06 25 1991 History Minutes 8 THE TOVmSHIP OF ORO HISTORY COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 25, 1991 The Township of Oro History Committee met this afternoon at the Township of Oro Administration Building in the Board Room, at the call of the Chairperson. All members having been notified. The rollowing members were present: Loreen (Rice) Lucas Howard A. Campbell Walter Hutchinson Earl Robertson Henry Neufeld Absent: Bernice Hickling, Neil McNiven, Sandra Shelswell. The meeting was opened by the Chairperson at 1:45 p.m. Opening Minutes The Minutes of the last regular meeting of May 30, 1991, copies of which had been forwarded to all members, were on motion of Howard Campbell and Barl Robertson adopted as printed and received. Business Arising from the Minutes 8 (Accounts to be paid to cover costs for the Unveiling of the Plaque - June 8,1991) It was moved by Walter Hutchinson and seconded by Howard Campbell that the three Womens' Institutes that served the lunch after tœ ceremony of unveiling of the Plaque on June 8,1991, be paid an amount of 150.00 each and the Rugby Community Hall Board be paid $75.00 for the use of the Hall. Also Kent Dempsey be paid for the P.A. System equipment when the account is received. And that Rev. Dr. Brice Martin be paid for any travelling expenses when an account is received. And further that Earl Robertson be paid $20.06 for the bags of cement used to erect the stone for thê Plaque. Correspondence & Communications Presented letters received from: Mrs. Marilyn Tusher, 2557 Midvale Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90064 re: acknowledging receipt of "Story of Oro" and commending members of the History Committee who worked on putting the book together. Elizabeth Clark, 396 Elm Road, Toronto, Onto M5M 3W2, advising that she and four others would be attending the Unveiling on June 8,1991. Copy of News Release forwarded to Media and requesting that some publicity be provided to let area residents know about the event of the unveiling of a Plaque for Marian Keith, Author - as for- warded by the Deputy-Clerk. 8 New Business It was moved by Walter Hutchinson and seconded by Howard Campbell that letters of appreciation and thank you be forwarded to Finlay Payne; Marian K. Harvie and acknowledging recei~t of their donation for the ocassion. - 2 - cont'd from rage i. Also to Janna Ramsay Best, Isle of Islay to acknowledge her letter and order forms for the book entitled "John Ramsay of Kildalton" As well as Rev. Dr. Brice M&rtin, Marilyn Cotton and Len anà Pearl Cumming for their part in the programme on June 8,1991. It was moveà by Walter Hutchinson and seconded by Earl Robertson that the Womens' Institutes be charged an amount of .85Ø for each Polyester Envelope purch&sed for the preservation of photograghs. The~e Envelo1.es had just been received as ordered by the Township for this purpose. It WaS left that a display of Historical Books be again arranged by members of the Committee at Oro Memorial Park on Canada Day. There being no further business at hand it was moved by Rarl Robertson and seconded by Walter Hutchinson that the meeting adjourn at 3:00 p.m. Henry Neufeld Secretary Loreen (Rice) Lucas Chairperson 8 8 8 Township of Oro History Committee 30x 100, Oro Station, Ontario 101 ITC June 26,1991 ,,~r. Finlay Fa.yne, L ~ c' " ~ . o~b LamOle ~rlve, Victoria, B.C. VtZ 218 - -. ~ Liear lJ.r. rayne: The Township of Oro History Committee teld a meeting on June 25,1991 to finish off any matters that needed to be clecred up following the unveiling of the Plaque for Marian ~eith on June 8,1991. At this meeting the Committee directed that a letter be forwarded to you expressing their appreciation for your ~art in the program. Therefore, please except this letter as a th&nk you for your rart. Your remarks and Historical background of the Author, ~arian ~eith was both very informative and interesting to all present. It would appear that the event was a success and the wee .r was perfect for the occasion. The turnout was great and it i: hoped that it met with your expect3tions. Approximately ~eopIe signed the Guest Book and many that were present did notsign the book. Again thank you for J'cur as~i3tance ànd your interest in initieting the desire to toncur the Author, Nhich leò to je erection of a Plaque in her memory. Yours