1982-034 Medonte TIlE CORPORATION OF TIlE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE BY-LAW NUMBER 82-34i BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT AMENDMENT NUMBER 3 TO TIlE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR TIlE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE PLANNING AREA WHEREAS the Municipal CaUDcil af the Carparatian af the Tawnship af Medonte deems it desirable to adopt Amendment Number Three to the Official Plan of the Tawnship af Medante. NOW TIIEREFORE the Cotmcil af the Carparatian af the Tawnship af Medante in accardance with the pravisians af Sectians 13 and 17 af the Planning Act , hereby enacts as fallaws: 1. Amendment No.. 3 to. the Official Plan far the Tawnship af Medante Planning Area, consisting af the attached map designated as Schedule ! 'A", and explanatary text, is hereby adapted. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to. make applicatian to. the Ministry af Hausing far the appraval af Amendment Na.3 to. the Official Plan far the Tawnship af Medante Planning Area. 3. This By-Law shall came into. farce and take effect an the final passing thereaf. ENACTED and passed this 13th day af December, 1982. Signed Signed Certified that the abave is a true capy af By-Law No.. 82-31 as enacted and passed by d1e CaUDcil af the Tawnship af Medante.