th.e TownShip of Medonte shown heavily outlined on the attached Schedule "A". 1.3 Appli.cation t . The provisions of this By-law shall be interpreted and applied as the minimum requirements for the promotion of health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare of the inhabitants of the Township of Medonte. ~ t . 2 1.4 Scope The provisions of this By-law shall apply to all lands shown heavily outlined on Schedule "A" to this By-law, except as may otherwise be specified herein, and no building or structure, shall hereafter be erected or altered, and no change in the type of occupancy of any building, structure, land or premises shall hereafter be made in whole or in part, except in conformity with the provisons of this By-law. No permit for the use of land or for the erection or use of any building or structure or approval of any application for any municipal licence within the jurisdiction of the Council shall be issued or given, where the proposed building, structure or use would be in violation of any provisions of this By-law. 1.5 Administration This By-law shall be administered by the Zoning Administrator or such other person as the Council designates. 1.6 'Certificates 1.6.1 Certificate of Occupancy (a) A Certificate of Occupancy is to be applied for and issued prior to the change in use of any land, building, or structure. Cb) No change may be made in the type of use of any lot covered by this By-law, or of any building or structure on any such lot or of any part of such lot, building, or s'tructure, until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Zoning Administrator to the effect that the proposed use complies with this By-law. 1.7 App'lic'at;ion 'for Building PerIni t 1.7.1 No excavation for a building or structure is to be commenced until a building permit has been issued by the Building Inspector for the proposed building or structure or alter- ation. 1.7.2 In addition to all the requirements of the Corporation's Building By-law or any other By-law of the Corporation and the Ontario Building Code or any other Regulation of 3 the Province of Ontario, every application for a building permit shall be accompanied by a plan in duplicate (one copy of which shall be retained by the Building Inspector), drawn to scale and showing the following: -, i) The true dimensions of the lot to be built upon or otherwise used; ii) The proposed location, height (including elevation from existing grade), floor area, and dimensions of any building, structure or use proposed for such lot; iii) Proposed locations and dimensions of any yards, set- back, landscaped open space, off-street parking, or off-street loading facilities required by this By-law; iv) The location of all existing buildings or structures on the lot shown on the plan; and v) A statement signed by the owner, disclosing the exact use or uses pr-oposed for each aforesaid building, structure, or lot and giving all information necessary to determine if such proposed or existing building, structure or use conforms to the requirements of this By-law. 1.7.3 Prior to the issuance of a building permit to erect or alter any building or structure, or prior to the installation or alteration of any sewage system or part thereof, a certificate of approval for such erection, alteration, or installation must first be obtained from the Ministry of the Environment or approving agency for the proposed method of sewage disposal. 1.8 Inspection The person having authority from time to time to enforce this By-law is hereby authorized after reasonable notice to the owner or assessed owner, occupant or apparent occupant of the property in question, to enter at all reasonable hours for the purpose of inspection. 1.9 Restraint t . In case any building or structure is or is proposed to be erected, altered, reconstructed, extended, or enlarged, or any building or structure, or part thereof is or is proposed to be used, or any land is or is proposed to be used, in contravention of any requirements of this By-law such contra- vention may be restrained by legal action at the instance of any ratepayer, or of the Corporation of the Township of Medonte pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act or the Planning Act in that behalf. t" I . 1.10 4 Violation and Penalty 1.11 Any person who uses any land or erects or uses any building or structure in a manner contrary to any requirements of thi~ By-law, or who causes or permits such use or erection, or who violates any provisions of this By-law or causes or permits a violation, is guilty of an offence and upon summary conviction therefore, is liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) exclusive of costs, recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act. Repetition of Offence The conviction of any person upon a breach of any of the provisions of this By-law, shall not bar prosecution against the same person upon any subsequent breach of the same or any other provisions of th.is By-law, and each day that a person contravenes any provision of this By-law or allows such contravention to continue, shall constitute a separate offence. 1.12 Validity Should any section, clause or provision of this By-law including the Schedules attached hereto for any reason be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this By-law as a whole, or any part thereof, other than the section, clause or provision so declared to be invalid, and it is hereby declared to be the intention, that all remaining sections, clauses, or provisions of this By-law shall remain in full force and effect until repealed, notwithstanding that one or more provisions thereof shall have been declared invalid. 1.13 Existing By-laws All By-laws in force within the Township of Medonte, regulating the use of land and the character, location and use of buildings and structures shall be, and the same are amended insofar only as it it necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By- law and the provisions of this By-law shall govern. \ r~' --c RU.4 \ 9 \ \ 8 ~ ..- \ J \ , \~ "A" to - ~l\Il\OS \/\\\ . 5cned1J~5 of tn~sed Ree"\!e 1.ngram . 5 }..s 82- te pa -""'"'er, Tn1- a\t1 NO. v,edon DeCel\~ '0'1-1 niP of day of !'T'n\t1nS .,,1-'11 1 6 ,," sca\e '\~SO,OOO ".f. ""Nair a. .....sod. Clerk ----.-cunnington GarY -,," I . 5 SECTION 2:'ZONES 2 .1 High Environment'al Sensitivity (ESl) 'Zone 2.1.1 No person shall use any land or erect, alter, or use any building or structure in a High Environmental Sensitivity (ESl) Zone except in accordance with the fOllowing provisions: 2.1.2 Permitted Uses' - an agriculture, intensive agriculture, forestry, or conservation use, excluding any building. 2.1.3 The provisions of Section 3 shall apply. 2 . 