03 03 1994 RAC Minutes -- 8 8 MINUTES OF THE ORO-MEDONTE RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD THURSDAY MARCH 3, 1994 AT 7:05 P.M., COMMITTEE ROOM Present: councillor Alastair Crawford, Meryl Drake, Barbara Swanson, Deputy Reeve Norm Dalziel, Daphne Mainprize, Nancy stoddart, Dave Knox, Mayor Robert Drury Staff Present: Deborah Broderick, Lynda Aiken, Gary Cunnington Also Present: Mr. George Coulson, Ms. Mary Harber Absent: Paul Patchell Meryl Drake assumed the chair @ 7:05 p.m. in the absence of the Chair and vice Chair. Note: Daphne Mainprize arrived @ 7:10 p.m. and assumed the chair. Robert Drury arrived @ 7:45 p.m. 1. Minutes of the February 3, 1994 Meeting Moved by Alastair Crawford, Seconded by Dave Knox That we adopt the minutes of the meeting of February 3, 1994 as printed and circulated. carried. 2. Disclosure of pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof - In Accordance with The Act None declared. 3. Disposition of the February 3, 1994 Recommendations to council: Moved by Norm Dalziel, Seconded by Alastair Crawford It is recommended to council that a letter of appreciation be sent to the 1993 Chair of the Parks and Recreation committee and that the recommendations contained within his Year End Report be reviewed at the next meeting of the Recreation Committee. Carried. It 8 8 -2- 4. Deputations: a) 7:10 p.m. George Coulson, County of Simcoe re: Warden's picnic: Mr. George Coulson of the County of Simcoe attended the Recreation Committee meeting to discuss the planning of the 1994 Warden's picnic. A brief description of the past picnic activities was given with the suggestion that Oro Memorial Park may be a suitable location for this years event. The discussion centred around the various activities that could take place, the operation of a refreshment booth and the type of meal to be served. Committee members will individually submit suggestions for the April meeting. b) 7:30 p.m. Ms. Mary Harber, Addiction Research Foundation re: "Alcohol Risk Management" : Ms. Mary Harber of the Addiction Research Foundation attended to discuss the use of alcohol in Township facilities in anticipation of developing a policy. The liability of the municipality regarding the use of alcohol was of major concern in that the Township is responsible for the individual until they are sober. The suggestion was that a community approach to the development of this policy is usually more workable in that the community needs may then be met. Moved by Bob Drury, Seconded by Alastair Crawford That Deborah Broderick provide the Recreation Committee with policies from other municipalities if available for review by the Recreation Committee and direct Deborah Broderick to provide this information for the April Committee Meeting. Carried. t 8 8 5. 6. -3- correspondence: a) Frank Cowan Company Limited re: "Are You Skating on Thin Ice", Arena Liability and Risk Management: Deborah Broderick spoke to this correspondence and expanded on it with some new procedures that have been adopted by the Parks and Recreation Department. Staff training was discussed relating to the operation of Township facilities. Parks & Recreation supervisor Monthly Report: a) Proposed Summer Activities: A draft flyer for distribution regarding summer activities was presented to members of the Committee for their perusal. A review of some activites tentatively scheduled for the Arena were itemized. b) Proposed Rental Rates & policies: The existing and proposed rates were distributed to the Committee members with an explanation of each proposed rate being discussed. Moved by Norm Dalziel, Seconded by Alastair Crawford It is recommended to council that the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation supervisor regarding the 1994 Rates for Recreation facilities be adopted as amended. carried. c) Cowan Insurance Liability and Services; Discussed in conjunction with Item 5(a), Correspondence. 7. committee Chairman's Report: The following items were briefly mentioned as Paul Patchell, Chairman was not in attendance. These items will be brought forward at a future meeting. a) community Hall Board Meeting, February 28, 1994 - Update & Roster Membership for 1994; b) Warden's picnic - "Volunteers to Plan"; It 8 8 -4- c) Oro-Medonte Report on Parks and Recreation; d) Proposed Parks & Recreation Department Budget Summary Sheet: The budget format has been changed with figures available and distributed to Committee members. Discussion will take place in April. 