05 27 1992 PAC Minutes . , e e e ~ II I MINUTES OF THE THIRD MEETING OF THE ORO PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY MAY 27, 1992, @ 2:00 P.M. - COMMITTEE ROOM Present: Reeve Robert Drury, Councillor Alastair Crawford, Councillor Joanne Crokam, Councillor Leonard Mortson, Mr. Jim Noble, Mr. Alan Wayne, Mr. Bruce Clark. Staff Present: Ms. Kris Menzies, Mr. Ron Watkin, Mr. Al Lees, Ms. Andria Darby (Recording Secretary). Absent: Deputy Reeve David Caldwell, Mr. George Roberts Call to order by Chairman @ 2:20 1. MINUTES: Moved by Mr. Alan Wayne, and Seconded by Mr. Bruce Clark THAT the minutes of the meeting held Thursday February 27, 1992, be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. 2. DISCLOSURE AND DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST: No Conflicts Declared. 3. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: a) Newsletter from the Commission on Planning and Development Reform in Ontario, March 1992 issue 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 2:20 p.m. Development Application P-16f89, an application for a Draft Plan of Subdivision. Kris Menzies - This is a new plan of subdivision to be considered for a draft plan. The subdivision was not formally submitted before it was amended by the comments from the Health unit. There are department head comments listed on your report which I assume you have all had a chance to look at. The hydrogeological report was completed for this property but there is some concern about how the calculations were done; this may be a concern for the Ministry of the Environment to deal with. , e Al Lees - In terms of. the water supply and the connection for this subdivision it will completed through the existing Shanty Bay system - this is all covered through Development Charges. The Hydrogeological report does not substantiate 71 lots. Daylighting triangles are required but not shown on the plan. The radius for lots 16, 31 and 35 should be 10 metres; where the road joins at William Street need to increase the radius,the actual figure isn't shown. In terms of drainage, the previous plan shows a culvert across the CNR right-of-way (between lots 57 and 58); this plan doesn't show this. In terms of the size of the detention pond - could ask for a configuration, we still need more information regarding the effect of a 10 year storm. There is no dedication shown for the storm sewer along the 3rd line. Alan Wayne - The road coming out onto the 3rd line below the railway, is there any road widening for this, in terms of turning left or right? Ron Watkin - There is a 4.9 metre road widening shown (Block 79), Is the road widening supposed to go back to the County Road? Kris Menzies - CNR won't provide specific comments on what they require, all they provide are the minimum requirements which don't deal with the road widening. 4It Alan Wayne - What is the size of the lots? Ron Watkin - 1f2 to 3f4 acre lots Bruce Clark - In terms of the detention pond, could it be made shallower and take up more space, therefore it would blend in with the park and wouldn't need to be fenced. Al Lees - they are suggesting the pond will be 3 feet deep, and will have a 750 mm pipe to drain it, it will take approximately 1 - 1.5 hours to drain. Moved by Councillor Alastair Crawford, and Seconded by Mr. Alan Wayne THAT we do now go in camera @ 2:40 p.m. Carried. Mr. Sandy Higgins, MSL Properties Ltd., appeared before the Planning Advisory Committee to review the plan of subdivision. The legal description of the subject lands is Concession 3, South Part Lot 27 and Part Lot 28, RP51R 19629 Parts 1 to 4. e . . e e e (b) 3:15 p.m. Development Application P-52j89, an application for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment. The legal description of the subject land is South Part Lot 3, Concession 7. Mr. Nick McDonald, Planning Consultant, Mr. Bob Lehman, Planning Consultant, Mr. Guido Pappa and Mr. Pat capobianco, Emerald Development Corp. Inc, appeared before the Planning Advisory Committee to answer questions for the Committee. Moved by Reeve Robert Drury, and Seconded by Councillor Alastair Crawford THAT we do now Rise and Report from In-Camera @ 4:10 p.m. Carried. 5. GENERAL BUSINESS None. 6. OTHER BUSINESS None. 7. RECOMMENDATIONS Moved by Reeve Robert Drury, and Seconded by Mr. Bruce Clark It is recommended to Council that Development Application P-16j89 (MSL), Concession 3, Part of Lot 27 and 28, a proposed plan of subdivision, that the Township Planning Director comment accordingly to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs regarding the draft plan subject to: - 15 metre by 15 metre daylighting triangles should be provided at the entrances to the County Roads - 4 metre by 4 metre daylighting triangles should be provided on all internal roads - 0.30 metre reserves should extend along the length of the 15 metre daylighting triangles - indicate a 10 metre radii on the inside of curves at lots 16, 31 and 35 - label the radii of all horizontal curves - reverse curve at/lot 60 - 71 on William Street should be flattened out to provide a larger radii, minimum of 60 metre radii on corner of roadway should be achieved, if possible. - all drainage reserves should be indicated as drainage dedications (ie. Block 72 & 73) - existing culvert crossing on the CNR right-of-way should be indicated to assess the location of Block 72, between lots 57 & 58 - the plan should indicate all lot frontages (eg. 15,2,19,58,59) .. e . e " - all streets should be renamed with letters not with names (eg. street A) - a fence should be added between the detention pond and lot 36 - support for the hydrogeological report should be submitted - the detention pond should be shallower and wider if possible to allow for a playing field inside it Carried. Moved by Reeve Robert Drury, and Seconded by Councillor Alastair Crawford It is recommended to Council that Development Application P- 52j89 (Capobianco) , Concession 7, Part of Lot 3, a proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, proceed to a Public Meeting at the earliest possible date after receipt of the hydrogeological report by the Planning Director. Carried. 6. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Moved by Councillor Leonard Mortson, and Seconded by Mr. Alan Wayne THAT the meeting now be adjourned @ 4:45 p.m. Carried. -~ Andria Darby,