06 18 1992 History Minutes
June 18,1992
The Township of Oro History Committee met this
the Township of Oro Administration Building in
.oom, at the call of the Chairperson. Members
having been notified.
The following members
Loreen (Rice) Lucas
Howard A. Campbell
Walter Hutchinson
afternoon at
the Committee
of the Committee
were present:
Henry Neufeld
Earl Robertson
Tim Crawford
Absent: Neil McNive~, Bernice Hickling, Sandra Shelswell
Opening - The Chairperson opened the meeting at 2:45 p.m.
Minutes - The Minutes of the last regular meeting held on
April 16,1992, were on motion of Tim Crawford and
Earl Robertson adopted as printed and received.
Business arising from the Minutes - meeting of April 16, 1992.
Howard Campbell advised that he had written to Wœs. Ann
Rae Campbell, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. regarding the
information see had requested.
The Cha~rperson reported that she has now completed plotting
the Hills of Oro and Taverns, showing the location of each on
the map and a summary and index in the margin of each. One as
alphabetically and the other numerically.
Correspondence, Communications
None presented.
Old and Unfinished Business
The Chairperson advised that the picture of Alexander R. Tudhope
transporting buggies from Orillia had been copied in the size
requested (8xlO) glossy finish, and same could now be forwarded
to the Senior Research Eistorian - Remington-Alberta Carriage
Centre, Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism.
It was moved by Howard Campbell and seconded by Walter Hutchinson
that the 8xlO glossy photo of Alexander R. Tudhope transporting
buggies from Orillia, be forwarded to the Senior Research Hist-
orian, Remington-Alberta Carriage Centre along with a request
for the cost to a total of $15.00 (co;y of picture $12.00, GST
and PST $1.80 - Postage $1.20)
Tim Crawford reported on the Project to obtain material for the
preservation of documents, slides and pictures. Items consisted
of slide hangers, perma safe slide protectors, print file, special
tape for marking identification, special pigma pens, bookplates
and repair tape and co.ton gloves.
- 2 -
Howard Campbell presented a booklet entitled "Travel
down a Storied Road" as a sample of what could be used
as a booklet for a Story of the Hills and Taverns of
Oro, which would th~n also include a map showing the
locations of same as has been prepared. This matter
was disc~ssed and considered and it was left that
Tim Crawford prepare a mock up of such a booklet. Also
that Howard Campbell obtain an estimated cost for the
production of such a booklet.
Various other matters were brought forward and consi-
dered for future work, with no direct action taken.
There being no further business it was moved by Earl
Robertson that the meeting adjourn.
Henry Neufeld
Loreen (Rice) Lucas
Members of the Committee are to be prepared to meet
at the Township Office to review documents and papers
in the Vault for Historical value, as a work meeting.