2 Special Rural '(RUS) "Zone 2.2.1 No person shall use any land or erect, alter, or use any building or structure in a Special Rural (~US) Zone except in accordance with the following provisions: 2.2.2 Perm:itted Uses - an agriculture, intensive agriculture, forestry or conservation use - sale of agricultural produce which is the product of the farm unit on which the sales outlet is located - a minor sand and gravel pit - a wayside or borrow pit a home occupation subject to the provisions of Section 3.10 - a riding or boarding stable - a kennel or veterinary clinic - an existing institutional use, including a school, place of worship, community hall, or cemetery - a single family detached dwelling - a single family dwelling or dwelling unit as an accessory to a permitted use ~ t . 2.2.3 6 - an additional aing1e family dwelling or dwelling unit for farm help as an acceasory use on a lot where agriculture is the principal use of the same lot and where the lot area is a minimum of forty (40) hectares - a private glider club Zone Regulations (a) For agriculture, intensive agriculture, forestry, and conservation uses, and a private glider club: Minimum lot area 4 hectares Minimum lot frontage 60 metres Minimum yard requirement 10 metres from any lot line Maximum building height 15 metres (b) For stables, kennels, and veterinary clinics: Minimum lot area 1 hectare Minimum lot frontage 60 metres Minimum yard requirement 10 metres from any lot line Maximum building height 15 metres Cc} For residential uses: Minimum lot area 2Q25 square metres Minimum lot frontage 30 metres Minimum yard requirements - front 10 metres 7.5 metres 3 metres 7.5 metres ..... rear - interior side - exterior aide 7 Maximwn building height 11 metres Minimwn gross floor area 83 square metres ~. Maximum lot coverage 30 percent Minimum landscaped open space 30 percent 2.2.4 No dwelling or dwelling unit shall be located within 300 metres of a Waste Disposal (M4) Zone. 2.2.5 The provisions of Section 3 shall apply, excepting that an accessory building may be located in front of the front building line of the main building so long as the minimum yard requirements are met. t . t I . 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 8 SECTION 3: GENERAL PROVISIONS The prov~s~ons of this Section apply to all zones except as may be indicated otherwise. Accessory Buildings, Uses, and Structures Where a use is permitted under the provisions of this By-law, accessory uses, buildings and structures normally incidental to the main use, building or structure shall also be permitted. As Part of the Main Building Any accessory building may be erected as part of the main building provided that all yard and area require- ments of this By-law are complied with, in respect to main building requirements and not accessory building requirements. Lot Coverage and Yard Requirements (a) Except as may be provided herein any accessory building which is not part of the main building shall be erected to the rear of the front line of the main building, and such accessory uses in the aggregate, shall not occupy more than five (5) percent of the area, of the lot, excluding private garages and swimming pools. (b) No accessory use, building, or structure shall be permitted within 1.5 metres of a rear or an interior side lot line or 4.5 metres of an exterior side 'lot line. (c) Notwithstanding any other prov~s~ons of this By-law, in a Residential Zone, a mutual garage may be erected on the common lot line between two lots in which case no ~nterior side yard is required. Temporary Accessory Buildings Where a temporary accessory building is necessary for the storage of tools or material for use in connection with the construction of the main building on a lot in any Zone, the accessory building may be erected on the lot before the erection of the main building provided that a building permit is issued for the main building and further, provided that such building shall be used only for the purpose of storage. When the main building is ready for occupancy, the temporary storage building shall be removed. (See also Subsection 3.2:,) ~ t . 9 3.1.4 Accessory Building Height No accessory building shall exceed a height of five (5) metres in any Residential Zone, except in the case of a private garage constructed as an integral part of a dwelling. 3.1.5 Habitation of Accessory Buildings No accessory building or structure shall be used for human habitation except where a dwelling is a permitted accessory use or where the accessory building or structure forms a structural component of the main building. 3.2 Change Causing Contravention of By-law No person except a public authority, as outlined in Subsection 3.21, shall change the purpose for which any lot, building or structure is used or erect any new building or structure or an addition to any existing building or structure or sever any lands from an existing lot, if the effect of such action is to cause the original, adjoining, remaining or new building or structure or lot to be in contravention of this By-law. 3.3 Established Building Line-Reduced Front Yard Requirement Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, where a vacant lot exists between developed lots, the front yard of the vacant lot may be the average depth of the front yards of the developed lots as determined by the established building line, but in no case shall the front yard of the vacant lot be less than fifty (50%) percent of the otherwise required front yard. 3.4 Existing Undersized Lots Where a lot having a lesser frontage or area than required by the provisions of this By-law is held under distinct and separate ownership from abutting lots as shown by a registered conveyance in the records of the Registry or Land Titles Office at the time of the passing of this By-law, a building or structure may be erected, altered, or repaired and used on such smaller lot provided that it conforms to all other requirements of this By-law and the regulations of any other appropriate authority. 3.'5 Fences Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, fences may be constructed along any lot line. ~ t . 10 3.6 Frontage on a Public Street Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, no person shall erect any building or structure on a lot that do~s not front on an opened public street, maintained to Municipal standards of construction. 3.7 Greater Restrictions This By-law shall not be effective to reduce or mitigate in any way, any restrictions lawfully imposed by a government authority having jurisdiction to make such restrictions. 3.8 Hazardous and Other Prohibited Uses Except as otherwise specifically permitted in this By-law, the following uses are prohibited in any zone: a) refining coal oil or petroleum products b) tanning hides or skins, or manufacturing glue c) manufacturing gas except for personal utilization involving a permitted agricultural use d) bulk storage of industrial chemicals or liquid industrial waste as defined under the Environmental Protection Act e) a track for the racing of motor vehicles, motorcycles, go-carts or snowmobiles 3.9 Height Exceptions Notwithstanding the height provisions established in each zone, nothing in this By-law shall apply to prevent the erection of a church spire, belfry, clock tower, chimney, farm building or structure, water tank, radio or television tower or antenna, silo, windmill, drive-in theatre screen, forestry tower, aid to navigation, flag pole, ventilator, elevator enclosure or fire hose tower. 