01 30 1992 Sp Council 1:30
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held under Section 34 of the Planning
Act on January 30/92 at 1: 30 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present - Reeve - I.Beard
Deputy Reeve - N. Dalziel
Councillors - D. Bell
- M. Martin
- W. Dickie
Also Present - Mr. J. Alexander
B8f?ve Beard called the meeting to order at 1: 30 P.M.
:rhe Clerk ad\Ctsed tl:l9se~~attendance that the meeting was called to consider
EFie rezoning of a Lot, Pt Lot 1 Con 5 being created by severance from Rural (RU)
to Rural Residential (R3).
.~~ also advised that notice was given in accordance with the provlslons of the
Planning Act by publishing in the January 9/92 issue of the Barrie Examiner as
well as mailing out to 4 property owners as well as the required Government
Ministries and Agencies. He read a letter from the Township of Oro advising
they had no objection to the rezoning. Mr. Alexander presented a letter from
Mrs. Anne Douglas, stating she had no objection to the proposed rezoning.
I:1~._~~fl;:> Marshall, "th~~~,::rownship Planning Consultant presented her planning
report on the severance outlining the Township Official Plan Policies. She then
presented a proposed rezoning By-law which would rezone both the lot being
created and the retained parcel.
fhere VY~~Lg brief g;Qesj:;:.:k.Qil. and answer period.
Reeve Beard_ advis~d..".tpose~;Lll. attendance that the By-law would be presented to
Council at their meeting on February 10/92 and asked for any written corrments by
that date.
Reeve Beard declared the meeting closed.