11 03 1986 Sp Council Min 7:30 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO SPECIAL MEETING MONDI, NOVEMBER 3, 1986 - 7:30 p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBERS THI~-FIFTH MEETING OF THE 1985-88 COUNCIL All Btmbers of Council were present: Reeve Robert E. Drury Deputy Reeve Thelma Halfacre Councillor David Burton Councillor David Caldwell Councillor Robert Swerdon ReevtRobert E. Drury chaired the meeting. Also,resent were: Holly Spacek, Bill Seymour, 103 Matchedash St. N., Orillia, Ont., Marion Town, Jack Nixon, Jerry Stones, and three members from the press. Ree~Drury opened the meeting by explaining to those present that this is a special meeting held under Section 34, Subsection 13, and ~ction 17 and 21 of the Planning Act to consider a proposed Offid~l Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment to adopt an Amernkent to the Official Plan to allow for a residential development (Orolills) located on part of Lot 1 Concession 5. The Reeve then stated all persons present would be afforded the opportunity of ~ing comments in respect to the proposed By-Laws. He also notet that proper notice had be given through the Barrie and Orilti~ papers. The Reeve then turned the meeting over to Holly Spacel, Township Planner, who explained the purpose and effect of the Foposed By-Laws. Mr. .11 Seymour ques ti oned why the entrance to the proposed sub- di visTon was off County Road 22 rather then the fifth 1 i ne whi ch he felt Btad been neglected by the Township. The Reeve and Developer both answered stating they felt the best entrance for sight 1 ines, etc., was County Road 22. Their being no further questions from the ~dience, the meeting was adjourned. MotiOR No. 1 Moved by Burton, seconded by Swerdon Be it resolved that the meeting now adjourn at 7:38 p.m. Carried. foP li ' Clerk Robert W. Small ~erf/~-