3.10 Home Occupations Where a home occupation or professional office is permitted, the said use shall be maintained in accordance with the following provisions: 3.10.1 Personnel The profession or occupation shall be carried on by a member of the family residing on the premises. 11 Not more than one (I) assistant who is not a resident in said dwelling may operate in and from said dwelling. , 3.10.2 Floor Area Not more than twenty-five (25) percent of' the total floor area of the dwelling unit shall be devoted to said uses. 3.10.3 Parking One (I) off-street parking space shall be provided for each thirty-seven (37) square metres of floor area devoted to said use in addition to that required for the dwelling. 3.10.4 Appearance Etc. The residential character of the dwelling shall not be changed. The home occupation use shall not create or become a nuisance because of noise, fumes, dust, o dour , traffic, or otherwise interfere with the enjoyment of the residen- tial amenities of the neighbourhood. There shall be no outside storage or display of materials, containers, or finished products and no mechanical equipment used except that of a type used for housekeeping purposes and/or recreational hobbies. 3.lQ.5 Accessory Buildings :rn a Rural (RU) Zone, a home occupation may be carried on within an accessory building, provided that all other requirements of this By-law are met. '3.'11' . ':rngress-Egre'ss It . . 3.11.1 Width of Driveways Ingress and egress to and from the required parking spaces and areas for non-commercial and non-industrial zones shall be provided by means of unobstructed driveways or passage- ways at least three .(3) metres in perpendicular width.' t J. . .. 12 :r:ngress and egress, to and from the required parking spaces and areas for commercial and industrial zones shall be required by means of unobstructed driveways or passageways at 1eas't three (3) metres minimum for one-way traffic and six (6) metres minimum for two-way traffic in perpendicular width. The maximum width of any joint ingress and egress driveway ramp measured along the street line shall be nine (9) metres. 3.11.2 Location Driveways shall not be permitted within fifteen (15) metres from the intersection of two streets or their projection. 3.11.3 Angle of Intersection The minimum angle of intersection between a driveway and a street line sh.all be sixty (60) degrees. 3.11.4 Number of Driveways Allowed Every lot shall be limited to the following number of driveways: i) up to the first thirty (30) metres of frontage - no more than two (2) driveways with a combined width not exceeding thirty (30) percent of the lot frontage; and ii) for each additional thirty (30) metres of frontage - not more than one (1) additional driveway. 3.12 Motor Vehicles, Not in Running Order Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, no person may use any lot in any zone for the parking or storage of any vehicle that is not in running order except that one (1) such vehicle may be stored in a private garage in a Rural or Residential Zone, and any number of such vehicles may be stored in a commercial garage in a Commer- cial or Industrial Zone. 13 3.13 Multip'le Uses on One Lot Notwithstanding any other prov~s~ons of this By-law, where any land or building is used for more than one purpose, all provisions of this By-law relating to each use shall be complied with, provided that no dwelling shall be located closer than six (6) metres to any other building on the lot, except a building accessory to such dwelling. However, where a conflict exists, the regulations of the zone imposing the greater restriction shall apply. t 3.14 Non-Conforming Uses 3.14.1 Existing Use Allowed Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the use of any land, building, or structure, for any purpose prohibited by the By-law if such land, building, or structure was law- fully used for such purpose on the day of the passing of this By-law, so long as it continues to be used for that purpose. 3.14 2 Where Building Permit Issued Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the erection or use for a purpose prohibited by this By-law of any building or structure for which a building permit has been issued prior to the day of the passage of this By-law, as long as such building, or structure when erected is used for the purpose for which it was erected, and provided that the erection of such building or structure is commenced within two (2) years after the date of the passage of this By-law and such building or structure is completed within a reasonable time after the erection thereof is commenced. 3.14.3 Restoration to Safe Condition Allowed Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the strengthening or restoration to a safe condition of a building, structure, or part thereof which is used for a use, or in a manner not conforming or complying with the provisions of this By-law for the zone in which it is located, so long as the strengthening or restoration does not alter the height, size or volume. . . 3.15 Noxious Uses Notwithstanding anything contained herein, no use shall be permitted within the Township of Medonte which from its nature or the materials used therein is, under The Public Health Act, as amended, or Regulations thereunder, from time to time declared to be a noxious or offensive trade, business or manufacture. t . . 14 3.16 Occup"an"cy" 01: Parti"aTly' completed BuiTdi"ngs No building shall be used for human habitation before the main walls and roof have been erected, the external siding and roofing have been completed, and w~ter, sanitary and heating facilities have been installed and are operable, and until an occupancy permit has been issued therefor, which permit may be temporary or permanent. 3."1 7 " outs"ide" ni"spTay "of Goods' and Materials Where outside display and sale of goods and materials is permitted, the following provisions shall be complied with: 3.17.1 Display and Sale is Accessory Such outside display and sale is accessory to a commercial use carried on in an enclosed building, or portion thereof on the same lot. 3.17.2 Area The area used for outside display and sale shall not be more than twice the floor area above grade of the commercial building, or portion thereof of any building constructed upon the lot and used for the commercial purposes for which outside display and sale is permitted, and in any event, such area for outside display and sale shall not be more than thirty-five .