01 30 1992 Sp Council 7:00
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte on January
30, 1992 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present - Reeve - I. Beard
Deputy Reeve - N. Dalziel
Councillors - D. Bell
- M. Martin
Absent - Councillor - W. Dickie
Also Present - Mr. B. Roger, Reid & Associaties
Mr. J. Hawn, Reid & Associates
13 Persons
Reeve Beard called the meeting to order and welcaned those in attendance.
't.he Clerk advised the audience_ that the meeting was called to present the draft
of the Township's study under the Development Charges Act. He advised that
notice of the meeting was given by publishing in the January 9/92 issues of the
Orillia Packet & Times, Barrie Examiner, Midland Times, Coldwater Canadian and
Elmvale Lance. He also advised that a copy of the report was mailed out to all
parties presently pursuing developments within the Township.
He_ advised that~.QYY%lship_Consul ~ would present an overview of the report
and would answer questions but that Council also required all corrments in
writing for their consideration before adoption of a By-law.
~~Qger ~id & Associates gave a presentation on the study outlining it
was based on the Township Capital Expenditure Forecast for a 10 year period. He
reviewed the projected growth figures for housing units and population. He then
reviewed the method for determining the proposed levy which is estimated at
3457.00 per lot. He noted that based on this figure, new development would be
responsible for payment of 39% of the projected capital costs.
B.~y~~rd opeJ:led !:~floof for questions.
M:r.!""_Yasey.._as]sgg_ if the charge would apply to existing lots.
Mf. Ro~_ advi~ that it was up to Council and they could set up a period of
grace or a transition period for existing lots.
Mr. R. Mead~as1s~ why water was not included in the report.
~r. l1oger_~lained" that the report covered only items corrmon to all development
and that items such as water system upgrade and sewage would be dealt with
separately, either in their own report or by front ending agreements.
of Hedburn Developments noted that he had two proposals which were
affected and that he had hired Mr. Vince Decarlo of R.G. Robinson 7 Associates
to review the report and that they would express their concerns in writing.
J"lr ~9v~ Bacbl-y~~_ked when the charges would be payable.
M;t;:.Roge;J:;:~19-iP~c1 :tha,t the legislation noted the latest time for payment was
at building permit time but that the charge for hard services could be collected
ear lier . He advised that the Township would negotiate the time in the
development agreements and would be looking to collect sane of the fee earlier.
l1r.L. :Sachly~ed if the figure would be adjusted for inflation.
M;r~~swered that the report recorrmends Council review the figure
regularly for inflation using the Southam Building Index figures.
January 30, 1992
Page two
Mr. Rex
asked about front ending agreements.
.M!:~."~:t;:. adviseQ... that some developments would require upgradings and capital
expenditures in conjunction with the development and that front end agreements
would be required or the Township would not allow the development to proceed.
12~~!y~geey~Dalzie.1 asked the developers in attendance if the charge would be
detremental to development in the Township.
Ii~:t:"e~J::LE?yelo:g:nE2Dts advised they felt the charge would be detremental.
t-1E~~9.ve Bach1Y~gyi~.E?c:1. that the report clearly laid out what levies were
required and why he felt this was better then past methods. He stated that the
real problem with development was the response time of the Provincial
l:!:t:". B. Still advised that his concern was that the present economic condition
made it very hard for the developer to pass on the costs to the purchaser.
Reeve Beard asked everyone in attendance to submit written corrments by February
1 0/92.
The meeting adjourned at 8: 15 P.M.