11 19 1992 History Minutes 8 8 8 THE TOWNSHIP OFORO HISTORY COMMITTEE MEETING November 19,1992 The Township of Oro History Committee met this afternoon at the home of the Chairperson, Loreen (Rice) Lucas. Members of the Committee had been notified by telephone. The following members were present: Loreen (Rice) Lucas Earl Robertson Walter Hutchinson Tim Crawford Henry Neufeld Absent: Rernice Hicklin¡; Neil McNiven; Sandra Shelswell Following the meetin¡ a view of the Videa of the History Committee taken at Cable T.V. in 1992, was to take place and spouses of the members had been invited by the Chairperson. Helen Neufeld attended, other spouses were unable to attend for various reasons. '" Opening The Chairperson opened the meetin¡ at 2:45 p.m. Minutes The Minutes of the last regular meetin¡ of September 19, 1992, which had been forwarded to all members, were on ;md*1o~~~Ttm~Crawford and Earl Robertson adopted as printed and received.' Correspondence and Communications: The Secretary pre sented copy of letter forwarmed to the Township Clerk including the Resolution of the Committee with respect to Retention of Documents and Records of the Township, also copies of sample By Laws related to same. And reply fro~the Township Clerk advising that letter and copies of By-laws and! related material had been received and further advisin¡ that the Clerk's Depãrtment had previously notified the County of Simcoe Archives' (leÚér attached) that material may be forthcomin¡. And in addition advising that the Township of Ore do currently have a Records Retention By-Law. A copy of By-Law No. 90-6; was enclosed with the letter. It was moved by Walter Hutchinson and seconded by Tim Crawford that the letter forwarded and letter from the Clerk acknowled¡inc receipt of the letter and materials from the History Committee and enclosing letter forwarded to the County of Simcoe Archives in June 1992, advisin¡ that records and specitiè'documents may be forthcoming from the Township. Also copy of By-Law #90-65, bein¡ a By-Law to Establish Retention Schedules for Documents, Records and other papers of the Municipality,be received and filed for future refeeence. Presented a letter forwarded to Emery Nelson in response to his letter of enquiry re¡arding his Grandparents, James and Sara Nelson, as to whether they were buried in a Cemetery in the Township of Oro, advising that Walter Hutchinson would accompany him to the varioDs cemeteries in the Township. To date he has not made his visit to the Township, although he had telephoned Walter Hutchinson since the letter was forwarded. Secretary also advised that he had received a telephone call his sister-in-law in Barrie regarding the same persons. And further that he had visited the cemeteries - 2 - 8 at Dalston (United) Craighurst the Presbyterian and Anglican, with no results and Walter Hutchinson had visited the two Edgar Cemeteries. It was moved by Walter Hutchinson and seconded by Earl Robertson that further search of records of burial be carried out, after which the parties making the enquiry be notified of the results. Secretary presented a letter which had been forwarded to Howard Campbell in July from Brenda Ruffet, Owen Sound, enquiry regarding regarding a John Hardie and his children iohn and Mary, who had settled on Lot 6 (Et) , Con. 13, Township of Oro. Her enquiry is with respect to the information in "Kith ,';N' Kin" about this family. Also as to whether John Hardie had supplied the lime stone from the Lime Stone Kiln at the erection of the first Esson Presb. Church, on the Old Barrie Road. All of this information would assist her in writing a History of the Hardie Family and that she would appreciate any information regarding her enquiry. 8 It was moved by ralter Hutchinson and seconded by Earl Robertson that a reply be forwarded upon further information being obtained from the person who supplied the information for "Kith 'N' Kin" Presented a letter from Edith Russell, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, which had been forwarded to Howard Campbell regarding a second house owned by Robert Hutchinson. Howard Campbell had forwarded her a photo copy of the houses in question, a page from'a book of homes in Shanty Bay. The enquiry being of a large 17 room home on the lake. The writer is interested whether the home in question is still standing. It was moved by Earl Robertson and seconded by Walter Hutchinson that Tim Crawford make further ";enquirles regarding the ho....: in qqestion. Following which a reply is to be forwarded. Old Business The Chairperson reported on the progrees made by the Ad Hoc Committee - Chairperson, Joanna McEwen and Tim Crawford on the proposed book - The Hills, Taverns and Corners, in the Township of Oro as they had been referred to by name in years gone by. It was suggested that the Title be changed to "The Hills of Ore and other pioneer land marks." Agreed to by the members. The Chairperson reported that Tim Crawford had made a ¡lass top table with lights for viewing of slides and pictures, which will make it much simpler to have all slides and pictures placed upon for the present project of preparation of same on Video Tape. New Business 8 It was mentioned that Township of Oro History Committee become a member of the Simcoe County Historical Society, which would make available all news letters printed ~the Society as well as other Historical information available through the members. It was moved by Tim Crawford and seconded by Earl Robertson that this Committee become a member of the Simcoe County Historical Society and that the Committee request that the Township of Oro - 3- 8 Treasurer forward forward a cheque in the amount of $7.00, being the annual cost for the membership. The matter of obtainin¡further material for the preservation of documents, maps and other such material was discussed. It was moved by Tim Crawford and seconded by Walter Hutchinson that the Chairperson be authorized to spend up to an amount of $~OO.OO for archival supplies and Video Tape material out of the 1992 History Committee Budget. The matter of BudgetJ~.for this Committee in 1993 was brought forward for discussion. It was moved by W_lter Hutchinson and seconded by Earl Robertson that the Township of Oro History Committee recommend to the CoUllc.il of the Township of Oro that an amount of $2000, be includèd in the Township of Oro 1993 Budget, for the History Committee. ( to complete 1992 Project Staoo and $200 Misc. supplies and postage) It w~s moved by Earl Robertson and seconded by _alter Hutchinson that"<the following names be submitted to the Council of tœ Township of Oro for appointment to the Township of Oro History Committee for 19931 8 Loreen (Rice) Lucas Walter Hutchinson Bernice Hicklin¡ Henry Neufeld Earl Robertson Tim Crawford Sandra Shelswell Jadine Henderson (to fill vacancj) . Once all names have been confirmed by the Chairperson. There being no further business at hand it was moved by Earl Robertson that the meeting ajourn at 3:55 p.m. And that the Committee now view the Video tape which was a meeting of this Committee at Cable T.V. last Spring. The host Loreen Lucas served a great lunch during the v*~wing of the Tape. All members who are able to attend a work meeting on Tuesday, November 2~th, in the afternoon,'lto be at the home of Tim Crawford. Henry Neufeld, Secretary. Loreen (Rice) Lucas, Chairperson 8