02 16 1987 Public Minutes
following Members of Council were present:
Reeve Robert E. Drury
Deputy Reeve Thelma Halfacre
Councillor David Burton
Councillor David Caldwell
Councillor Robert Swerdon
eeve Robert E. Drury chaired the Meeting.
so present were:
Mr. Jack Nixon, Mr. William May, Mr. Stephen Wcx:>drCM, Mr.
John Cockburn, Mr. Jim Knox, Mr. Bill Lohuaru, Mr. Ian
Wilson, Mrs. Shirley Wcx:>drCM, Mrs. Gail Robinson, Ms. Holly
Spacek, Mr. Ron Watkin, also present was one Member of the
Reeve Robert E. Drury opened the Meeting by explaining to those present, that
e purpose of the Public Meeting is to introduce a Proposed Official Plan
ndment to the TCMnShip of Oro's Official Plan under Section 17 of the Planning
The Proposed Official Plan Amendment is to review the Proposal to establish a
ondary Plan for the Horseshoe Resort Area, which canprises Part of Lots I and 2
ncession 3, Part of Lot I, Concession 5, and Lots l, 2, 3, and 4, Concession 4.
e Secondary Plan) in addition to recognizing the existing Residential,
d Recreational Uses; will redesignate additional Lands for Residential,
d Commercial Uses. The Secondary Plan will also establish Policies pertaining
e development and servicing of these Lands.
Notices of the Public Meeting were circulated to the Area effected and to all
d Owners within 120 metres of the Area effected on Tuesday, January 6, 1987, in
cordance with Ontario Regulations. In addition, Notices were sent to Agencies
nsidered to have an interest in the matter. This Meeting is being held under
tion 17 of the Planning Act.
The Reeve then stated that all Persons present would be afforded the
asking questions in respect to the Proposed Official Plan Amendment. He then
ked the Persons present if they would give their name, prior to asking their
estion, so that it may be recorded properly.
~ The Reeve then asked the Clerk, if any correspondence had been received
ncerning this Proposal; the Clerk, responded that no correspondence had been
l . The Reeve then turned the Meeting over to Mr. Jim Knox, of Knox, Martin,
pnited, who proceeded to explain the purpose and the effect of the Proposed
ndment; Mr. Knox then proceeded with the follCMing explanation:
"Since we have had a number of Meetings on the above subject, we can say that
. :.s recognized by all concerned that Horseshoe Valley is expanding, and is
tracting Clientele in Recreational Facilities that are becoming heavily used;
is has resulted in expansion of the Skiing Facilities, and there is a
ansion of the Golfing Facilities, which is one of the main triggers for the
P oposed Highlands Development at Horseshoe.
The initiation of this Official Plan Amendment occurred in 1985, when as a
r suIt of discussions with Mr. Lohuaru and of his Instigation, we prepared sane
p elirninary studies and plans, and met with the Planning Advisory Committee on the
2 th day of May, 1985, to seek agreerœnt to proceed with the Planning of the
ghlands portion of the development. At that time, the Township considered the
r quest, and agreed that joint planning could proceed, provided that three (3)
ings were done:
An Official Plan Amendment in the form of a Secondary Plan be prepared for
the whole of the Horseshoe Valley, Horseshoe Highlands Area;
A Secondary Plan Boundary be established on a Planning basis;
That technical studies, particularly related to Water Supply would be
I On that basis, the first drawing of the Secondary Plan was prepared, and this
as submitted particularly with a Boundary to the Township in a formal manner,
n the 30th day of July, 1985, and the drawing was reviewed and discussed, and it
as determined that the Area concerned should be called the Horseshoe Resort Area.
The basis of the Amendment is to develop more specific policies with respect
t Residential, Commercial, and Recreational I;and Uses, and to more accurately
lineate these locations of these Uses.
I The Amendment itself, Part B of the Documentation, includes a number of
, I
11~emsSc: hedule
II "A" is the Land Use Documentation;
FollCMing that, Mr. Ian Wilson, and Associates, and Mr. Ian Wilson is in
ttendance tonight, canpleted a Water Supply Review, and that lead to the
reparation of the second drawing of the Secondary Plan Document, which was dated
e 26th day of February, 1986, and that was presented to the Planning Advisory
'ttee with a fair amount of detail on the 27th day of February, 1986. The
ship agreed to proceed further, and as a result, Meetings were held with the
'nistry of the Environment, the Simcoe County District Health Unit, as well as
e Township Consultants, and it was determined that the Ministry particularly,
d the Health Unit wished more extensive studies to be undertaken, on the
ound Waste Disposal for Sewage and of the Water Supply. As a result of that,
. Ian Wilson and Associates prepared specific Reports pertaining to the Soil
I aluation for Ground Disposal and the Water needs, those have been provided to
e Agencies, as well as to the TCMnship.
I This then lead, to the preparation of the third drawing of the Secondary Plan
ich was dated the 18th day of November, 1986, and incorporated all the
ditional data obtained, and it was submitted formally to the TCMnship, the
pwn,ship Consultants, and to the Ministry of the Environment, and presented and
viewed at the Planning Advisory Committee Meeting on the 27th day of November,
86. Subsequently, as requested, Township Council agreed that a Public Meeting
ould be held, as that has resulted in the Meeting held tonight. Following the
ting between the Township, the Township Consultants, and M.O.E., sane further
nor modifications were requested, and those have been incorporated into draft no'.
of what copies have been brought tonight, and which the basis of this Meeting
night is held.