(35) percent of the lot area. 3.17.3 Planting Strip rf the interior side lot line or rear lot line of a lot upon which such outside display and sale is permitted abuts a Residential Zone, then a planting strip shall be provided, along such abutting lot line, or portion thereof, in accord- ance with the requirements for planting strips set out in Subsection 3.21 hereto. 3.17.4 Parking The area used for outside display and sale shall be in addition to and s~paratedfrom the areas required for parking. 3.17.5 Yard Requirement~ The area used for outside display and sale shall provide side and rear yards in accordance with the provisions for t . . 15 the zone in which the land is situated, but in any event shall not be closer to any side or rear lot line than three (3) metres. 3.17.6 Surface The area used for outside display and sale shall be surfaced and maintained with either concrete, asphalt, crushed stone, and/or other hard surfaces and dustless materials, or maintained as a lawn. 3.17.7 Plans to be Filed 3.18 Prior to the establishment of an area for the outside display and sale, the owner shall file with the Zoning Administrator a sketch or survey of the lands to be so used showing their location in respect to all other buildings or structures on the lot. outside Storage 3.19 Except as otherwise permitted in this By-law, no outside storage of goods or materials shall be permitted in any zone. Parking Provisions For every building or structure to be erected or enlarged in any zone, off-street parking shall be provided and maintained in accordance with the following provisions: 3.19.1 Spaces Required Minimum Parking Requirements Type of Building or Use Residential (including a seasonal dwelling or dwelling in any zone) . Two (2) spaces per dwelling uni t . Home occupation One (1) space for every thirty-seven ( 37) square metres of gross floor area devoted to home occupation use. Church or place of worship community hall, arena, private club or other assembly hall One (1) space for every four (4) seats of the maximum seating capacity. t . . 16 Uses permitted by this By-law other than those listed above, but excluding accessory uses to residential uses One (l) space for every twenty-eight (28) square metres of gross floor area. 3.19.2 Size A parking space shall have a minimum length of 5.5 metres, a minimum width of 2.8 metres and a minimum area of 16.5 square metres. 3.19.3 Surface Each parking area and driveway connecting the parking area with a street shall be maintained with a stable surface which is treated so as to prevent the raising of dust or loose particles. They shall, before being used, be constructed of crushed stone, slag, gravel, crushed brick or tile, cinders, asphalt, concrete, Portland cement binder, or like material, and with provisions for drainage facilities. 3.19.4 Parking Adjacent to Lot Line In the case of a lot containing a semi-detached dwelling, a licenced vehicle may be parked immediately adjacent to the lot line upon which the dwelling abuts. In all other cases, no parking or loading facility or part thereof shall be located and no land shall be used for the temporary parking or storage of any licenced vehicle within 1 metre of any lot line or street line, or within 1 metre of the boundary of any Residential Zone. 3.19.5 Existing Parking The required number of parking spaces referred to herein shall not apply to any building in existence at the date of enactment of this By-law so long as the gross floor area as it existed at that date is not increased or the use changed. If an addition is made, then additional parking spaces shall be provided up to the number required for such addition. 3.2Q Plan'ting Strips Where, in any zone, this By-law requires that a Planting Strip be provided and maintained between a zone or lot and any abutting zone or lot, such Planting Strip shall be provided in accordance with the following regulations: t . . "" 17 3.20.1 Description Every planting strip shall have a m1n1mum width of three (3) metres and shall consist of a solid and unbroken planting of shrubs or trees, the ultimate height of which is not less than 1.8 metres and a fence protected by vehicle curb stops or barriers. Such plant material shall not be less than 0.6 metres in height when planted. 3.20.2 Location Every planting strip shall be completely contained on the lot or within the zone for which the provision of planting strips is a requirement. Planting strips shall run along the entire length of the zone line or lines separating it from the adjoining zone. 3.20.3 Owner's Responsibilities for Planting Strip Every planting strip required by this By-law shall be installed and maintained by the owner of the lot upon which the planting strip is required. 3.21 Public Uses Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the use of any land or use of any building or structure for the purpose of public service by the Corporation of the Township of Medonte or any local Board thereof as defined by The Municipal Affairs Act, as amended, any telephone or telegraph company, any natural gas, hydro-electric transmission or distributing company, any Conservation Authority established by the Government of Ontario, any department of the Government of Ontario or of Canada, any use permitted under The Railway" Act or any other statute of Ontario or of Canada governing railway operations, 'including tracks, spurs, and other railway facilities; provided that where such land, building, or structure is located in any zone: 3.21.1 Open Storage Provisions No goods, material, or equipment shall be stored in the open, except as permitted in such zones. 3.21,2 Parking and Loading Provisions Any parking and loading regulations prescribed for these uses are complied with. 3.21.3 Lot Coverage, Yard Requirements, etc. The lot coverage, setbacks, and yard requirement provisions for such zones shall be complied with. t . It " 18 3.21.4 Landscaping etc. Areas not used for parking or playgrounds on any lot used in a Residential Zone or Rural Zone under the authority of this paragraph shall be landscaped in general harmony with the surrounding properties. ' Any above ground use carried on under the authority of this Subsection in any Residential or Rural Zone shall be designed and maintained in general harmony with the res- idential buildings of the type permitted in the zone. 3.22 Se'thacksf'rom Provincial Highways and County and Township Roads Notwithstanding any other provisions contained in this By- law, no building or structure shall be hereafter erected in any zone closer than the sum of the front yard or exterior s.ide yard requirement for such zone and the following where applicable: a) Eighteen (18) metres from the centre line of all provincial highwaysj b) Thirteen (13) metres from the centreline of all County roadsj c) Ten (10) metres from the centreline of all other roads. 3.23 ' Sight Triangles 3.23.1 Corner Lot Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, no building, shrub, foliage or fence with a height exceeding one (1) metre above the grade of the road shall be permitted within the triangular space included between the street- lines for a distance of nine (9) metres from their point of intersection. 