04 28 1986 Sp Council Minutes
~ONDAY! APRIL 28, _ 1986 - 9: 00 A.t-1. COUN<;l~~_.~~Y~iJB:El:~
Oro Council met this day pursuant to the Agenda distributed April 25, 1986
at 9: 00 a.m. with tl1e following members present:
Reeve Robert E. Drury
Deputy Reeve Thelma Halfacre
Councillor David Burton
Councillor David Caldwell
Councillor Robert SWerden
Reeve Drury chaired the meeting.
Also present were: Henry Sander, Jjm Shellswell, Paul Eenhoorn, Holly Spacek,
and 1 member of the press.
Disclosure and Declaration of Conflict. of Interest -- none declared
Minutes - none
. -
Accounts - none
~eP.:xt:.~ of [Vl~~~cipal Offic~r~
(1) Administrator/Clerk reviewed his report with regards to the Deputy Clerk'
Salary in the Com:nittee of the Whole
( 2 ) 'TreaSUl:E~r 's Report re: 1986 Budget report was reviewed 1.n Ccrnmi ttee
of t:he Mlole
Corrrmmicat.ions - none
Motion No. 1
Moved by Burton, seconded by Swerdon
Be it resolved that a By-law for the Contracting of Insurance for the
1'ownship of Oro be introduced and read a first and second time and
mIr:!t..ered 86-31. Carried.
That By-law No. 86-31 be considered read a third time, finally passed,
be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Reeve. Carried.
I"iotion No. 2
Moved by Halfacre, seconded by Caldwell
Be it resolved that a By-law to Provide for the Collection, Removal and
Disposal of Garbage be introduced arid read a first ill1d second time and
numbered 86-32. Carried.
That By-law No. 86-32 be considered read a third time, finally passed,
be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by tlJe Reeve. Carried.
Motion No. 3
Moved by Swerdon, seconded by Burton
Be it resolved that a By-law to Authorize the F.;x.ecution of an Agreement with
!vi. R. Truax Septic Bed and Landsc2ping for the Collection of Garbage be
introduced and read a first and second time and numbered 86-33. Carried.
'That By-law No. 86-33 be considered read a third time, finally passed,
be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Reeve. Carried.
r'lotion No. 4
r,loved by Caldwell, seconded by Halfacre
Be it resolved that Council adjourn to Committee of U1e v\1f1ole @ 9:15 a.In.
- 2 -
MOved bY swerdon, seconded by Burton
Be it resolved that council rise and report fram the committee of the
Whole @ 5:45 p.m. carried.
MOved by Halfacre, seconded by eald,oiell
Be it resolved that the Administrator/Clerk' s report re' wages for the
position of oeputy Clerk be received and adopted. carried.
MOved by Burton, seconded bY swerdon
Be it resolved that council"^'" adjourn at 5,47 p.m. carried.
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