sincerelj, r¡. Neuleld, Secretary, Townshil- of Ore Hi sto.. ...cmmi t tee. 8 Tm"lnship of Ora Eistory Committee, .sox ...,"", uro Sta~ion, Ontario 101 ITa ~s. Janna Ramsay Surnaig House, by Fort Ellen Isle of Islay, FA427DX Best, Dear Ms. Janna Ramsay Best: This is to acknowledge your letter on be naif of Mrs. Ramsay advising that she would not be able to attend on June 8, 1991 for the unveiling of the Plaque in Memory of Marian Keith. The History Committee feel that the event was a success with a great turnout, approximately l~O people signed the Guest Book and of course many that attended did not sign. 8 The Committee at a meeting held on June 25,1991, to finish of~ matters following the event instructed that a letter of appreciation be forwarded to you, for ta~ing the time to write following the invitation received by Mrs. Ramsay. Also to advice that tne book "John Ramsay of Kildalton" was placed with the other Historical Books and some order forms were picked up and likely some will be forwarded. When the History Committee meet again in fall it likely that orders for some will be placed. Again, thank you for taking the time to respond to the invitation. Yours Sincerely, 8 8 8 -- 'I'c',mshi I. of '~ro Eistcry Committee, Box l~O, Jro StGtion, Ontario LOL lTO Dear ffirs. Harvie: Just a short note to let you know that the occasion of Unveiling the Plaque in ivlerwry of l1a::: ian £\.ei th was an successful event. The weather WaS great and the turnout WaS excellent. Approximately 140 people signed the Guest Book and as in any event many that attended did not sign. The History Committee met en June 25,1991 to finish off matters from the event th&t needea to be attended to following the day of the unveiling, and instructed that a ~ett¿r of thank you and appreciation be forwarded to you for taking the time to respond to the invitation and for your kind donation to assist financially. ~n::::~ ' Secret::: Jro Township History Committee 8 Townshir of Oro, History Committee, Box 100, Oro Station, Ontario L01 lTO June 26,1991 Rev. Dr. Brice Martin, Apt. 211 S., 412 Old Muskoka Road, Orillia, Ontario L3V 6M5 Dear Dr. Martin: The Township of Oro History Committee wish to express their appreciation and thank you for participating and taking part in the programme on the ocassion of the Unveiling of the Plaque in honour of Marian Keith, Author, on June 8,1991. It was greatly appreciated to have you taking part in the programme for this event. 8 Unfortunately during the process of getting the programme arranged your were not approached with respect to remuneration or mileage for your day. Please advise in order thGt this matter may be looked after. Yours Henry N feld, Secretary, Township of Oro History Committee. 8 8 Townshic of Oro History l,ommittee, Be};: lCO, Oro Station, Ontario LOL ITO June 26,1991 Mr. & Mrs. Len cumming, R.R. Hl, Oro Station, Ontario LOL 2RO Dear kr. & Mrs. vumming: The Township of Oro History committee met on June 25, 1991 to finish of matters that needed to be attended to after the event of June 8, 1991, the Unveiling of the Flaque in Memory of Marian Keith. 8 At this meeting the ~ommittee instructed that a letter of appreciation and thank you be forwarded to you for your interest and loaning of the books written by the Author, Marian Keith. The Committee greatly appreciated your interest and taking the time to attend with the Books, and feel certain that the people present appreciated it also. Again, thank you for your assistance it a successful event. The ~ommittee are of the ocassion waS well attended with approximatelY signing the Guest Book. As in any event many not have signed the book. making the day opinion the 140 people present would Yours SinCere], ¡enry Ne eld, Secretar , Township of Oro History committee 8 8 Township of Oro History Committee, Box 100, Oro St~tion, Ontario L01 ITO June 26,1991 ~rs. Marilyn Cotton, R.R. #1, Oro Station, Ontario LOL 2E0 Dear Mrs. Cotton: 8 The Township of Oro History Committee wish to express their appreciation for your assistance to help make the ocassion 'of the Unveiling of the Plaque, on Saturday, June 8, 1991, as success. Many people present as well as the l,ommittee enjoyed the Bagpipes while waiting for the Cermony of the Unveiling to take place. Many thanks for taking the time to assist on June 8th. Yours Sincerely, ld, 8