03 25 1992 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held under Section 34 of the Planning Act on March 25/92 at 7:30 P.M. in the Moonstone Public School. Present - Reeve - I. Beard Councillors - D.Bell - M. Martin - W. Dickie Also Present - B. Marshall P. Smith S. Rosen 75 Ratepayers Reeve Beard called the meeting to order at 7: 35 p.m. and welcomed those in attendance. He introduced the members of the Council and the Township Staff in attendance. ~ The Clerk then advised that the purpose of the meeting was to consider the rezoning of a parcel of land, Part Lot 9 Con 8, from Rural and Low Environmental Sensitivity to Recreational Commercial Exception Holding and Low Environmental Sensitivity. If approved this would permit the construction of a 250 suite Conference Resort with a 500 seat restaurant facility, a private park and a detached dwelling as an accessory to a permitted use. He explained that the lands had been designated for the proposed use in the Township Official Plan since 1978 and that the lands had been zoned to permit the use in 1982. He explained that the zoning was removed in 1990 to require the developer provide an update of his proposal and do necessary studies. He advised that notification for the meeting was given in compliance with the regulations under the Planning Act by publishing in the Orillia Packet & Times, Barrie Examiner, Midland Times, Elmvale Lance and Coldwater Canadian. In addition copies of the notice were mailed out to 16 property owners in the area of the proposed development. In addition the notice was mailed out to various local provincial government Ministries and agencies asking for their comments. He then read letters to the meeting received from the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of the Environment, Simcoe County Health Unit, Mr. M. Bell and Mr. & Mrs. G. Bell. He then asked those people in attendance to sul:mit any corrments or concerns they had after the meeting in writing to Council by April 10/92 and asked anyone who wished to receive further notice to contact him to get on a mailing list. - Barbara Marshall, of McNair & Marshall, Township Planning Consultants then reviewed the Township planning documents as they related to the proposal. She outlined the Official Plan Policies for the proposal. She explained that the process after the rezoning required a site plan agreement with Council and then the issuance of a building permit. - She then explained the proposed Zoning By-law. She noted that the Township was only rezoning the actual lands proposed to be used to Corrmercial Recreational Holding. She explained that the Holding Zone meant that Council would not allow the zoning to come into place until all the technical information and studies were satisfactory in place. She explained that some preliminary studies, such as a preliminary hydrogeologic study of the property had been sul:mi tted. She recorrmended to Council that if the Zoning By-law is adopted, the following requirements be met before the Holding Zone is dropped. 1) Approval of the method of Sewage Disposal by the Township, the Simcoe County Health Unit and Ministry of Environment. 2) Approval of the proposed water supply by the Township and the Ministry of the Environment with respect to quantity, quality and impact on neighlx)Uring properties. March 25, 1992 Page two THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE 3) Approval of a Storn:water Management Plan approved by the Township and the Ministry of Natural Resources. 4) Approval of a Development Plan by the Ministry of Natural Resources regarding the Environmentally Zoned Lands. 5) Approval of a Traffic Study by the Township indicating the improvements to roads and cost involved for the access routes and the developers contribution. 6) Approval from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food with regard to the impacts on agricultural uses. 7) Approval of a Site Plan agreement by the Township and Ministry of Natural Resources. ~ Mr. Sheldon Rosen of True North Convention Centre then outlined his proposal. He noted the proposal was a dedicated Conference Centre which was quite different then a hotel. He explained that the development was a training centre for business people which would include a library, restaurant lounge, theatre, health club/spa and emergency treatment centre with doctor for the participants of seminars. He explained that the site was ideal to create an outdoor type stress free environment. He proposed outdoor facilities such as an (equestrian centre, cross country skiing as well as using the local ski hills and golf courses. He advised that the facility was to have natural gas and that there would be no on site laundry. He agreed that many studies would have to be done to ensure the proposal could proceed but noted that the preliminary studies had indicated it could. He advised the development would have a yearly operating budget of around 10 million dollars a year and that as much as possible would be spent locally creating employment as well