02 10 1992 Council Minutes THE CORPORA'l'ION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on Monday, February 1 0, 1992 at 7: 00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present - Reeve - 1. Beard Deputy Reeve - N. Dalziel Councillors - D. Bell - M. Martin - W. Dickie ADOPTION OF MINUTES ~ Resolution 9~:;34 wa~ passe<;1 as follows: " That the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on January 22, 1992, the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on January 27, 1992, the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on January 29, 1992, the minutes of 8 Special Meetings held uner Section 34 of the Planning Act on January 30, 1992 and the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council on January 30, 1992 be adopted as printed and circulated". . C.Q1!Ilcil rev~9posed Rezoning By-laws which resulted from the Public Meetings under Section 34 of the Planning Act on January 30/92. Besol~,2B5 was passed~l.{eCQ:J:"ded ...:sLote as follows: " That a By-law to amend By-law 1990-22 as amended be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 10th Day of February, 1992 and numbered By-law 1992-08". Ye$s - Martin, Bell, Dalziel, Beard Nays - Dickie ResQluti~~VY:213 passed by Recorded Vote as follows: " That a By-law to amend By-law 1990-22 as amended be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 10th Day of February, 1992 and numbered By-law 1992-09". ~ - Martin, Bell, Dalziel, Dickie, Beard Resolution 92-3.~~d by R~};:~9- Y2:t;:~ as follows: " That a By-law to amend By-law 1990-22 as amended be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 10th Day of February, 1992 and numbered By-law 1992-10". ~ Yeahs - Bell, Beard - Dickie, Dalziel, Martin ,ResQ].ution 92-38 was passed by Recorded Vote as follows: " That a By-law to amend By-law 1990-22 as amended, be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 10th Day of February, 1992 and numbered By-law 1992-10". - Yeahs - Martin, Bell, Dalziel, Beard N.9Y?_- Dickie ~?2.~:tioQ"".~.f=12~~al:)...P9:l?SeQ.."l?L.RecQ!:Q.ed _.Y9~ as follows: . II That a By-law to amend By-law 1990-22 as amended, be considered read a flrst and second time, read a third time and passed this 10th Day of February, 1992 and numbered By-law 1992-11 II . Yeahs - Dickie, Martin, Bell, Dalziel, Beard _~m__"~~'''~_ Monday, February 1 0, 1992 Page two THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE R~~oJ"l1tion 92-40 was passed by Recorded VQte_ as follows: " That a By-law to amend By-law 1990-22 as amended be considered, read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 10th Day of February, 1992 and numbered By-law 1992-12". .x~s - Martin, Bell, Dalziel, Beard !,!g:;lS... - Dickie R~1?Qlllj:;i9IL92~-::4L:Wg~.p-1ls1?ed. bb Re..corded. VQt~. as follows: " That a By-law to amend By-law 1990-22 as amended be considered, read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 10th Day of February, 1992 and numbered By-law 1992-13". - Bell, Dalziel, Martin, Beard ~- Dickie ~ Councillor Martin declared a conflict of interest on this matter and left the Council Chambers. ReSQlllti9!l92=4.2 wg.1Lpa1?sed b.Y_R~corded_Vote as follows: " That a By-law to amend By-law 1990-22 as amended be considered, read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 10th Day of February, 1992 and numbered By-law 1992-14". Yeahs - Dickie, Bell, Dalziel, Beard 1) <;::Qlli1cil~gS2.Qi.g~St_.t9_..he,Y~~j~;.J?J2f:29_ig.l_l1gS2ting on February 14/92 at 9: 00 a.m. to review the responses received to the Develop1l8nt Charges Study. 2) CQUJ)~egted..j;;be...Q.lerk forward correspondence from Mr. P. Kells regarding his serverance application to the Corrmittee of Adjustment for their consideration. 3) RS2l?Q;L1J:tj::Q!L92-43 was passed as follows: " That Council approves of payment of $1,532.71 to Skelton Brumwell & Associates being the Township portion of the costs of the Peto-MacCullum soil sampling on boundary roads for the proposed Medonte Estates Subdivision". ~ QELEGATIONS 1) ~ ROIl.