8. other Business: a) Conference: March 8th is a tentative date to meet with Horseshoe in order to make some preliminary arangements regarding the 1994 Conference to be held in October. Deborah, Alastair and Dave will attend. b) Mandate: Discussion occurred with regard to the appointment of Recreation Committee members for a period longer than one year and staggered allowing for continuity. 9. Adjournment. Moved by Bob Drury That we do now adjourn @ 10:15 p.m. Carried. ~~LL Lynda Aiken Deputy Clerk TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD MEMBERS 8 CARLEY COMMUNITY CENTRE R. R. 4 coldwater, ontario LOR lEO Bernice Gill Brian Binns Iris Robins Marlene Fleet Florence' Bill Betty Hawke secretary-Treasurer Mendel EADY COMMUNITY HALL R. R. 4 Coldwater, ontario LOR lEO Bob Nevison Evelyn Reid Annie Coombs Anna spence stan Brown Allan Walker Hel Bulman Chairperson Secretary-Treasurer 8 HAWKESTONE HALL Hawkestone, ontario LOL lTO Rob Talaska Mark Ranty Nancy Baker steve Cook steve wilkinson Jamie Gourley President Treasurer Secretary Director Director Director ORO STATION COMMUNITY HALL Pauline stuart Dorothy williams Sherry Hubbert Bish Pattenden Bob Blackmore cindy Thoma Jane Howson Chairperson Treasurer Secretary Director Director Director Director WARMINSTER HALL 8 Dennis Barkley Brian Harriss Rita Maccucci Dave Gordon Ellie Gordon peggy Fox Trustees of Oro Hall Garfield Burton Bob Blackmore David Woronka ) I' .. 1 þ RENTAL RATES BANQUET ROOK: 1. Bookings must be made a minimum of 30 days in advance and must be+accompanied by a deposit of $100." cancellations: If a cancellation is received a minimum_ofi~~~ dåyspriorto the event: l/2 of deposit~returned '.'.'i¥i. = = $10.00 2. If] cancellation received a minimum of 15 days prior:, t event and the banquet room or arena floor gets "re-booke that day: 1/2 deposit returned ($50). Banquet, Parties, Dinner, Reception, Tournaments, Special Weddings: $200.00'+ $14.00 (GST) $;]20.00+ $1 40 (GST) =$.214.00' (10-hour day) -' $ 21..40 Ice User Tournamen~ Rate for Banquet Hall' 4 .'9~. (GST) = $75.00/day . :.~<+" . 8 Meetina Rates: up~to' 25 people Meeting with food and or alcohol or drinks: $20.00 for 3 hours + 1.40 (GST) =$l2'k~Ð- $2Õ~00/hr. for each additional hour Meeting up to 25 people with no food or drinks: $15;00'fo~"3 'hours + $1~ 05' (GST) = $16:05' J}~ Meetings can be "sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department". if it is decided by the Parks and Recreation supervisor that the meeting is"providing a Community service to the residents of:Oro. If a meeting is defined as "sponsored meeting" the group wit1:b~ eligible for the $20.00 for 3 hr. rate. .d . Oro Memorial Park Car entrance fee non-resident $9.35 + .65 GST Bus entrance fee $1.00/person pavillion'#1 Rental $20.57 + 1.45"GST $22.00 8 pavillion'#2 Rental $11.22 + .7S"'GST = . $12.00 . . þ 8 8 ). 2 Oro Residents entrance into the Park is free with admittance sticker. Oro Memorial Park...cont'd... Guests of Oro residents (accompanied by Oro resident) entrance fee is $4.68 + .32 GST = $5.00. Rental of the whole Park $500 + $35 GST = $535 including the Concession Booth). for the day. (Note: 5õO-f 35 ~ 535'. /10 T //VCI.rI.A.t)/IJIG coN Boom. Ball Diamond Fees: Oro Minor Ball - charged $1.87 + .13 GST = $2.00/hr. Adult Ball Groups - charged $9.35 + .65 GST = $10.00¡hr. 1994 proposed Charge per game: Minors $3.72 + .28 = $4.00¡game Adults $18.60 + 1.40 = $20.00¡game Proposed outside resident charge: Adult $23.25 + 1.75 = $25.00¡game Minor $ 8.37 + .63 = $ 9.00¡game Old Town Hall Rental Fees: Rental of the Old Town Hall during the day to 5:00 p.m. is $45.00 + 3.15 GST = $48.15 Rental for a dance is $100.00 + 7.00 GST = $107.00 $200.00 damage deposit is required at the time of the booking. Arena 1. Ice Rental Rates: 1993-94 Confirmed Prime time ice rates: minute hour. $84.11 + 5.89 GST = $90.00 for 50 Times: 4:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Non Prime time ice rate: $46.73 + 3.27 GST = $50.00 for 50 minute hour Times: 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Request for visiting team change room - $14.02 + .98 GST = $15.00 £ 3 þ special Rates Oro Minor Sports Groups $56.07 + 3.93 = $60.00 for 50 minute hour at all times. 5~' S 'f If.};;. -:: '&;1 tN) Oro Township Schools: Free Ice Time $50.00 + 3.50 GST = $53.50. 1993-1994 Oro Brownies, Scouts, Service Clubs: Arena Floor Fees: commercial: $ 400.00 per day + GST $ 300.00 2nd day + GST $ 300.00 3rd day + GST + $100.00 for staff to set up and tear down Concerts: $400.00 + $250.00 + GST - Banquet room, bar and set up. Non-Profit: $300.00 per day + GST $250.00 2nd day + GST $200.00 3rd day + GST + $100.00 for staff to set up and tear down 8 Hourly Rate: Sports groups $25.00 + 1.75 GST = $26.75 fJRolð.5¡£{) ~~'OJf + J19' -.Þ30'UO 8 07 -- G.s xl:: --. GSI