03 21 1988 Public Minutes II II il II " II 'I 'I Ii Ii II II II ~INETY-EIGHTH MEETING 1985-88 COUNCIL lhe following members of Council were present: II Ii Reeve Robert E. Drury II Deputy Reeve Thelma Halfacre II Councillor David Burton II Councillor David Caldwell II Councillor Robert Swerdon ~eeve Robert E. Drury chaired the meeting. ~llllso present were: K.S. Herbert, Russell Middleton, Tom Hunt, I George Oliver, James Scott, Ed McArthur, II David Eyre, Terry Patterson, William May, II Bruce Donnelly, Solicitor, Ron Watkin, II Planning Consultant and Holly Spacek, Township Planner eeve Robert E. Drury opened the meeting by explaining to those Iresent that the purpose of the Public Meeting was to ,ntroduce a proposed zoning by-law amendment under Section 34 (12) ;'f the Planning Act. The proposed zoning amendment is to ezone those lands located in Part of Lot 1, Concession 14, 'I~om the Holding "H" zone and the Inherent Hazard Lands "OS2" one to the General Residential "RG" zone and to the Recreational Ind Open Space (OSl) zone. The purpose of this rezoning is to pne these lands in accordance with a proposed single family esidential plan of subdivision for this area. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING otice of the public meeting was circulated to the area ffected and to all land owners within 120 metres on ebruary 27, 1988 as well as in the Barrie Examiner and Orillia acket and Times, in accordance with Ontario Regulations. n addition, notices were sent to Agencies considered to have n interest in the matter. ~he Reeve then asked the Clerk if there had been any correspondence tleceived on this matter. The Clerk responded that there had ~een no correspondence received. ~he Reeve then stated that all persons present would be ~fforded the opportunity of asking questions with respect to - ~he proposed rezoning amendment. Reeve Drury then turned the .eeting over to the Township Planning Consultant, Mr. Ron Watkin f Ainley and Associates who explained the purpose and affect ~f the proposed amendment. 'he Reeve then asked those present if they had any questions or oncerns with regard to the proposal. avid Eyre: We are particularly concerned with this Subdivision because of the experience we have had with Heathwood Estates built in Orillia Township. My immediate concern is that it is being built very close to the North River and the hydro easement. Is there any quarantee from the Developer that there will be controls for erosion and siltation before this subdivision starts. Watkin: Relative to this situation, the Ministry of Natural Resources is going to require that type of work be done. Now that we are aware of this concern, it can be addressed to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs as a draft condition of approval. Donnelly: I am the Solicitor for the applicant and we are quite familiar with your concerns. This matter has been discussed directly with the Ministry of Natural Resources and they feel there is a large area of latitude to make an adjustment farther along the North River II II " Ii :1 II Ii II Ii ilBruce Donnelly: ,I ,I II II II II II IIDavid Eyre: II II IIRon Watkin: ii I: IIDavid Eyre: I[ II IIRon Watkin: II II IIDavid Eyre: II II IIRon Watkin: Ibavid Eyre: II II ¡iRon Watkin: Ii II II [I II II Ii II II 'I II II II \1 II II II liaVid Eyre: pruce Donnelly: II ,I II II d Ii II II II [I II Ii II II 'II : Ii lþavid Eyre: II II II II ~om Hunt: II II II II II II II II II II iI " II II II II II I' 'I ¡[ II II - 2 - The Ministry of Natural Resources is also aware that the subdivision bounds onto an environmental sensitive area and they must approve of the drainage plans. Will there be individual septic tanks? Yes, there will be 68 residences. Would you then say this is high density residential? No, it would be considered low density. How big are the lots? 1100 square metres - 12,000 square feet. I live across the road from this and I am not objecting to the subdivision itself, but I question what you term low density. All the powers to be have to look at this and give their graces: septic systems are not going to be approved here unless the Health Unit is satisfied that it is capable of functioning properly. It will be on a municipal water system and the Ministry of Environment will regulate and control the water problems. Mr. Johnson has a right to develop this subdivision as anyone else does and if he meets the conditions of those agencies that are responsible, then he has the right to proceed with it. Yes, but I am wondering if the services in that area are big enough to support what he is doing there. The preliminary discussions with the Ministry of