3.23.2 Railway Crossing At Grade Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, no building, shrub, foliage or fence with a height exceeding one (1) metre above the grade of the road shall be planted or erected within the triangular space included between the streetline and the railway right-of-way for a distance of thirty (30) metres from their point of intersection. t . . 19 3.24 Signs The provisions of this By-law shall not apply to prevent the erection, alteration or use of any sign provided that such sign complies with the By-laws of the Corporation regulating the use of signs'. "3. 25 . Swimming Poo'ls Notwithstanding any other prov~s~on of this By-law, a swimming pool is permitted as an accessory use in any Residential, Rural, Open Space or Commercial Zone provided that: 3.25.1 Location No part of such pool shall be located closer to any lot line or street line than the minimum distance required for an accessory building located on such lot. 3.25.2 Height The maximum height of such pool shall be two (2) metres above the established grade. 3.25,3 Accessory Buildings Any building or structure required for changing clothing or for pumping or filtering facilities, or other similar accessory uses shall be permitted and shall meet all of the accessory building requirements of the zone in which the pool is located. 3.25.4 Fencing Every swimming pool unless constructed more than one (1) metre above grade, shall be enclosed by a wall or fence of at least 1.2 metres in height and located at a distance of not less than 1.2 metres and not more than 4.5 metres from the pool. "3.26 . Tempora'ry' Uses Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, uses such as a construction camp, or other such temporary work camp, tool shed, scaffold, sign, or other building or structure incidental to the construction, shall be permitted provided tha t: 3. 26.1 Duration Such uses, buildings or structures are used only as long as same are necessary for work in progress which has neither been finished nor abandoned; t . t 20 Such uses, buildings or structures are removed when the work in connection with which they were constructed is terminated. 3.26.2 Signs Any sign which is erected does not exceed three (3) square metres in area. 3.27 Thro'ugh Lots Where a lot which is not a corner lot has frontage on more than one (I) street, the setback and front yard requirements contained herein shall apply on each street in accordance with the provisions of the zone or zones in which such lot is located. 3.28 Trailers and Campers The parking and storage of trailers, motorized mobile homes, truck campers, and camper trailers shall be prohibited in all zones, except where a maximum of two (2) such vehicles are. parked or stored, unenclosed on the owner's lot or in such areas established by this By-law. The use of trailers, motorized mobile homes, truck campers and camper trailers for living accommodations shall be prohibited in all zones, except in private or public trailer camp areas established for such use. 3.29 Truck, Bus and Coach Bodies No truck, bus or coach bodies shall be used for habitation within the Township of Medonte. 3.30 Vacant Lots No vacant lot shall be used for th,e purpose of the storage of motor vehicles, machinery, or equipment, trailers, or other stmilar objects which are not incidental to the expeditious con~truction of a building on such lot, and where not otherwise specifically permitted by the provisions of this By-law. t . It 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 21 SECTION 4: DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this By-law, the definitions and interpretations given in this Section shall govern. Words used in the present tense include the future; words used in the singular number include the plural; and words in the plural include the singular number. The word "shall" is mandatory. Accessory, when used to describe a use, building, or structure, shall mean a use, a building, or a structure that is normally incidental, subordinate, and exclusively devoted to a main use, building, or structure and located on the same lot therewith. . Agricultural US'e, General, shall mean the non-intensive use of lands, buildings or structures for the production of crops, animal husbandry or other similar uses normally assDciated with agriculture. Agricultural Use, Intensive, shall mean the use of lands, buildings or structures for the propagation of special crops, or for the practice of confinement rearing of livestock, including poultry and fur bearing animals, that may produce obnoxious odours and/or noises. Alter, when used in reference to a building or part thereof, shall mean to change anyone or more of the external dimensions of such building, or to change the type of construction of the exterior walls or roof thereof. When used in reference to a lot, the word "alter" shall mean to change the area, frontage, or depth thereof; to change the width, depth, or area of any required yard, land- scaped open space or parking area; or to change the location of any boundary of such lot with respect to a street or lane, whether such alteration is made by con- veyance or alienation of any portion of such lot or otherwise the words "altered" or "alteration" shall have corresponding meanings. 4.5 'Ass'embly' Ha'll, shall mean a building or part thereof used for gatherings of persons for civic, educational, political, religious, recreational, cultural, social or other slmilar purposes and includes cinema, theatre, concert hall, auditorium, clubhouse or lodgehall. t . t " 22 4.6 Basement, shall mean that portion of a building between two floor levels which is partly below grade,' but which has at least one half of its height, measured from the finished floor to finished ceiling, above the average finished grade surrounding the exterior walls of the building. 4. 7 Building, shall mean any structure, whether temporary or per- manent, other than a lawful boundary wall or fence, used or designated to be used for shelter, accommodation or enclos'ure of persons, animals or chattels. 4 . 8 BUilding By-law, shall mean any bui lding by-law wi thin the meaning of The Planning Act. 4.9 Building Inspector, shall mean the officer or employee of the Corporation, for the time being, charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of the Building By-law of the Corporation. 4.10 Building Line, shall mean any line lying in the interior of a lot established by the extension of the exterior wall of a building closest to the lot line of the lot for the purpose of establishing a minimum distance that must exist between a building or structure erected on the lot and a lot line of the lot. 4.11 Building Line, Established, shall mean the average distance from the streetline of existing buildings on one side of one block where more than one-half of the lots having street frontage upon the said side of the block have been built upon. 4.12 Building, Main, shall mean the building in which is carried on the principal purpose for which the building lot is used, and in a Residential Zone the dwelling is the main building. 