02 14 1992 Sp Council Minutes
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Friday,
February 14, 1992 at 9: 00 a.m. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present - Reeve - 1. Beard
Deputy Reeve - N. Dalziel
Councillors - D. Bell
- M. Martin
- W. Dickie
Also Present - Mr. B. Roger
Mr. P. Smith
Mr. W. Koughan
Councilm~rnetc"QllQ~J;~ the written corrments received from developers as a result
of the Development Charges Act Public Meeting.
Af~E2.:J::'..-Xs:yi..ewiDg~ tUg lettS2.rJ:; and the report Council decided that most of the
questions were due to a lack of understanding and Council directed their
consultants and Solicitor contact the parties and explain the report and advise
the developers a letter of explanation would follow. Council also agreed to hold
a meeting with all parties if required.
Council also discussed the matter of how to apply the charges of existing lots.
Council deferred a decision.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m.