Natural Resources indicated that with 2 very deep wells it would be much less likely to interfere with the water table of the properties around it. The engineers, Mr. Stanton and Township Staff agree that it would lessen the impact on the environment of the surrounding area if a controlled municipal water system was used. This is a very expensive alternative but Mr. Johnson felt it would not create as many problems within the area. Also, most of the lots are greater in size than the minimum requirements of the Township and the County Health Unit require for septic tank systems. If this subdivision proceeds, I think you'll have to install traffic lights at Prices Corners because we have problems getting off of Horseshoe Valley Road now. I live on Orser Drive, Lot 13, and I know Mr. Donnelly touched on the water concern, but the main concern the people in our subdivision is the water supply. I know the Ministry of Environment says how much water capacity is required for this size of development but if he's given the approval to go ahead and there's a problem with the water I don't think we would be going to the Develo. )er, I think we'd be going to the Township. # Watkin: Drury: Watkin: illor Swerdon: Watkin: Donnelly: Eyre: Donnelly: .Reeve Halfacre: Donnelly: Eyre: Watkin: Drury: - 3 - The Developer is responsible to satisfy the Ministry or he doesn't get approval. The Township is not responsible. Ron, could you touch upon the type of questions the Ministry of Environment would ask a Developer. They would ask as much as they can. The developer who have to submit an hydrologist report showing the amount of water that is available, the volume required to service the development, provision for storage and fire protection etc. Ron, I would just like some clarification if in fact this subdivision is completed with 68 homes and 6 months or a year later it is found that wells adjacent to the area begin to run out of water, what happens then? The studies are done in advance and the problems addressed properly so that that doesn't happen. I understand that there is an interim period after the development is completed where the Developer still retains responsibility of the water system. Then if something did go wrong and it affected me, would that mean I would have restitution? I don't know whether you would have restitution but you would have some course of action. The preliminary information we have from the Ministry and Mr. Stanton is that there is a lot of water available in the area and it's just a matter of going deep enough and draining it in such a way that it doesn't affect the neighbouring properties. Mr. Donnelly, do I understand that the water table will be ascertained initially and that later on if anyone's well runs dry, and it is proven that it results from the development, would the Developer be responsible? As I mentioned earlier, there is an interim period where the Developer is responsible but I don't know for how long, at some point the Township will assume it and become responsible. I would like to mention that Lot 70 is where the well will be situated which was chosen by our Engineer, based upon'the knowledge and factors obtained, and in fact there could even be an artesian well in that area. I still question what I have said before, that the volume of service requirements for that particular density isn't sufficient. This subdivision may have more dwellings in terms of density than an adjacent development but the services are adequate. Tonight we are just concerned whether anyone has any opposition to the rezoning changes which are being made on these lands. Are there any further questions? . . II II ¡I II II II I rruce Donnelly: II II II II II III I II Ms there were no further questions from those present, the ~eeve in closing the meeting, thanked those in attendance ~or their participation and advised that Council will consider III matters before reaching a decision: he also advised those resent that if they wished to be notified of the passing of he proposed by-law, that they should leave their name and ddress with the Clerk. I ~otion No.1 ~ ~oved by Swerdon, seconded by Burton II ~e it resolved that the Special Public Meeting is now ~djourned @ 7:45 p.m. Carried. II Ii ~ev~t f ~ II II II II II II II II Ii II II II II II I I II II II II II I, I II I I I II II I' II II Ii II II II II II ii' I, II Ii II - 4 - I would just like to comment that the points raised tonight are concerns that we hope will be addressed and satisfied. With respect to the proposal, there is strong need and market for homes in this area and our client hopes to provide some 68 homes for residents. /~w~¿l \