4.13 Carport, shall mean a structure contiguous or adjacent to the main building and which has not more th.an fifty (50) per- cent of the structure enclosed by walls and is used for the parking or storage of motor vehicles. 4.14 'Cellar, shall mean that portion of a building between two floor levels that is partly or wholly underground, but which has' more than one half of its height, from the finished floor to finished ceiling, below the average finished grade surrounding the exterior walls of the building. t . t 23 4.15 Club, shall mean a building or part of a building used as ----a meeting place for membera of an organization, and includes a lodge, fraternity or sorority house, and a labour union hall. 4.16 Commercial Use, shall mean the use of land, buildings or structures for the purpose of buying and selling commodities or supplying services. 4.17 Condominium, shall mean an individual dwelling unit under separate ownership or intended for separate ownership in a multiple unit structure with common elements, as governed by the Condominium Act. 4.18 Conservation Use, shall mean the preservation, protection and/or improvement of the components of the natural environment through management and maintenance for both the individual and society's uses, both in the present and in the future. 4.19 Corporation, shall mean the Corporation of the Township of Medonte. 4.20 Council, shall mean the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Medonte. 4.21 County, shall mean the Municipal Corporation of the County of Simcoe. 4.22 DWelling, shall mean a building, occupied or capable of being occupied as a home, residence or sleeping place by one or more persons, containing one or more dwelling units. 4.23 DWelling, Accesso'ry, shall mean a single-family dwelling which is accessory to a permitted use, and is occupied by the family of the owner, caretaker, watchman or s~ilar persons employed on the lot where such dwelling house is located. 4.24 !)WelTing' Dup'lex, shall mean the whole of a dwelling that is divided into two separate family dwelling units each of which has an independent entrance directly from the outside, or an independent entrance either directly or through a common vestibule. 4.25 DWellIng Se as-ona 1 , shall mean a dwelling constructed and used as' a secondary place of residence, for seasonal vacations and recreational purposes, and not as the principal residence of the owners or occupant thereof. It . I 24 4.26 DweTling,' S'eml-De"t'a"ched, shall mean one of a pair of two attached single-family" dwellings with a common masonry wall dividing the pair of family dwellings vertically, each of which has an independent entrance either directly from the outside or through a common vestibule. 4.27 Dwelling,' Single-Family, shall mean a dwelling containing only one dwelling unit and occupied by not more than one family. 4.28 DweTling" Unit, shall mean one or more habitable rooms occupied or capable of being occupied by an individual or family as an independent and separate housekeeping establishment in which separate kitchens and sanitary facilities are provided for the exclusive use of such individual or family, with a private entrance from outside the building or from a common hallway or stairway inside the building, but shall not include a trailer or motor home. 4.29 Erect, shall mean to build, construct, reconstruct, and re- locate, and, without limiting the generality of the word, also includes: i) any preliminary physical pperation, such as excavating, filling or draining; ii) altering any existing building or structure by an addition, enlargement, extension or other structural change; and iii) any work which requires a building permit under the Building By-law of the Corporation or the Building Code of Ontario. The words "erected" and "erection", shall have corres- pondingmeanings. 4.30 . Exi"S'ting, shall mean existing on the date of passing of this By-law". 4.31 Family, shall mean an individual, or two or more persons who are related by consanguinity or marriage or common- law marriage or legal adoption and not more than two (2) persons who receive their lodging and/or board for com- pensation, or a group of not more than five (5) unrelated persons exclusive of servants occupying a dwelling unit. For the purposes of this By-law a maximum of six (6) foster children shall be considered to be related by consanguinity. Nothing herein shall be taken to prevent children living with their parents. ~ t ~ .. 25 4.32 Floor' Are'a, Gro'ss, s'hall mean the total habitable floor area within a building meas~red between the exterior faces of the exterior walls or from the centre line of a joint partition and shall exclude anYtprivate garage. 4.33 Forestry t1se, shall mean the general raising and harvesting of wood and without limiting the generality of the fore- going shall include the raising and cutting of fuel wood, pulp wood, lumber, Christmas trees, and other forest products. Notwithstanding, this def ini tion shall inc1 ude Provincial and County reserves. 4.34 Garage, Private, shall mean an accessory building or portion of a building including a carport which is designed or used for the sheltering of private motor vehicles and the storage of household equipment incidential to residential occupancy and in which there are no facilities for repairing or servicing such vehicles for remuneration. 4.35 Grade, Finished, shall mean the average elevation of the finished surface of the ground at the base of a structure or of the main front wall of a building, exclusive of any embankment in lieu of steps. 4.36 Glider Club, Private, shall mean any land, building, or structure, or part thereof used by members of a private organization for the purpose of flying gliders or sai1planes, and including the enclosed or unenclosed storage and repair of such machines, but shall not include an airport licensed under statutes or regulations of the Deparbment of Transport of the Government of Canada. 4.37 Habitable Room, shall mean a room designed for living, sleeping, eating, or food preparation. 