05 21 1992 Sp Council Minutes
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on May 21/92 at 7: 30 p.m. in
Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present - Reeve - I. Beard
Deputy Reeve - N. Dalziel
Councillors - D. Bell
- M. Martin
Absent - Councillor - W. Dickie
Also Present - A. McNair
P. Smith
B. Smith
R. Robinson
I. Wilson
M. Michalski
R. Jones
The Clerk advised that the Trustee's of the Police Village of Hillsdale had been
requested to atted the meeting. Council expressed concern that they had not
shown up.
Mr. B. Still approached Council to finalize his development plans for his
Hillsdale Development. He presented his phasing plan which would develop his
subdivision in three phases. The first phase would not require him to construct
a water tower but he would contribute towards the tower by way of a levy. The
tower would then be constructed as part of the second phase and all the stonn
drainage would be constructed as part of the third phase.
Mr. Still presented his streetlighting plan. He advised Council that the
Trustee's had not yet advised him if it was satisfactory. Council directed the
Clerk request the Trustee's forward their corrments and asked Mr. P. Smith to
review the proposal.
Mr. Still then presented his revised plan for rezoning certain lots to allow
smaller homes.
Mr. Still then presented his plans for a parkette development on one of the
Blocks designated for Stann Drainage.
There was a discussion in a letter from Mr. P. Smith which advised the upgrading
of the water system could be downsigned if the proposed Mertz development was
not considered. As Council had not seen anything on the Mertz proposal they
agreed and directed the Clerk advise Mr. Mertz.
Mr. R. Jones then requested Council reconsider the rezoning meeting of the Orr
Lake property owned by Mr. Still.
Mr. Robinson reviewed the Functional Servicing Report for the property outlining
the road system and stonn drainage plans.
Mr. I. Wilson reviewed the hydrology study of the property with regard to wells
and septics. He advised that test wells have been drilled and pumping tests
were about to be carried out. He advised that all land owners in the area would
be contacted so their wells could be monitored.
Mr. M. Michalski outlined the tests he would be carrying out on Orr Lake over
the SUImler, both by the use of models and actual testing to determine the
affects the development might have on Orr Lake.
Council thanked everyone for attending and advised they would consider all the
May 21, 1 992
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After consideration Council agreed to the following:
1 ) They approved of Mr. Stills phasing plan for Hillsdale subject that the
Township Engineer approve of the Engineering details.
2) They approved of Mr. Stills proposal for rezoning and directed the Township
Planning Consultant prepare the By-law.
3) They decided not to accept Mr. stills proposal to develop a parkette with
his Hillsdale development but take a cash contribution instead.
4) They directed the Clerk advise Mr. still that they would require that Block
72 be deeded to the Township for Drainage purposes.
5) They approved of proceeding with the rezoning meeting for the Orr Lake
development if the results of Mr. Wilson's and Mr. Michalski's studies were
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.