04 27 1987 Sp Council Minutes !1 'I !; il ij i " Ii II Ii Ii I' Ii Ii II IIl\nIDAY, APRIL 27, 1987 @ 2 :36 P.M. - COUNCIL CHAMBERS it II " II FIFTY-FIFTH MEETING 1985-88 COUNCIL 'I THE CORPORATlOO OF THE 'l'a'JNSHIP OF ORO SPECIAL MEErING " " II0ro Council met this afternoon pursuant to adjournrrent at 112:36 p.m. with the following members present: Ii 'I II : I Reeve Robert E. Drury il Deputy Reeve Thelma Halfacre i: Councillor David Burton Ii Councillor David Caldwell II Councillor Robert SWerdon II 11 II Reeve Robert E. Drury chaired the rreeting. ,: il II Also present were: 11 II !I ;i Ii II II Ill. I' II i12. Deputations II 'I I II I] II I, II 113. 114. Ccmnunications I! I' II( a) II(b) IMotion No.1 I! If10ved by Caldwell, seconded by Halfacre il I~ it resolved that the following correspondence be received and filed: ,I !' 141, (a) Gary W. Luhowy, Solicitor re: By-law No. 86-50 and O.P. Amendment No. 22 as arrended II (b) Gary w. Luhowy, Solicitor re: By-law No. 86-50 and O.P. Amendment I, No. 22 as arrended ~tion No.2 ~ved by Halfacre, seconded by SWerdon I ~~ it resolved that a By-law to Provide for the Sale of Lot 11, Registered ~an 1501, pt. Lot 1, Concession 14, be introduced and read a first and I~econd titre and numbered By-law No. 87-34. Carried. Ii " ~at By-law No. 87-34 be read a third titre, and finally passed, be ~ngrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Reeve. Carried. Ii ttIotion No.3 I; Waved by Burton, seconded by SWerdon I: ~ it resolved that Council now adjourn @ 3:20 p.m. Carried. Mr. & Mrs. B. Hicks, Mr. D. Woronka, Mrs. Fran Hanney, Mrs. Ann McIntyre, Mrs. M. Elliott, Mrs. D. Williams, Mr. Gary Luhowy. Also present was one member of the press. Disclosure and Declaration of Conflict of Interest - none declared ( a) 2:36 p.m. Mr. Gary Luhowy, Solicitor for the Barrie Automotive Flea Market Association spoke to Council concerning proposed By-law No. 87-31 being a By-law to Amend By-law No. 86-50 and its associated Site Plan Agreerrent. Reports of Municipal Officers - none Gary W. Luhowy, Solicitor re: No. 22 as amended. Gary W. Luhowy, Solicitor re: No. 22 as arrended. By-law No. 86-50 and O.P. Amendment By-law No. 86-50 and O.P. Amendment