4.38 Height of Building, shall mean the vertical height from the finished grade at the front of the building, and i) in the case of a flat roof, the highest point of the roof surface or the parapet, whichever is the greater; and ii} in th,e case of a mansard roof, the deck roof line; and tit} in the cas:e of a gable, hip, or gambrel roof ,.the; mean heights between the eaves and ridge; exclusive of any access'Ory roof construction such as a chimney, tower, s'teeple, television antenna, or mechanical penthouse. t . t ~ 26 4.39 Home Occupat'ion, shall mean any occupation conducted for gain or support as an accessory use within a permitted dwelling house or a dwelling unit by one or more members of the family residing in each dwelling house or dwelling unit. ' , 4.40 TndUs..trial Use, shall mean the use of land, buildings, or structures designed for the purpose of manufac.turing, assembling, making, preparing, inspecting, ornamenting, finishing, treating, altering, repairing, warehousing or storing, or adapting, for sale of any goods, substance, article, or thing, or any part thereof, and the storage of building and construction equipment and materials, and shall include printing and food processing. 4.4lInstitution, shall mean any land, building, structure, or part thereof used by any organization, group, or association, for the promotion of charitable, educational, medical, or benevolent objectives and not for profit or gain. 4.42 Kehnel, shall mean a place where dogs and other domestic animals other than poultry are bred and raised, and are sold or kept for sale or boarded. 4.43 Landscaped Open Space, shall mean the open unobstructed space at grade on a lot accessible by walking from the street on which the lot is located and which is suitable for the growth and maintenance of grass, flowers, bushes, trees, and other landscaping, and includes any surfaced walk, patio, or similar area, but does not include any driveway or ramp, whether surfaced or not, any curb, retaining wall, parking area, or any open space beneath or within any building or structure. 4.44 Lane, shall mean a public thoroughfare which affords only a ----secondary means of vehicular access to abutting lots, and which is not intended for general traffic circulation. 4.45 Lot, shall mean a parcel of land to which title is legally --- capable of being conveyed subject to the provisions of the Planning Act. 4.46 Lot Area, shall mean the total horizontal area within the lot lines of a lot, excluding the horizontal area of each lot covered by water or marsh or between the rim of the banks of a river or watercourse. - It ~ ~ 27 4.47 Lot',' 'Cort~er, shall mean a lot situated at the intersection of two or more streets, having an angle of intersection of not more than 135 degrees. ' 4.48 ' Lo't Coverage, shall mean that percentage of the lot area covered by all buildings or structures including a swimming pool, but excluding a tennis court and any part of a building or structure which is constructed entirely below grade. 4.49 Lot Depth, shall mean the horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines. If the front and rear lot lines are not parallel, "lot depth" means the length of a straight line joining the middle of the front lot line with the middle of the rear lot line. If there is no rear lot line, "lot depth" means the length of a straight line joining the middle of the front lot line with the apex of the triangle formed by the side lot lines. 4.50 Lot Frontage, shall mean the horizontal distance between the intersections of the side lot lines or their productions with the front lot line. 4.51 Lot Line, shall mean any boundary of a lot, or the vertical projection thereof. 4.52 Lot, Interior, shall mean any lot which has street access, other than a corner lot. 4.53 Lot Line, Front, shall mean in the ,case of an interior lot, the line dividing the lot from the street. In the case of a corner lot, the shorter lot line abutting a street shall be deemed the front lot line and the longer lot line abutting a street shall be deemed an exterior side lot line. In the case of a through lot or a corner lot whose exterior lot lines are the same length, the lot line where the principal access to the lot is provided shall be deemed to be the front lot line. In the case of a standard water- front lot, the shoreline shall be deemed to be the front lot line. In the case of a through waterfront lot, the longest shoreline shall be deemed to be the front lot line. 4.54 " Lot L'in:e, Rear, shall mean in the case of a lot having four or more lot lines, the lot line farthest from and opposite to the front lot line. If a lot has less than four lot lines, there shall be deemed to be no rear lot line. " ~ It - .. 28 4.55 LO't' Line', Side, s'h.all mean a lot line otner tn,an a front or rear lot line. 4.56 Lot, Through, shall mean a lot which has a front and rear lot line fronting on a street. 4.57 Main tl'all, shall mean the exterior front, side or rear wall of a building, and all structural members essential to the support of a fully enclosed space or roof, where such members are nearer to a lot line than the said exterior wall. ' 4. 58 Minor Sand and Grave'l Pit, shall mean a small pit on a farm unit, of which the aggregate materials are required only for the us'e of that farm unit. 4.59 Motor Vehicle, shall mean vehicles designed to transport people, goods, or objects, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing shall include automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, buses, and recreation orientated vehicles, such as snowmobiles and boats wi thin the meaning of The Highway Traffic Act. 4.60 ' Mot"or Vehicle, Commercial, shall mean a motor vehicle used in connection with any industry, business or commercial US~ within the meaning of The Highway Traffic Act. 4.61 Municipality, shall mean the Corporation of the Township of Medonte. 4.62 Non-Conforming, shall mean a use, a building, or a structure which does not conform to the provisions of this By-law for the zones in which such use, building or structure is located, as of the date of the passing of this By-law. 4.63 Outside Storage, shall mean the storage of equipment, goods, chattels, raw or processed materials outside of any building, or structure. For the purpose of this By-law the overnight parking of vehicles shall not be deemed to be outside storage. 4.64 Park, shall mean an area, consisting largely of open space which may include a recreational area, playground, play- field, or similar use but shall not include a mobile home park, a campground, or trailer park. ~ It t ., 29 4.65 Park,' 'PubTic, shall mean a park owned or controlled by the Corporation or by' any Hinistry, Board, Commiss'ion or Authori ty, established under any statute of Ontario or Canada. 4.66 Park, Private, shall mean a park other than a public park. 4.67 Parking Area, shall mean an area or structure provided for the parking of motor vehicles and includes any related aisles, parking spaces, ingress and egress lanes, but shall not include any part of a street. This definition may include a private garage. 4.68 Parking Lot, shall mean any parking area oth.er than a parking area accessory to a permitted use on the same lot. 4.69 Parking Space, shall mean a portion of a parking area exclusive of any aisles or ingress and egress lanes, usable for the temporary parking or storage of a motor vehicle, and may include a private garage. 