01 27 1989 Sp Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1989 @ 9:00 A.M. - COMMITTEE ROOM SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING S VENTH MEETING 1988-1991 COUNCIL C uncil met this day pursuant to adjournment at 9:00 a.m. with t e following members present: Reeve Robert E. Drury Deputy Reeve David Caldwell Councillor David Burton r~"'1r::illor Alastair Crawford Councillor Allan Johnson present were: Ms. Lynda Mungall and Ms. Bev Paquette Robert E. Drury chaired the meeting. Robert E. Drury opened the meeting with a prayer. 1 Disclosure and Declaration of Conflict of Interest None declared 2 Consent Agenda None 3 Deputations: 9:15 a.m. Mrs. Lynda Mungall and Ms. Bev Paquette, representing the Consulting Firm of Woods Gordon discussed with Council the results of the salary survey and pay equity study. (This portion of the meeting was held in Committee of the Whole) 4 Reports of Municipal Officers None 5 Communications None M 1 M No. 2 M ed by Crawford, seconded by Johnson B it resolved that we go into Committee of the Whole @ :15 a.m. Carried. M~ ed by Burton, seconded by Crawford I B~ it resolved that we rise& report from Committee of the W~ Ie @ 11:58 a.m. Carried. M~~ion No.3 I M9~ed by Caldwell, seconded by Johnson B~ it resolved that the Woods Gordon report dated January 23, 1 9 concerning results of salary survey and pay equity study r ommendations 1 through 5 be adopted and further the 1989 s ary range be adopted and the Administrator/Clerk is to p~ pare recommendations on individual staff members salaries W'I hin the approved 1989 salary range structure. '" - - 2 - vote requested by Councillor Burton: Councillor Burton Councillor Crawford Deputy Reeve Caldwell Councillor Johnson Reeve Drury yea yea yea yea yea Carried. tion No. 4 by Burton, seconded by Johnson resolved that the Corporation of the Township of Oro direct the Administrator/Clerk to correspond with the Minister 0, Municipal Affairs to request a study to be undertaken by t e Ministry into the feasibility of a Ward System being e tablished within the Township and further this study be u dertaken at the earliest possible date in order that it m y be considered prior to the next Municipal Election. I R corded vote requested by Councillor Burton: Councillor Johnson Councillor Crawford Deputy Reeve Caldwell Councillor Burton Reeve Drury yea yea yea yea yea Carried. M tion No. 5 M ved by Caldwell, seconded by Johnson B it resolved that a By-law to Amend By-law No. 89-3 a By-law t Provide for the Annual Interim Tax Levy for 1989 be i troduced and read a first and second time and numbered B -law No. 89-12. Carried. T at By-law No. 89-12 be read a third time and finally p ssed, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by t e Reeve. Carried. M tion No. 6 M ,ved by Crawford, seconded by Burton I B it resolved that we do now adjourn @ 12:07 p.m. Carried. ~.-" c~43:.y R