02 14 1989 COW Minutes \ ." ì THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING Present: Reeve Robert E. Drury Deputy Reeve David Caldwell Councillor Alastair Crawford Councillor Allan Johnson Absent: Councillor David Burton due to illness Also Present Were: Mr. James Zerney & Mr. Jim Myers, Solicitor Reeve Robert E. Drury chaired the meeting. 1. DISCLOSURE AND DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST None declared 2. DEPUTATIONS (a) 5:00 p.m. Mr. James Zerney along with his Solicitor Mr. Jim Myers, spoke to the Committee with regards to an agreement of purchase and sale for Part Lot 16, Concession 14, (Sites 15 & 16). (This portion of the meeting was held In-Camera) 3. FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION AND FIRE The following correspondence and items for discussion were ed: Treasurer as of December 31, 1988 re: expenses paid to Members of Council, Committees under Section 243 of the (a) Statement of the remuneration and Local Boards and Municipal Act (b) By-law to provide for the Remuneration and Expenses to Members of Council for its Appointees to Local Boards and Committees and Expenses for Employees (c) Township Employees 1989 Remuneration Report (d) Henry Sander, Treasurer, memo re: Volunteer Fireman personal coveralls (e) Woods Gordon, Summary of Council Orientation Session held January 12th and 13th, 1989 (f) Henry Sander, Treasurer, Memo re: Five Year Capital Forecast 4. PUBLIC WORKS following correspondence and items for discussion were sented: None 5. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT following correspondence and items for discussion were sented: None 6. COMMUNITY SERVICES following correspondence and items for discussion were sented: None \ . - 2 - Motion No.1 Moved by Crawford, seconded by Caldwell It is recommended that the memo from Henry Sander, Treasurer concerning damaged volunteer firefighter coveralls be received and further the policy for the Corporation of the Township of Oro will be as follows: "the Township of Oro will not pay for any personal clothing worn by Volunteer Firefighters". Carried. Motion No.2 Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Crawford It is recommended that the correspondence from Woods Gordon concerning the results of Council's orientation session held January 12th and 13th, 1989 be received. Carried. Motion No.3 Moved by Johnson, seconded by Caldwell It is recommended that the memo from Henry Sander, Treasurer along with the Five Year Capital Forecast be received. Carried. Motion No.4 Moved by Crawford, seconded by Johnson It is recommended that the Statement of the Treasurer as of December 31, 1988 with regards to the remuneration and expenses paid to members of Council, local boards and committees as per the requirements of the Municipal Act, be received. Carried. Motion No.5 Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Crawford It is recommended that we go In-Camera @ 3:08 p.m. Carried. Motion No.6 Moved by Crawford, seconded by Johnson It is recommended that we rise and report from In-Camera @ 7:00 p.m. Carried. Motion No.7 Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Crawford It is recommended that the Administrator/Clerk prepare the necessary by-laws to provide for the remuneration and expenses to members of Council for its appointees to local boards and committees and expenses for employees and further this by-law is to be presented to the March 6, 1989 Council Meeting. Carried. by Caldwell, seconded by Johnson It is recommended that the report from Robert W. Small, istrator/Clerk with regards to the 1989 remunerations for Township employees be adopted as amended and further the Administrator/Clerk is directed to prepare the necessary -laws for the Council Meeting to be held on March 6, 1989. Carried. ! " - 3 - " ' . . Motion No.9 Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Crawford It is recommended that the Agreement of Purchase and Sale from James Zerney, described as Part of Lot 16, Concession 14 (Lots 15 & 16) be accepted subject to receipt of revised acceptable offers by February 27, 1989 at $~DOO.OO per acre. . Carried. Motion No. 10 Moved by Johnson, seconded by Crawford It is recommended that we do now adjourn @ 7:20 p.m. Carried. I7J r~- Reeve Robert E. Dru c ~c:~ JLci1-f1