4.70 Person, shall mean any individual, association, firm partnership, incorporated company, corporation, agent, or trustee, and the heirs, executors, or other legal representatives of a person to whom the context can apply according to law. 4.71 Point of Intersection, shall mean the point at which two street lines abutting a corner lot intersect or if the two street lines meet in a curve then it is the point at which the production of the two lot lines abutting the two streets intersect. 4.72 Sign, shall mean a name, identification, description, -device, display, or illustration which is affixed to or represented directly or indirectly upon a building, structure, or lot, which directs attention to an object, product, place, activity, person, institute, organization or business. 4.73 Storey, shall mean the portion of the building other than the cellar which lies between the surface of the floor and surface of the next floor above it, or if there is no floor above it, then the space between such floor and the ceiling or roof next above it. .. t It t "> 30 4.74 Street, shall mean a public highway which, affords the principal means- of acces.s. to an abutting lot and which is' dedicated, as:S'Umed and maintained by the Municipality, County or Province. 4.75 Street Line, shall mean the limit of the road or street allowance and is the dividing line between a lot and a street. 4.76 Structure, shall mean anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires location on or in the ground, or attached to something having location on or in the ground. 4.77 Swimming pool, shall mean a man-made structure containing a body of water of more than ten (10) square metres in surface area, intended exclusively for bathing, swimming, or diving. 4.78 Trailer, shall mean any vehicle so constructed as to be suited for attachment to a motor vehicle for the purpose of being drawn or propelled by the motor vehicle, and capable of being used for the temporary living, sleeping, or eating accommodation of persons, notwithstanding that such vehicle is jacked up or that its running gear is removed. 4.79 Trailer Park, shall mean an area licensed by the appropriate authority for the use of trailers, as temporary and seasonal accommodations. 4.80 Use, when used as a noun, shall mean the purpose for which a lot, building, or structure, or any combination thereof is designed, arranged, occupied, or maintained; and when used as a verb, shall have corresponding meanings. The words "used" and "occupied" shall include the words "intended or arranged and designed to be used or occupied". 4.81 Veterinary Clin'ic, shall mean a building or part of a building used as the premises of a veterinary surgeon where domestic animals, birds or other livestock are treated and shall include ,boarding of such animals. 4.82 'Watercourse, shall mean the natural channel for a stream of water and, for the purposes of this By-law includes any watercourse shown on a Schedule or Schedules of this By- law. .- t . t .. 31 4.83 WaY'seide' 'o'r' BorroW Pit, shall mean a temporary pit used by a Municipality, the Corporation of the County of Simcoe, or the Ministry of Transportation and Communications of the Province of Ontario for road construction or other similar purpos'es. 4.84 Yard, shall mean an open area of land, other than a court, on the same lot with a main building or structure, unoccupied and unobstructed except as otherwise provided or required, by this By-law, and located between the main wall of the said building and one of the lot lines of the said lot. 4.85 ' Yard, Fro'nt, shall mean a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the front lot line and the nearest main wall of the main building or structure on the lot. 4.86 Yard, Rear, shall mean a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the rear lot line and the nearest main wall of the main building on such lot. 4.87 ' Yard, Side, shall mean a yard between the nearest main wall of the main building or structure and the side lot line extending from the front yard (or front lot line if no front yard is required) to the rear yard (or rear lot line if no rear yard is required). A yard abutting on a one foot reserve shall be the side or rear yard. 4.88 Yard, 'Interior Side, shall mean a side yard immediately adjacent to an abutting interior side lot line. 4.89 Yard, Exterior Side, shall mean a side yard irmnediately adjacent to a public street. 4.90 zone, shall mean a designated area of land use shown on a Schedule or Schedules of this By-law. 4.91 'zoning Administrator, shall mean the officer or employee of the Corporation of the Township of Medonte for the time being, charged with the duty of administering and enforcing the provisions of this By-law. "" .'. This By-law' shall come tnto torce and take ettect on the date it is' pas-sed by Council, s'ubj ect to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. - Read a first time on the 13th day of December, 1982. Read a s'econd time on the 13th day of December, 1982. Read a third time and finally passed on the 13th day of December, 1982. Reeve Clerk Certification I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true By-law No. 82- as enacted by the Council of Corporation of the Township of Medonte on the day of December, 1982. copy of the 13th Dated at Moonstone this 13th day of December, 1982 It It Clerk 't ......". METRIC CONVERSION TABLE This table does not form part of this By-law and is provided solely for the convenience of the reader. ~ Conversion Formulas 1 metre = 3~2808 ft. or 1 ft. = 0.3048 m. 1 square metre = 10.764 sq. ft. or 1 sq. ft. = 0.0929 sq. m. 1 hectare (10,000 sq. m.) = 2.47r-acres or 1 acre = 0.4047 hectares 1 tonne (1000 kilograms) = 1.102 tons (2205 1bs.) The metric measurements used in this By-law are listed below with the approximate imperial equivalents. The equivalents are rounded and therefore are not exact, but may be of assistance in understanding this By-law. Linear' Measurements .6 m. = 2 ft. 5.5 m. = 18 ft. 18 m. = 60 ft. 1 m. = 3 ft. 6 m. = 20 ft. 20 m. = 66 ft. 1.2 m. = 4 ft. 7.5 m. = 25 ft. 24 m. = 79 ft. 1.5 m. = 5 ft. 9 m. = 30 ft. 30 m. = 100 ft. 1.8 m. = 6 ft. 10 m. = 33 ft. 53 m. = 174 ft. 2.8 m. = 9 ft. 11 m. = 36 ft. 60 m. = 197 ft. 3 m. = 10 ft. 12 m. = 39 ft. 90 m. = 295 ft. 4..5 m. = 15 ft. 13 m. = 43 ft. 150 m. = 492 ft. 5 m. = 16.5 ft. 15 m. = 50 ft. 300 m. = 985 ft. Area' Me'a'sur'ements 1 sq. m. = 11 sq. ft. ,37 sq. m. = 398 sq. ft. 2 sq. m. = 22 sq. ft. 41 sq. m. = 441 sq. ft. 3 sq. m. = 32 sq. ft. 83 sq. m. = 893 sq. ft. 9 sq. m. = 97 sq. ft. 140 sq. m. = 1,507 sq. ft. 10 sq. m. = 108 sq. ft. 225 sq. m. = 2,420 sq. ft. 14 sq. m. = 151 sq. ft. 836 sq. m. = 9,000 sq. ft. 16.5 sq. m. = 178 sq. ft. 1400 sq. m. = 15,070 sq. ft. 23 sq. m. = 248 sq. ft. ,1860 sq. m. = 20,000 sq. ft. 28 sq. m. = 301 sq. ft. 2025 sq. m. = 21,800 sq. ft. ~ 2300 sq. m. = 24,750 sq. ft. ~ 7500 sq. m. = 80,730 sq. ft. 9300 sq. m. = 100,100 sq. ft. 8090 sq. m. = 2 acres 1 hectare = 2.5 acres 4 hectares = 10 acres 20 hectares = 50 acres 40 hectares = 99 acres