06 29 1992 Sp Council Minutes
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on June
29, 1992 at 7: 00 p. m. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present - Reeve
Deputy Reeve
- N.
- D.
Also Present - Nancy Bray - Planning Advisory Carmittee
Connie Cochrane - Planning Advisory Carmittee
Peter Kells - Planning Advisory Committee
Peter Smith - Reid and Associates
Al McNair - McNair & Marshall
Barb Marshall - MCNair & Marshall
Council met with the Planning Advisory Corrrnittee and their Engineer and Planners
to review the development proposal for condominium development in Horseshoe
Peter Smith presented the plans sub:nitted to date. He outlined his concerns over
the amount of trees that will have to be removed to get the density being
proposed. He also expressed concern over masi ve cut and fill required to place
the roads where proposed and the number and size of the retaining walls which are
proposed. He also noted he has not seen any plans for the proposed sewage
facilities for the development and has no idea how much land will be required.
He advised Council that he requires somewhat detailed plans for the entire
proposal in order to properly consider the detailed plans for phase 1 which have
already been sub:nitted. Barb Marshall noted that Council's Official Plan policy
for Resort Residential Development states that "the development shall be sited
such that there is minimal disturbance to the natural topography and tree cover
and shall be sited such that the residence blends into the natural landscape".
Council discussed the proposal and decided that Horseshoe Valley should be
invited to a meeting so the Township could explain they cannot approve the
development as proposed due to the significant disturbance of vegatation and high
degree of engineering and that Council also required sewage and water approvals.
Council met with the Planning Advisory Committee and discussed their proposal for
an Official Plan Amendment. After a general discussion Council directed the
Clerk contact the Ministry of Municipal Affairs regarding funding and as to
whether they will deal with a new plan this close to restructuring. It was also
decided to get prices on mapping. It was decided to attempt to eliminate the
Agricultural Designation and to have a minimum lot size of 1 acre for severance.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Dalziel
Seconded by Councillor Dickie
That this meeting be adjourned.
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