08 18 1987 Sp Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1987 - COUNCIL CHAMBERS SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING SIXTY-NINTH MEETING 1985-88 COUNCIL Oro Council met this evening pursuant to adjournment at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Reeve Robert E. Drury Deputy Reeve Thelma Halfacre Councillor David Burton Councillor David Caldwell Councillor Robert Swerdon Reeve Robert E. Drury chaired the meeting. Also present were: Mr. Ron Robinson and Mr. Harry Gillespie I. Disclosure and Declaration of Conflict of Interest - none declared 2. Deputations 7:50 p.m. Mr. Ron Robinson, Township Engineering Consultant, with Ainley & Associates and Mr. Harry Gillespie met with Council in Committee of the Whole to discuss Industrial Property Motion No. 1 Moved by Burton, seconded by Swerdon Be it resolved that Council suspend Rule 6 of By-law No. 87-46 to allow Council to meet without 48 hour notice. Carried. Motion No. 2 Moved by Swerdon, seconded by Burton Be it resolved that Council go into Committee of the Whole @ 7:56 p.m. with Ron Robinson and Harry Gillespie. Carried. Motion No. 3 Moved by Halfacre, seconded by Caldwell Be it resolved that Council rise and report from Committee of the Whole @ 10:50 p.m. Carried. Motion No. 4 Moved by Burton, seconded by Swerdon Be it resolved that if Mr. H. Gillespie establishes himself as the owner of the industrially zoned lands presently owned by Mr. J. Wright, we agree to development of the lands by Mr. Gillespie or a Company of which he is a principal, on the following basis and/or conditions: (I) the appropriate I foot reserves required by the Municipality be provided when requested by the Township Solicitor; (2) roadways be constructed with a minimum of 18 inches of gravel, 2 inch lift of asphalt, open ditch drainage, 22 feet wide with 4 foot shoulders to a design acceptable to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, and overhead hydro facilities; (3) that if a public road access is requested by the Developer to Highway No. 11 it be constructed at the Developer's expense with a design and location acceptable to the M.T.C.; (4) that when 75% of the frontage on a given road is sold, the Developer shall complete the roadway for approximately 1300 feet from Line 4 and provide the asphalt surface when directed by the Township; - 2 - (51 the TownshiP will accommodate the sale and purchases of property, provided the Developer deposit cash or letter of credit for construction of the roadway to the extreme limit of the frontage of the property. as a condition of sale of the property to the TownshiP; (6) the Developer be responsible for all legal, planning and engineering costs incurred by the TownshiP' (7) the Developer has the option of retaining either his own Engineer or using the TOwnshiP'S Engineers for design and construction supervision of the roadways and services. provided said Engineer is acceptable to the Township and all costs are to be bOrne by the Developer; (B) all offers to purchase industrial property shall be conditiOnal upon a site plan agreement satisfactory to the TownshiP' and further, the abOve conditions shall be subject to review by the Township solicitor. carried. ~tion NO. ~ Moved by swerdon, seconded by Burton Be it resolved that council nOW adjoUrn @ 11,00 p.m. carried. /eI;t.!/..L.iJ Administrator/Clerk Robert small