1982-002 Medonte THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE BY- LAW 82- 2 BEING a by~law to establish a Penalty Charge for non-payment of current taxes. WHEREAS under the provisions of The Municipal Interest and Discount Rates Act, 1981, a municipality may impose penalties on overdue taxes levied in 1982. AND WHEREAS Council deems it expedient to impose a charge on overdue taxes. e NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Medonte enacts: 1. That overdue taxes are those taxes that have been levied in 1982 and have not been paid on or before the day payment is due. 2. That the prime rate of interest of the Toronto~Dominion Bank, on this Hith day of January, 1982 is 16 &\1/2%. 3. That the penalty charge to be imposed on overdue taxes shall be at the rate of 18% per annum. 4. That the percentage charge as a penalty for non~payment of taxes shall be imposed on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues, but not after December 31, 1982; 5. That not withstanding that the municipality has caused notices to be given in accordance with Section 303 and 521 or 521(a) of The Municipal Act, the Clerk shall give notice of this by~law in accordance with subsection 6 of Section 527 of The Municipal Act; 6. That at any time within fourteen days after notice has been mailed, delivered or caused to be delivered to the person taxed at his residence or place of business or upon the premises in respect of which the 1982 taxes are payable in accordance with section 5 of this By~Law, any person may pay his 1982 taxes overdue without an additional penalty charge as imposed by this By~Law; 7. That the penalty charge imposed by this By~Law shall take effect on the first day after the due date of 1982 taxes as shown on the tax bill. 8. That any penalty for non~payment of taxes authorized under Section 527 of The Municipal Act shall cease to have effect on the day the penalty charge imposed by this By~Law takes effect. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this _6th day of January, 1982. ....--------