-Milll?....9L Mills. Plan Consul tinjJ Services approached Council on several matters. He addressed the proposal of Mr. L. Horne, pt Lot 51 Con 1 to sever a lot which would be rezoned for a dry industrial use. Council deferred any action for further consideration. - Mr .~illi~~J;:il.. that the Ministry of the Environment has advised him that they would require a reduction in lots to 4 from 14. He advised that this is an unacceptable to allow the develop1l8nt to proceed. He advised the developer is looking to create a storm retention pond on site which might allow more lots. HEL.~~a new plan would be submitted for Council I s consideration in the future. f>1b Mills then disc~ with Council the Township severance policy and how its interpretation has affected his property. He advised that he still has a request for a rezoning before Council to realign the Environmental Zoning on his property. The Council advised Mr. Mills they were hopeful to amend the the severance policies in the Official Plan. Monday, February 10, 1992 Page three THE mRPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE 2) Mr. Sheldon Rosen"". of _,!,~g._!i[9lj:l1~Conv~!lJ::.:iQ!l."y~entr€?_ approached Council to once again request his rezoning for his convention centre. He noted that Council could employ a Holding Zone until he provided all the necessary information. C:;2!d!:lill,~E~~st~rLinvestigate the use of the 7th Concession as the main access to the property. Council directed the Clerk set up a Public Meeting for the rezoning in March. ~oun9il._adjourned for a 1 0_ M~te ~~:fee ~!~~. 1 ) ~cil received ~:t:!:~J):'om Mrs. V. Rivers, Horseshoe Valley regarding snow ploughing. Council directed the Clerk advise that the Township could not lift the plough at her entrance. 2) R~sQ.l1dti911J21-41~wa~~~_~<j as follows: " That a By-law to authorize the execution of a Subdivision Agreement with J.H. Investments Inc. be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 10th Day of February, 1992 and numbered 1992-06". 3) <;_ouncil received a letter from Mrs. C. Gibson, Prices Comers regarding her parking a School Bus on Township Road. Council directed the Clerk advise that the Township does not have any parking By-laws to prohibit the parking and that the Zoning By-law allows her to park a Bus on her lot. 4) Council r~ceived a letter of carplaint from the Management of Simcoe Condo #35 regarding garbage pick up. Council directed the Clerk notify the collector to rectify the problem. 5) Council reviewed a letter of carplaint from Mrs. Thomas regarding the parking restrictions along Highway 93 in Hillsdale. Deputy Reeve Dalziel reported he was discussing modifications with the Ministry of Transportation and directed the Clerk advise Mrs. Thomas. 6) ResolutiQn 92-45 was paE!sed as follows: " That Mr. Ron Peters be authorized to attend a one day seminar for Secretaries of Carmittee of Adjustment on March 27/92 in Toronto". - 7) Resolution 92-46 was pass~ as follows: " That Council appoint Deputy Reeve Norman Dalziel as their representative to the Corrmittee of Mediators". 8) Resol~~47 ~~ssed as follows: " That Ron Peters be authorized to attend a one day Semlnar on Zoning to be held February 27/92 in Orillia". - 9) ResolutimJi~-:1!;L~s ~"' as follows: " That Council adopts the minutes of meetings of the Protection to Persons & Property Corrmittee and the Administration Corrmittee held on January 23/92". 1 0) ReaQlutian.-9~JIlilfLl.&!Ssed~as follows: " That Resolution 92-07 be amended to allow the Hillsdale Lion's Club sell Nevada Tickets from Thomas' Hillsdale General Store". VMiQus-9J;:he;L rem.rts~911d pieces of correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as informational. Monday, February 10, 1 992 Page four THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEroNTE J:bS~s.nIg OF A<;xDQRrJ2 1) BS2e91l!tion 92-~s.~.I;2a.SQed as follows: " That Roads Voucher #1 in the amount of $70,397.81 be approved for payment". 2) :Re$olutJon 5l~as follows: " That General Voucher #2 in the amount of $88,936.12 be approved for payment" . Q.QYDg.i.l~JJ..eQ.ided~Jneet on February 12/92 at 1: 00 P.M. to discuss wages and waste management. wo~ Resolution 92-52 was paEi.sm as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on February 24/92 at 7: 00 P.M.". ~ -