02 27 1989 Public Minutes
¡The following members of Council were present:
¡IAlso present were:
Reeve Robert E. Drury chaired the meeting.
11...~..Reeve Robert E. Drury opened the meeting by explaining to those
. resent that the purpose of the Public Meeting was to present
the results of an Industrial/Commercial Study prepared by
. inley & Associates Ltd. Reeve Drury also informed those
ersons present that this Study may result in an Official Plan
mendment which would provide policies to allow for future
'ndustrial/commercial growth by establishing certain criteria.
Reeve Robert E. Drury
Deputy Reeve David Caldwell
Councillor David Burton
Councillor Alastair Crawford
Councillor Allan Johnson
Ron Watkin, Bev Nicolson, Peter Simpson,
Jack Besse, Ella Besse, K. Sarantopoulos,
A. Spanos, Norm McKay, A.M. Guirguis,
F. Yousof, Giovanni Quinto, Paul Perri,
Ken Crawford, Robert Swerdon, Doug and
Sheila Ferris, Paul Kelland, Joe Domia,
Domenic Domia, Ron Kolbe, Mr. & Mrs. Fred
Arff, Larry Ainsworth, Donald R. MacDonald,
Gary Tonge, Ron Sommers, T. Bryczko, Holly
Spacek, Shirley Woodrow, Gail Robinson,
Rick Vanderzande, Roy Campbell and one
member of the press
otice of the public meeting was advertised in both the Barrie
xaminer and the Orillia Packet and Times.
he Reeve then asked the Deputy-Clerk if there had been any
orrespondence received on this matter. The Deputy-Clerk
esponded by indicating that there had been no correspondence
he Reeve then stated that those persons present would be
fforded the opportunity of asking questions with respect to
he Study and proposed Official Plan Amendment. Reeve Robert
. Drury then turned the meeting over to the Township
lanning Consultant Ron Watkin of Ainley and Associates, to
in the findings and results of the Industrial/Commercial
he Reeve then asked those present if they had any questions
r comments with regards to the proposal.
onald MacDonald:
How many acres of agricultural land are
proposed in this study to be used?
We didn't calculate an actual figure. We
looked at determining where, under the criteria
used: which could be taken out of agricultural
aId MacDonald:
(Presented Council with a prepared statement
with respect to the study and verbally read
the contents to all those present).
- 2 -
. .
Bob Swerdon:
I am glad that the information presented
tonight has cleared up any coßcerns I had.
There have been many comments in the past
by many people who drive through the
highway corridor, how mix, matched., untidy and
unpleasant it is to the eye. I think
that instead of just relying Oft Site Plan
Agreements, that there should be some type
of special policy within the proposed
Official Plan Amendment so that the people
who drive along the highways will be left
with a feeling that Oro is a pleasant place
to drive through.
Ron Watkin:
We have two sections within the document, one
stating that Council shall ensure that
developments in this area are properly
designed and landscaped to marntain an
attractive and neat appearance when viewed
from abutting streets. There is another
section which refers to acceleration and
deceleration and required service roads.
Tony Bryczko:
I am concerned about the asphalt plant
to be located on Cashway Road and the
heavy trucks and traffic utilizing the
Reeve Drury:
Your concern doesn't really apply to this
amendment but I would suggest that you
put your concerns in writing to Council.
Paul Kelland:
I understand Mr. MacDonald's feelings
when this type of development takes place.
It's important for the area to have growth
but I would hope not at the risk of using
farm land.
Ron Watkin:
One of the key areas we looked at was the
avoidance of environmental protection areas.
The areas shown on the maps are in general,
protected areas by the Ministry of Natural
Resources. In that sense, I think if there
was an area not shown to be environmental
and not within the mandate of the Natural
Resources, that Council could give some
consideration to that area. At the moment,
those areas are not suitable for any
development at all.
Larry Ainsworth:
It's pretty hard for farmers to operate on
Environmental Protection lands.
Ron Watkin:
I'm not talking about farming on environmental
protection. That area is considered not
to be developable in any sense.
Reeve in closing the meeting, thanked those in attendance
for their participation and advised that Council would
sider all matters before reaching a decision. He also
ised those present that if they wished to be notified
f the passing of the proposed by-law, they should leave
ir name and address with the Deputy-Clerk.
by Johnson, seconded by Burton
it resolved that we do now adjourn this Special Public
ting @ 8:25 p.m. Carried.