as providing a tax base for the Municipality. Reeve Beard adjourned the meeting for 15 minutes to allow those in attendance to review the plans. After the break Reeve Beard opened the floor for questions. - Mr. DDuglas asked what affect the project would have on the neighbouring lands with respect to agricultural uses. Barb Marshall explained that existing uses would not be affected but that the Township Zoning By-law would prohibit new intensive agricultural uses. Reeve Beard noted the Council had concerns over any restricting agricultural uses. Mr. Rosen advised he would have no objection to any agricultural uses in the area. A ratepayer asked about access to the property. Mr. Rosen responded that studies are under way and that he is talking with Council. He noted that whatever route was chosen would have to be upgraded. He noted that the Ministry of Natural Resources had concerns alxmt opening the 7th Concession. Reeve Beard noted the probable access was the 6th Concession to the sideroad and across the sideroad. ~ A ratepayer asked if the project could co-exist with Horseshoe Valley. Mr. Rosen noted the proposal was different from Horseshoe Valley in that its use wasn't related to weather. He explained the Business people would be brought in from allover the world. He advised there is no other development like this in Ontario. A ratepayer asked what the time frame was for construction. Mr. Rosen explained that the main building and landscaping would all be constructed first. The various peripheral uses would be added on later. March 25, 1992 Page three THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE A ratepayer asked if local people would be used during construction. Mr. Rosen answered that it was his intention to use as much local labour and services as was possible, both during construction and after the project was operational. Mrs. List asked about the affect to local wells by the proposal. Mr. Rosen explained he would have to drill wells to provide adequate water or find an alternate supply. Reeve Beard noted there would have to be a hydrology study done and approved by the Township. Mr. Peter Smith, Township Engineer explained that the study must show that the proposal would not have a detrimental affect to any of the neighbouring wells. If something happended in the future, it would be up to the developer to correct the situation. ~ Mr. Kristoff noted that he felt it was a good proposal but located in the wrong area. He felt it was to close to the Coldwater River and would result in noise and sound pollution to the neighbouring properties. He felt the project was to large and would cause problems in the future and wonderec, who would clean up these problems. He also expressed concern over the affect to the agricultural area. Mr. Kristoff also questioned as to why the project has been proposed for so long and not proceeded. Reeve Beard responded that the present Council would set time frames for the development. He also advised that the existing Council, was against any development that would have any detrimental affects on the Coldwater River and that if any studies showed this would happen the Council would not support the project. Mr. Kristoff asked if Council was considering opening the 7th Concession for a more direct access. Reeve Beard advised this was being considered but that the Ministry of Natural Resources had concerns about this. Mr. Rosen advised that there would not be as much traffic as with a Hotel operation because the people remained on site. A ratepayer questioned how Natural Gas would be on site. Mr. Rosen advised he is proposing to run a main down the 7th Concession at his expense. A ratepayer questioned how much traffic would be generated locally by the proposed theatre. Mr. Rosen noted the theatre was intended for internal use and would not normally be used for scheduling outside groups or events. A ratepayer asked if this project would lead to further development in the area. Reeve Beard noted that nothing else was planned but it was impossible to predict the future. Barb Marshall explained that any future development would require an Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning. - A ratepayer asked when the project would start. Mr. Rosen explained there were still studies to be done but that he anticipated starting 9 months after the final approval with a two year ccnstruction period. Connie Cochrane asked that Council carefully study the economic viability of the developer and the project and suggested an Environmental Study be done before any development be allowed on Environmentally Sensi ti ve lands. ~ A ratepayer asked about employment created by the development. there could be up to 250 employees in total with three shifts. range from low to high wages. He explained that not all jobs locally but as many as possible would be trained. Reeve Beard asked everyone to su1:::mit any COITments they might have in writing by April 10, 1992. Mr. Rosen noted The jobs would would be filled He declared the meeting closed at 9:30 p.m. C