I This then leads to the Document which is before you, which is the Official
ian Amendment in the form of a Horseshoe Resort Secondary Plan, and for this
se and for the purpose of the Open House, which unfortunately was not well
Schedule "E2" is the North Oro Official Plan Study, and that has to be amended
to specifically define the Area of the Secondary Plan;
3 Section lIA.Il" development agreerœnts are amended in order to specifically
'[ define that the agreements which may include such matters as Municipal
Services, and such other PUblic Utili ties, to which the Developer should
I pay the expenses of the Municipality, such as Consulting Services, Legal
I Services, etc.
~I The main part of the Documentation of the Planning sense is Section "5.18"
0 the existing Official Plan, which is deleted in its ent~rety an~ ~eI?laced
w th the Land Use policies for the Secondary Plan. These lnclude lnltlally,
~neral development policies to which refe.r to such matters, as enacting and
, lementing By-laws, the appropriate setbacks of Buildings and Structures. The
T ship may require Terrain Analysis, and may require Noise Impact Analysis,
fwr specific development Proposals in accordance with the Official Plan Amendment,
1d the Secondary Plan.
II The Servicing policies proposed would require that any new development in
t#e Highlands Area would be provided with a Water System, to be approved by
I e Township, and the Ministry of the Environment. It is required that the new
stem be installed to the satisfaction of the TCMnShip and the Ministry of the
vironment, and operated satisfactorily for an agreed to period of time. As far
the Sewage Systems are concerned, it is established that Sewage Disposal should
by Subsurface Disposal Systems subject to approval by the Township, the Ministry
the Environment, and the SiIrcoeCounty District Health Unit.
As far as Roads are concerned, the Secondary Plan defines that there will be
( 2) Road types:
Municipal Roads;
Condcminium Roads.
II The Municipal Roads as is most carmon everywhere, would be dedicated to the
~ship, and thus Condcminium Roads would be maintained and owned by the
ndcminium Corporation itself, and on Schedule "F", the Secondary Plan, it is
ted that the Roads shCMn are schematic and the modifications would not require
amendment to the Official Plan or the Secondary Plan.
Finally, in the Document itself, it requires that agreements would be
tered into for development, operation, and maintenance, such are appropriate
tween the Township and the Developer.
Supplementary to that, however, are many number of Appendices, the initial
pendix relates to the Planning Status, noting the Official Plan Amendment,
r 15, which was approved by the Ministry of Housing, on the 19th day of
gust, 1983, and refers to the existing Zoning By-law No. l031, which would be
e implementing By-law for the Secondary Plan. There have been developed 258
S ngle Family Units, a 65 Unit Condcminium, and a 40 Unit Time-Share, totalling
3 3 Units, which have been developed, and all sold, and many of the places built
t¡ date.
The net result would be that the Resort Facility would occupy a less than
4 9% of the Area, the Residential LCM Density Area would occupy 41.2% of the
ea, the Medium Density would occupy 9.2% of the Area, and the Resort Commercial
uld occupy less than l% at 0.7%, the Recreational Canponent would occupy 40.7%
0 the Area, and a small Area of 3% is indicated as being in the neighbourhood
llector Roads would shCMs dramatically on the Secondary Plan for the total of
The greater population of Horseshoe Valley Area is in Mèdonte TCMnship
though the larger population will be in Oro Township. It indicates that the
u timate grCMth of the Coomuni ty will result in the Resort constituting perhaps
ut 28% of the population of the TCMnShip, if we assume that there is no
ther grCMth in the rest of the TCMnship, as we have been discussing earlier,
ere is grCMth occurring elsewhere, so it is likely that the Resort will not
anything more than 25%, possibility 20% of the population of the whole TCMnship.
it reaches maturity, in a period of maybe 15 - 20 - 25 years.
The final Appendix briefly reviews the School data, based on information
p ovided by the Simcoe County Board of Education, and the conclusion is that no
hcx:>l Site is warranted within the Secondary Plan Area."
e follCMing three (3) questions were asked by Councillor David Caldwell directed
t Mr. Jim Knox:
What development is proposed in Medonte Township in the near future?
There are 250 Units proposed in the near future on the Medonte Township
Could you please explain the Roads structure in Phase I of your Proposed
In the course of the study for the Soils capability, it was established that
that Area would be intended to be a Ground Disposal Area for the Medium
Density development, which was less desirable, as a result.
Could I have an explanation of Block liB" in Phase I?
In lcx:>king at that Area, it was decided that this really wouldn't serve as
any preference to the Township, it was suggested at this stage, that its'
Open Space, and it would be specifically implemented into the Secondary
Plan. This was a concept that derived I think originally about eight (8)
months ago, but it has been showing through.
The Reeve prior to closing the Meeting asked if anyl:xxly wished to be notified
the passing of the Proposed By-law, they were to leave their naræ and address
the Clerk.
seconded by Caldwell
it resolved that Council now adjourn @ 7:55 p.m.