09 24 1991 History Minutes
TO:7NSriIF::- F CBn
.- ST'=Ri CC':.::L.ITTEE ::':TING
X'JVC:LBER 1,+, 1991
The Townsr.ip of:ro Eistory vcmmi ttee along with Joanna _"O;:.Nen
.Let this eve~ing for a work meeting according to the resolution
of tne Keeting of October 24, 1991, to hold a work meeting to
}'repc:.re slides and/or :¡::ictures 'v'iith ccmmentsry for Vièeo T'a-çe
for -çresentations and future records.
The follovving members Nere present:
Loreen (Rice) Lucas
Howard A. ~am~bell
Walter Hutcninson
Henry Neufeld
Tim ~rawford (who has offered to
serve on the History
And Joanna 1..cEwen
Bernice Hickling, Neil ~cNiven and Sandra Shelswell.
The His tory l.cmmi ttee n:embers along with Joanna .;.cFwen and Tim
~rawford, spent the meeting rutting together a series of slides
and res:¡::ective commentary for each slide along'¡itt additional
information or any necessary corrections, in preparation for
recording on Video T'ape. Some slides ~ad been borrowed from the
Shanty Bay School. Several slides that are missing are to be aòded
from the original School and Agriculture slides, Nhich are on
file in the Township Vault. The Chairperson brought the Slide
Projector used this evening.
The ~hairperson also [resented a Contour Map obtained from the
",inis try of Natural Bes ources, shov,ring only the Township of Cro
produced from the various rortions of County Maps, using any the
portions ;ertaing to Oro To~nship as one complete vontour Uap of
rhe Townshi; of Cro. This maL is to be reproduced and used to
flat the Hills of Oro, with respective coIT~entary fer Video Tare.
Ihe wcrk meeting which had commenced at a~proximately 7:30 ~.m.
adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
:ienry Neufeld,
Secretary, Oro
Ei=tcry Committee
Lareen (Rice) Lucas
Chairperson, Oro
History l.ommitte~