1982-027 Medonte THE CORPORATION OF THE TCMNSHIP OF MEDONTE BY-LAW NO. 82-27 A By-Law to. autharize executian af tax arrears agreement pursuant to. the Municipal Affairs Act, Sectian 56, R.S.O. 1970. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE ENACTS AS FOLLCMS: 1. The Head af Catmcil and Clerk are hereby atltharized to. sign an agreement to. pravide . far a camprornise af tax arrears with Peter Hafman and Jean Hafman 2. Subject to. the appraval af the Ministry af Intergavernmental Affairs being abtained, this By-Law shall became effective as af the date af the final signing hereaf. By-law read a first, secand and third time and finally passed this 12th day af Octaber, 1982. AGREEMENT . THIS INDENTURE made in triplicate the 12th day af Octaber A.D., 1982 BEIWEEN : TIlE CORPORATION OF TIlE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE hereinafter called the Carparatian af the First Part -and- PETER HOFMAN & JEAN HOFMAN . hereinafter called the Ratepayer af the Secand Part WHEREAS under the Municipal Affairs Act) Sectian 56, R.S.O. 1970, the Ministry af Intergavernmental Affairs may autharize a compromise of tax arrears to. be entered into between the Corporatian and any ratepayer; AND WHEREAS the Ratepayer is in arrears af taxes to. the Corporatian in the amaunt af Five Thausand, Five Hundred and Fifty-Eight Dollars and Eighty One Cents ($5,858.81) and a Certificate af Tax Arrears was registered in the Registry Office for the Caunty af Simcae an the 21st day af April, A.D., 1982 NOW TIlEREFORE THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in can- sideration af the premises and af the cavenants and abligations hereinafter cantained, it is hereby agreed as fallows: 1. The ratepayer agrees to. pay to. the Carparatian the sum af Six Thausand, and Twenty-two. Dollars and Eight Cents ($6,022.08) an the 12th day af Octaber, 1982 and the balance af all amounts autstanding far arrears, penalties and ioterest by the 21st day . af April, 1983. 2. In addition to. paying the amaunts pravided for in Clause 1, the ratepayer agrees to pay all taxes and lacal impravements rates as they become due during the tenure af this Agreement. Cant'd ..... 2 - 2 - . 3. Natwithstanding any af the pravisians af this Agreement stIch tax arrears and all subsequent taxes and the amounts mentianed in Paragraph 2 hereaf shall be and remain a special lien upan the said lands in priarity aver all claims, liens, privileges and encumbrances therein except claims af the Crawn) and the liens, priarities and ather rights with respect thereto. pro- vided far in The Assessment Act and The Municipal Affairs Act shall continue to. apply thereto. and to the callectian and enfarcement thereaf except that the treasurer and the callectar af taxes af the Township of Medante withaut waiving the statutary rights and pawers of the municipality ar of h,imself shall nat enfarce callectians af such tax payments( except in the instal- ments and at the times hereinbefare mentianed) during the time this agreement is in force sa lang as the taxpayer is not in default hereunder. 4. In the event that the ratepayer defaults in any abligatian under- taken by him pursuant to. this Agreement) the Corparatian shall give written natice to. the ratepayer that this extensian agree- ment is terminated, and in that event the arrears af taxes plus any accrued interest awing therean shall farthwith becarr,e due and payable and all the provisions af The Municipal Affairs Act, R.S.O. 1970 shall be exercised farthwith by the Carparatian. . 5. Upon the ratepayer completing all the payments at the time and in the manner hereinbefare pravided, the Treasurer af the Tawnship af Medonte shall upan abtaining the directian af the Ministry af Intergavernmental Affairs far the Pravince af Ontario. register a Vacating Certificate in respect af the said lands. Cant'd .. 3 . - 3 - .. . Autharizatian af the Ministry af Intergavernmental Affairs shall be abtained befare this compromise agreement becames effective. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties hereto. have hereunto. set their hands and seals. . SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED) ) ) ) ) ) )... ) in the presence af ) ) ) ........... THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONIE .... ... ... ...... _.. u. Reeve .